Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Let’s Forgive Each Other


Let’s Forgive Each Other

The grant free pardon and giving up all claim on account of an offense or debt, is termed as forgiveness. And just as a addendum this doesn’t mean that we are approving, accepting, dismissing or condoning what someone else did, but that it is only a mere clipping of the many aspects that compile the body of forgiveness. Forgiveness is a very subjective theme and everyone has his own idea on who should and who should not be forgiven. Forgiveness can encompass many different things, from merely accepting someone’s apology to helping them to find their way out of the situation they put themselves in.
Forgiveness is the act of concluding resentment, or ill feelings that came about towards a person because of a perceived offense on his part. It is an important human virtue in many ways and context, both personal and interpersonal. We witness and in most cases practice forgiveness daily. In many cases it is the life blood of any relationship. It also has a way of making life meaningful, and is involved in many life lessons.  It is a way of going back on words you spoke and now regret.
I think, to be able to forgive others, you have to first be able to forgive yourself. By this I mean that if you feel guilty about something, you have to be able to accept that you made a mistake, but you also have to then carry on and move forward. If you cannot forgive yourself, you will constantly berate yourself and you won’t be able to leave the past behind. Of course, you have to learn from the mistakes you made and endeavor never to repeat them, but it’s not necessary to constantly berate yourself over something that has already happened and cannot be changed. Often, we are the last people to forgive ourselves. Once you realize that you have spent enough time making yourself feel bad about something you have done, it becomes clear that quite often, others have long since forgiven you.
Forgiveness and its benefits have been inspected in spiritual contemplation, the social sciences and fields of general practitioners. It could be regarded basically in conditions of the individual who forgives as well as forgiving themselves, in terms of the individual forgiven or in terms of the association involving the individual giving forgiveness and the individual receiving forgiveness. In popular milieu, forgiveness is transferred devoid of any anticipation of restorative justice or a reply on the part of the offender.
Forgiveness is about releasing one’s apprehension, trepidation, and consternation. This may be done by letting loose the past so it no longer has control over the individual, his/her views, or sentiments. One way to release this tension is to gain reconciliation through forgiveness; it is essential that the individual be aware there is need to engage the other individual, particularly if there is likelihood that the individual won’t be approachable. The individual may also discover that reconciliation happens naturally once he/she has set himself free through forgiveness.
As forgiveness takes place within the individual’s heart, he/she may entertain inspired ideas of ways to commence reconciliation. He/she may also discover that once he/she shifts his/her expressive energy around the other individual through forgiveness, the individual may actually initiate reconciliation. This is because whether the individual is aware of it or not, the individual may feel the shift in the others energy.
There is numerous life enhancing benefits of forgiveness. For example, forgiveness may help an individual feel more contented and not strained. Through forgiveness the physical condition of an individual is able to improve on every point; psychologically, spiritually, and even physically.
When forgiveness takes place it is normal to free the troubling thoughts and emotions that drain one’s physical, psychological, and spiritual well being. The effect is a better level of wellness and joy in addition to the continuous benefits that forgiveness brings. Forgiveness can release an individual from the past and assist him/her in overcoming bitterness or regrets that he/she may have.         
Forgiveness, simply it is the important human virtue that allows us to have a freer society, where we can be comfortable making mistakes, and can repair friendships and alliances instantly. You can learn the ways of society, live with yourself and others. Without it life would be less of a joy, more stressful and terribly lonely.  The statements “It’s Alright” “don’t worry about it” and “That’s ok” are underrated.
Forgiving others is a very subjective and complicated process. Everyone has their own set of morals and ethics, which means that everyone has a different view of what can be forgiven and what it means to forgive. I think that the hardest people to forgive are the ones who are the closest to you. If someone else wrongs you, it is easier to forgive, because you most probably don’t expect much from that person anyway. If someone who is close to you however, a friend or partner for example, then for them to do something which requires forgiveness means that they have betrayed your trust to some extent. I think that the level of trust breached determines how easy it is to then forgive someone. I think if someone made a genuine mistake and this hurt you, then there is nothing to forgive, but if someone intentionally betrays your trust or does something even though they know it will hurt you then this makes it much more difficult to forgive.
Everything can be forgiven, but not forgotten. We must learn from our mistakes, so to forget an instance would leave you vulnerable to being hurt in the same way again. Obviously it is easy to say everything can be forgiven, but you never know how you will react when you find yourself in that very situation, where you have to decide whether or not you can forgive someone. Even though I think everything can be forgiven, that doesn’t mean that the relationship between the forgiver and the forgivee will go back to the way it was. It is not always possible to trust someone to the same extent as before and even if it is, trust is something which has to be earned back.
As long as you are unable to forgive you hold yourself and the person who wronged you in bondage. You cannot be completely happy or free until you can let go of your hurt and anger otherwise it will fester inside of you consuming you like a disease. Not only do you need to forgive others but there may be times when you need to ask for forgiveness as well. Consequently, it is important to practice the art of forgiveness to heal the wounds of mistakes, casually carved by our fellow beings.

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