Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

The Quality of life Depends on Quality Personal Health Management


The Quality of life Depends on  Quality Personal Health Management

When we discuss about life management several keywords come into our mind such as time management, health management, behavior management, home management, expenses management, sleep management, and stress management and so on. This article is going to discuss about personal health management and health awareness which is considered a great issue in Afghanistan. In Afghan social literacy, the word “health” is used when someone is faced a serious health trouble. Nobody knows what personal health management is? How the quality of our lives depends on quality of good health?  Why kids and adults lost their concentration in their learning life? Why people become bad-tempered and nervous? Why sometimes we feel lethargic?  Why our public health system’s view remained very traditional and confined to the reactive programs?  Why our universities are not able to explain the importance of health and nutritious awareness in the country.
The real answer to these questions lies in modernization of our views about health and health care system. As long as we do not change our mentality regarding health and health system, we would not be able to have a healthy generation in the future. If we do not have a healthy nutritious system and good public awareness, our people will keep blindly using harmful antibiotics, chemical medicine and useless foods. Due to lack of awareness our people sell their natural and rich agricultural food products but buy useless stuffs and harmful medicine while inflicting negative consequences in our society.  In the end of the day, Afghanistan would get the place of most dangerous places in the world to live a healthy life.
Health reports show that Afghanistan is one the world countries with the lowest life expectancy, around 45 years, while comparing to the developed countries averaged with some 85 years of life expectancy. However, there are multiple factors blamed for this issue such as insecurity, poverty, addiction, collapsed infrastructure, devastated cities and communities, broken families and psychological pain. But we tend to pay less attention on new factors such as health awareness and health management. For example, people tend to eat what they desire not what they need. Due to lack of awareness we spend a lot of money on medicine but not on food and body immune system. As a consequence, more than half of Afghan girls and boys suffer to damage their minds and bodies that cannot be undone, especially if they are poorly nourished in the crucial first three years of life.
Undeniably, poverty factor plays a very destructive role in our society, but as facts and evidence shows both rich and poor people equally suffer from some non-poverty factors. The non-poverty factors can include lack of lack of drinking enough water, good sleep management, lack of physical exercise, lack of good socialization and so on.  One of the very common problems that cause a lot health problem to both rich and poor people equally is dehydration. Many are not aware that water is essential for our bodies to function such as removing waste, and carrying nutrients and oxygen around our body. Since we lose water daily through urine, bowel movements, perspiration, and breathing, we need to replenish our water intake. Furthermore, drinking water helps in losing weight. As study carried out among overweight or obese people showed that water drinkers lose 4.5 more pound than a control group! The researchers believe that it’s because drinking more water helps fill stomach, making one feel less hungry and less likely to overeat.
The second factor that affects both the rich and the poor is bad behavior. The research findings has already shown that healthful behaviors can help stay active and healthy into age of 60s, 70s, and beyond. While we often stress about small stuff — the guests are here, and we are not ready! — It’s the nagging, long-running forms of stress, such as a family dispute, that put our longevity at risk. Chronic stress hastens the cellular deterioration that leads to premature aging and a vast array of serious diseases. This sort of cell death “turns out to be one of the strongest predictors of early diseases of aging and in many studies of early mortality has already confirmed the issue. The remedy suggested by experts to peace with the people, forgive the family, forgive ourselves and put the past behind.
Unfortunately, half of the Afghan population aged 15 years or older is affected by the last mentioned issue and it is similar to communicable disease and includes several types akin to: depression, anxiety, hyperactivities, aggressions and post traumatic stress disorder. These disorders contribute to community and domestic violence and to the high levels of malnutrition in the country as they adversely affect maternal care giving in diverse ways. In addition, existing superstitions and social restrictions are big challenges for women’s access to mental health services in Afghanistan.
By and large, human lifespan has dramatically increased over the last century due to discovering multiple factors effect on health. The most common ones are consist of physical exercise, good eating, good habit and good behavior. Natural changes to the body as we age can lead to a gradual loss of muscle, reduced energy, and achy joints. These changes may make it tempting to move less and sit more. But doing that can raise our risk for disease, disability, and even death. Academic evidence shows that the best way to boost the chance of living a long and active life is to follow the advice we likely heard from our parents or sport trainers: eat well, exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep, and stay away from bad habits.

Mohammad Zahir Akbari is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at mohammadzahirakbari@gmail.com

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