Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

China – A Model for Peaceful Development


China – A Model for Peaceful Development

This year marks 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, which has made great strides through its reform and opening-up policy and changed from a highly backward country to the world second largest economy, from “world factory” to “world investor”, from “receiver” to “creator” and from a “recipient” in international political and economic incidents to a “participant”.
Being picked up from Beijing International Airport, I was impressed to see Chinese men and women moving toward their goals like a tidal wave. During my stay in Beijing for some months last year, I could hear Chinese people rumbling in every street, bust stop, underground trains, schools, colleges, and universities, struggling for a better tomorrow. 
To read the stories of China’s development in the 70th anniversary of People’s Republic of China, one can simply walk on the streets in any cities, especially in Beijing and Shanghai. China’s rapid economic development, specular strides in science and technology, gigantic bridges spanning the seas, and tall infrastructures and huge buildings kissing the skies will tell you the stories of China’s progress. You will be impressed not just by the size and architectural design of China’s skyscrapers but also by the sheer scale and extent of everything else that had been built.
China is one of the largest trading partner of Afghanistan and the word “China” touch people’s ears mostly through Chinese products imported to the country. China and Afghanistan have extended their relations in various areas, and today both governments are determined to promote their mutual relations more than ever which is based on trust and respect. The power and solid presence of China in areas of politics, economy, science and technology has formed a distinct neighbor and a notable and honest partner for us. High-ranking official visits, friendly talks and signing strategic cooperation declarations and agreements indicates the expansion of friendly relations.
Amid the ongoing reginal and global challenges such as the issue of war and conflict, China is playing the best possible role as it reiterates the world to seek common ground, combat terrorism, pursue peaceful coexistence through communication rather than confrontation and partnership rather than alliance. China suggests the world to seek “dialogue of civilizations” rather than “clash of civilizations” and calls for greater solidarity on the basis of recognizing cultural diversity and people-to-people exchanges so as to build a community with shared future for mankind, where all could live in harmony.
China proposes the “Belt and Road Initiative” to connect the world tighter and bring all nations closer, to have further trade and cultural exchanges, and to build an economically strong and moderately prosperous society. In other worlds, China’s two productive packages namely “Building a community with shared future for mankind” and “Belt and Road Initiative” are likely to mitigate the ongoing challenges to a great extent.

For constructing a violence-free and peaceful community with shared future for mankind, all nations need to seek common ground, urge concerted global efforts to promote the spirit of brotherhood, take new approach to develop state-to-state relation with communication rather than confrontation and settle dispute through dialogue.
China seeks to form a prosperous society and freedom from want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the ruling party. The blueprint for poverty alleviation has been highly fruitful and it will bear the desired result in 2020. Achieving a prosperous life, the Chinese will enjoy the fruit of socialism with Chinese characteristics and reap the benefits of reform and opening-up began four decades ago.
Meanwhile, China urges all nations to open their doors wider so as to reinforce trade, strengthen cultural bonds and people-to-people exchanges, and share their will and woes. Indeed, no individual or nation can be great if it does not have a concern for others. China, which is one of the largest contributors to the global economy, is ready to share the fruit of its reform and opening-up with the world.
It is self-explanatory that peace, development and win-win cooperation have been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of all peoples. That is to say, all members of the human family seek to live a free, peaceful and prosperous life and exercise their inherent rights and liberties without obstacles. This all dream will come true if the world zeroes in on the construction of building a community of shared future.

Hujjatullah Zia is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and freelance writer based in Kabul. He can be reached at zia_hujjat@yahoo.com

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