Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Taliban Persist Attacking on Civilians and National Infrastructures in Afghanistan


Taliban Persist Attacking on Civilians  and National Infrastructures in Afghanistan

It is nearly two decades that Taliban have been persistently killing civilians and non-civilians violating national and internal laws and values. They have also destroyed public infrastructure such as schools, mosques, market, masques, roads, and so on. In the eve of election and during peace process they have intensified their attacks aiming to cancel the election and gain more privilege in the peace process. The latest example of Taliban attack was on President Ghani’s campaign rally in the central province of Parwan which ended with at least 26 innocent people killed and 42 wounded as spokesperson for the Ministry of Interior confirmed. The Taliban has immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, claiming they were targeting security forces at the campaign rally.
In the same day, Taliban carried out another suicide attacks in Kabul city close to one of the Ministry of Defense’s buildings in Police District 9 (PD9). According to Ministry of Interior statement, at least 22 civilians were killed and 38 others were wounded in the blast, including women and children. Thus, they carried out attacks in other provinces across the country warning people that its fighters will intensify war against the Afghan government and foreign forces to dissuade people from voting in the September 28 vote. They also destroyed several power lines which provide services to around 11 provinces in the country. 
Few weeks ago, the peace talks between the United States and the Taliban also collapsed due to the same reason when they killed a US soldier and 11 more wounded in Kabul city. Orally, they declare readiness for peace process, national interests and loyalty to Islamic values but in practice they have never been honest to what they chanted in their slogans. They might consider violence as its strength point while it shows their weakness, dark mentality and its incompatibility to modern values with spreading hatred among the people. The history of Afghanistan will never forget what Taliban imposed in last two decades on the already deprived people.
Taliban think that they are fighting for freedom of the country but their actions pave the ground for more interference of foreign people in the country. In fact, the Taliban action is not justifiable to any system or criteria in the world. This means, they receive order from foreigners to kill their people and destroy their country or else they understand that there are no foreigners at schools, election campaign, inside the mosques and other public area. They are also aware that the beneficiaries of power line in provinces are genuine Afghan people yet they deprive people from the services.
Although the government and international community have jointly decided to hold the elections, the Taliban are trying to prevent people from participation in the election by launching suicide attacks, hostages and killing innocent people. According to political experts, Taliban want to cancel or interrupt the election because they do not want a legitimate and strong government in Afghanistan. In case of intra-Afghan talks, they want a weak and unregulated government that could easily meet its demands in the negotiation process and Impose its extremist demand on a weak government. In fact, Taliban want to compel government and the international community to return to the faulty and incomplete peace process. Nevertheless, there are some internal elements that directly or indirectly support the terrorist groups.
Those who insist that the Taliban have changed and that the Taliban of today are not the Taliban of yesterday - they well are dressed, stand in front of the television, do not escape from photographers, journalist and respect modern values -  how can justify the Taliban’s crimes. Based on their acts and crimes, the Taliban have not shown any good attitudes and changes to show that they really want peace and development in the country. In the past, Taliban did not value human life, they did not recognize women’s rights and did not accept elections yet they are with the same dark thoughts and inhumane behavior as very easily endanger the lives of innocent people. Almost every day, they kill innocent people including passengers, man, women and children.
The attacks and behavior of Taliban indicate that they are not satisfied with less than Emirate in Afghanistan.  Unfortunately, some of the weak and conservative stances against brutality deeds of Taliban have made the group hopeful about the black rule of the Emirate. If the political leaders and elites stood against atrocities of the Taliban in solidarity with the people of Afghanistan, today the Taliban would not have dared to threaten the lives of the Afghans so shamelessly. According to people, Emirate is the reminder of bitter days of darkness that had turned Afghanistan into a burning and deadly hell. Now, people want to experience peace, security and prosperity in the shadow of democracy and never go back.
Based on the past and current position of Taliban, their action and position have not changed yet. So, first, it is the responsibility of Afghan government to protect the supreme interests of the country against terrorists and their supporters. Second, we should encourage Afghan allies and friends to break silence against Taliban brutality.
We must not allow the country to be repeatedly invaded by terrorist groups and other foreign elements. The political circles and political leaders must not try to victimize national interests against their own personal and family interests.

Mohammad Zahir Akbari is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at mohammadzahirakbari@gmail.com

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