Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

The Government and Parliament of Afghanistan: Under Effect of Two Inauspicious Triangles


The Government and Parliament of Afghanistan:  Under Effect of Two Inauspicious Triangles

Undoubtedly, Afghanistan and its people are different from other people and countries of the world. The differences can be in terms of views, behavior and opinion regarding their political fate which reflected through Afghan political figures, activists and representatives. In order to better explain, it is necessary to study and analyze the two existing triangles considered as serious challenge in the realm of political power in the country. Therefore, it seems necessary to add the world inauspicious as a prefix to the mentioned triangles, and term it as “two inauspicious triangles” which destructively affected the two main pillars of the state including government and parliament of the country.
The first triangle: money, power and trickery
Now it is more than two weeks that the Afghan parliament has been taken hostage by owners of money, power and intelligence, and each of them are trying to propel the parliament according to their personal interests. They have deviated the parliament to a wrong way which is against the national interest and national unity. The parliament as a highest law making institution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan are suppose to represent the will of nation, but now become a place for maneuvering money, power and trickiness. With Using their votes, each member of the parliament were to judge and decide about public interest but shrunk into personal and ethnic interests.
However, the detailed typology of these categories requires more opportunity but now will briefly try to provide a basic picture:  The first category is powerbrokers that always use logic of power to gain political position must be through channels of force, violence, arrogance, rage and threatening others. Therefore, they refuse any kinds peaceful mechanism may lead to loss of their power and advantage. They reject every kind of peaceful method even though within framework of national constitution and other ruling laws. According to their opinion, the presidency of parliament belongs to those who have strong foothold and power. Other criteria such as merit, expertise, knowledge and commitment neither have value nor would be accepted. Therefore, the parliament is the battleground for the powerful individuals.
The second category is the money owners; according to this category, the only way to reach power and seize chair is gold, jewelry and money. They believe that money is everything; with money one can easily buy people, votes and position and obtain legitimacy and acceptability through cash deal. They arrange majestic and colorful parties for the member of groups. During the parties valuable envelopes with content of foreign currencies such as dollars, Euros and pounds are distributed in proportion to the position and status of people. Other delights are also promised. According to this kind of people, parliament is the best center for advanced trade and commercial activities. That’s why parliament is likened to the Soray Shahzada of Kabul (a large money exchanging market in Kabul).
The third category consist of deception group; though they do not have ability to take fiscal and non-fiscal risks, they have particular mental and intellectual abilities to design clever plan in order to propel others towards their black traps. Apparently, they look very benevolent but in practice they play effective role in making the issues become more complicated. As much the speaker issue becomes more competitive they can gain more interests from both competitive rivals.
As a result, now the triangle of gold, force and deception turned the house of the nation, which is the symbol of national will, into ground of violent rivalry and shameful trade and left negative impact on the people’s social life.  But the account of a small number of delegates is separate from these three groups. Overall, the triangles of power, money and trickiness have disabled the parliament to play its role and unfortunately became a market of exchanging money and violent club. However, there are few committed representative who are not included in these categories.
The second triangle
The second triangle is the opposing group to the government; this group consists of some political leaders, the Presidential Candidate Council and Taliban.  Undoubtedly, the second triangle is also a part of current reality of Afghanistan. This is more than 18 years that Taliban have been fighting against people and government and proudly kill women and children in mosques, schools, and sport clubs. Still, they insist on war, hatred, explosion and suicide. Nevertheless, the two other categories have also joined Taliban directly and indirectly raise the level of opposition to the government as if the removal of current government would resolve the entire Afghan problem.
The last group is known as the presidential candidate council who proposed interim government to replace current government in order to resolve the political problem in Afghanistan. They have ignored that such a mechanism neither have legal basis and nor is a right political solution as causes chaos and disorder in the country.  On the other hand, such a disproportionate and illegal position would strengthen the Taliban Front and the enemies of the Afghan people. In addition, some political figures and political parties are trying to undermine the government in many ways and even make the current political system ineffective and unable. They met with Taliban and ate with Taliban and promoted the legitimacy of Taliban. In the end, the emphasis is that the weakening of government without giving practical and national solutions would not benefit anyone; instead, the only way out of the crisis is holding transparent elections in due course, and joint struggle against Taliban and terrorist groups.

Mohammad Zahir Akbari is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at mohammadzahirakbari@gmail.com

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