Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

The Consequences of One Decade Negligence of Taliban


The Consequences of One Decade Negligence of Taliban

Undoubtedly, from 2004 to 2014, it was one of the most suitable periods for Taliban to re-growth. The Taliban has so strengthened, during this period, that the Afghan government, the United States and other allies involved in Afghanistan’s war and peace have come to believe that the Taliban must be recognized as a powerful political wing in the peace process. Even, there are bargaining at the international level meetings to get out the fate of Afghan government from the free election system. For example, we can point out to the time of peace agreement and the position of Taliban after signing the peace agreement. Anyway, this article is to have a glance at the causes and factors behind the growth of the Taliban due to negligence of governmental institutions and political parties that were monitoring the country’s affairs.
The peace process of Afghan government has lasted longer than it was expected, and this slowdown process led the Taliban group to use the opportunity for strength of its structure and army power. Since the beginning of the first peace talks, the government apparently hoped for symbolic movements and peaceful civil activities, which might lead the terrorist group to peace table through the promotion of peace culture and social activities.  The truth, however, is that social peace advocacies need longer period of time and more systematic approaches; on the other hand, advocacies do not have necessary impact on the Taliban mentality. Therefore, the public opinion and the policies of the stakeholders wishing a political peace approach with the Taliban. The price of this political peace will be paid by the Afghan people, not the Taliban. Now the situation is so complex that people have to pay heavy price in any case. With the prolongation of the war, the people will have to suffer more victims while if the process accelerates, more privileges needs to be considered for the Taliban. Because during the strategic and rehabilitative decade they have got as much economic and political power that their victory in the battlefield or negotiation table are more than their true ability and expectation.
During their strategic decade, which actually covers the years from 2004 to 2014, the Taliban group on the other side of the wall pursued three major goals: 1. Human reinstatement; 2. strengthening of weapons and fiscal sources; and 3 Acquisition of political credit and political support at the regional and international levels. During the period the post- Bonn conference when other political parties returned to a democratic system, each of them tried to gain more privilege in new the system, but beyond the borders of the sovereignty of democracy and beyond the eyes of the NATO drone, the Taliban tried to regain legitimacy within the community. During this time, the Taliban trained a new generation of terrorist troops with the idea of extremism and with uses of safe neighboring mosques and villages of the country. On the other hand, in the insecure areas, they took the initiatives to successfully recruit new fighters using the opportunity of unemployment or compulsorily propelled them to the battlefield. Therefore, they are on the platform of power now.
In the other words, when the other political parties and Jehadist groups were busy to strengthen themselves in the government bodies but the Taliban group used the opportunity to influence and gain control over the fertile areas in the south and east, provided poppy cultivation and trafficking opportunities to fulfill their economic needs, and rely on a solid wall.  Thus, extraction, smuggling and the plunder of Afghan mineral resources and the collection of taxes from people and businessmen along with financial assistance from the outside turned the group into a mafia band, not only enhanced the durability of war but also spread the war across Afghanistan.
The Taliban, at the same time as were increasing their funds, they were trapping weapons and ammunition from the Afghan National army and importing advanced weapons from outside the country; recently they have displayed their advanced weapons in Ghazni and Farah war. Eventually, this caused the Taliban to become an invincible group shortly after the withdrawal of the majority of US and NATO forces. Though their military power is nothing against national and international army but their ghostly image of the Taliban has given them the power that even the Chief of US Army General Joseph Dunford declares “the Taliban are invincible”. What comes out of this message is that the Taliban is in a position and have international lobbies and even the news of their invincible power broadcast from the media of United States.
While the fact is that the Taliban are not invincible against the US military and NATO members. The invincibility of the Taliban with the power of the armed forces and the special forces of America is a ridiculous, let alone the support of the Afghan government and nation, and the legal permission from the United Nations to root out the group from inside Afghanistan. The point is that the Taliban have used the opportunities in right way to be used as a political tool to continue the representing war in the country. Though they have experienced heavily defeat from international forces in 2001 but their way of return remained open to the arena of politics and power. So, the empty chair of Taliban in Bonn conference was an excuse for continuity of war game and farther destruction of Afghanistan. Eventually, Taliban has successfully contributed to materialize the dream of Afghan enemy over domination of social and political condition of Afghanistan.

Mohammad Zahir Akbari is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at mohammadzahirakbari@gmail.com

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