Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

US & NATO Fatigue Yields the Urge to Broker Peace Deal between Afghan Government & Taliban (Last Part)


US & NATO Fatigue Yields the Urge to Broker Peace Deal between Afghan Government & Taliban (Last Part)

The present governance system which is infiltrated with unskilled ragtag leaders with armed men, who had been involved in intrinsic war, campaign contributors and recently, those people with nexus to officials sitting in powerful positions in the government needs to be transformed.
More than ten billions US dollars coming to Afghan government every year– which forms the combined budget for military, cost of war and developmental projects – has turned every single government post a lucrative position, a mean to garner social recognition and wealth. Hence people sitting in higher positions have recruited individuals of their kinship and family members to occupy the posts in the government organization. Moreover, their performance is not linked to performance appraisal based upon measurable indices and people centered delivery of services. It is this hotchpotch prevailing in government system that led to loss of trust of the people on their government, and the subsequent advances of insurgency in rural areas across the country and most importantly, the loss of confidence of international community – including NATO and USA – on the ability of those running the government to change the current status quo.
Repeated failures on the part of Afghan government to sketch a road map for, and a way out of the present impasse, and to address acute ongoing social, political, security and economic problems simmering in the country since last five years, seems to have convinced international community that those sitting in leadership position of this government are failing to overcome stalemate and navigate the complexity of Afghan scenario. Bitter covert political infighting in the very ranks of Afghan government leadership i.e. the President and the Chief Executive Officer, had derailed the government services for almost two years when government of national unity was formed in September 2014. Political factions managed to appoint people with superficial tactical experience and understanding of Afghan scenario on key positions. Also, the Independent Electoral Commission and Election Compliant Commission could not live up to the people expectations. National agendum including military strategy, economic strategy, social development strategy and a framework that could encompass execution of nationally important matters, such as eradication of corruption from government system, eradication of narcotics and crack-down on irresponsible armed groups and criminal syndicates, which have spurred destabilizing the country, have been neglected. Government responses to all the present ills of the country have been spasmodic without holistic, structural, whole of government and whole of system approach. All the efforts of the government have been to show a glossy picture of its so called ‘outstanding performances’ on various fronts in international donor conferences to develop accountability framework towards the donors and international community and seeking for and garner more grants. Efforts are not oriented to win the confidence and trust of people and to develop self-reliance and self-sustainability. To say in other words, all efforts – including money, resources and time – that are put into support of the present state of affair by international community is keeping stalemate and mutual coexistence of the present situation. Now, it is evident that the western countries and regional supporters of Afghanistan government have very well noticed this tragic state of affairs and that’s why started unprecedented talks with Taliban. Therefore, a jump to sketch clear lines for coming out of the present impasse by international community, though belated, is the right step. People of Afghanistan and regional countries want to change the present status quo and want to enter into an era of peace and development based upon justice and equity. 

Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at mohammed.g.sahibbzada@gmail.com

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