Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Public Concerns over Rise of Criminal Offences in Crowded Cities of Afghanistan


Public Concerns over Rise of Criminal Offences  in Crowded Cities of Afghanistan

After a few months of relatively calm, once again the number of criminal and terrorist assassinations has increased in Afghanistan, especially inside large city of the country. Most of the victims are government employees, businessperson and also political activists.  In last 24 hours, 4 murder cases reported from the capital city of Kabul while there are also individuals who wounded as a result of armed attacks. Citizens are increasingly worried about the increase of kidnaps and assassinations while some the previous perpetrators who committed crimes in recent years remain unknown. Although some of the incidents are claimed by armed opposition groups, security agencies have not been able to identify the rest of perpetrators and still remain unidentified. A according to a quarterly report released by the Central Statistics Organization’s reports (CSO) shows that more than 4000 incidents occurred in the first three months of the year across the country. According to the report, the highest crime rates and criminal incidents are recorded in major cities such as Kabul and the least in remote provinces.
However, the recent reports show that murder and assassination is not just confined to the capital cities. Thus, the victims do not belong to a certain group and it includes businesspersons, investors, banker, politician and also government employees, especially the judiciary system personnel. One day ago, 4 bank employees were kidnapped in Herat province while the perpetrators have not been identified yet. Two days ago (Saturday), Hayatuddin Saheb, a well-known cleric of the country, was gunned down in Balkh province. On the same day, Mohammad Haqparast, the deputy chief prosecutor of the Parwan District, was shot dead by unknown persons in the Dowlana village of Charikar, the center of Parwan province. In addition, it was reported that Abdul Momen Nusrat, the deputy chief of the Ghor District Prosecutor’s Office, was assassinated by unidentified gunmen in Firozkow of Ghor province. There were also reports that judiciary officials were attacked in Nangarhar and Zabul provinces while perpetrators have been unidentified in most cases.
Unfortunately, this situation has negatively impacted capital flow and investment in the country. Private sectors always express their concerns about growing threats against their lives. According to some analysts, the situation is the outcome of political instability in the country which has increased threats against the business community. Political instability and insecurity have been the biggest challenges on the way of private sector’s activities and investment development. Extortion and kidnapping have increased due to political instability and insecurity and has prevented the private sector from improving. While we are fighting against terrorists we should also not forget to seek sustainable solution for crime reduction in the country.  From one hand, we need to decisively enforce law and on the other hand, we must rout out the fueling factors such as unemployment, corruption and so on. 
Overall, the rise of assassinations in the capital and other major cities has raised concerns among citizens. They regard securing and public order as the primary tasks of the government and call on the responsible authorities to take effective measures to prevent such events. Many citizens believe that criminal events and armed assassination will not be stopped unless the Ministry of the Interior decides to prohibit selling, buying and carrying of weapons across the country while the acting minister said today that weapons and armored vehicle should be legalized as solution to reduction of criminal offences. People call on ministry of Internal Affairs to take effective measures to prevent assassinations and systematic crimes in country. Thus, many others believe that assassinations are happened due to the insufficiency of the security forces because security forces do not control irresponsible armed people from patrolling in the cities.
However, Kabul police have had some good achievements in the beginning of the current years. Kabul police had arrested several dangerous groups with their dangerous devices and weapons in the capital city. According to reports released few months, more than 100,000 cases of crimes have been registered in the Ministry over the past five years. More than 115,000 suspects have been arrested in connection with different crimes but feedback cannot satisfy people. Some of people appreciate security forces as they prevented from many dangerous events but they also expect them to bring enough changes in social security situation, especially Kabul.
But according to some experts, putting the hungry offender in prison is not a good solution and this will never decrease the social insecurity in the country. The more unemployed provinces have the more social crimes so if we increase job opportunities no one would go to crimes. Therefore, unemployment issue is the root most problems in the country. Unfortunately, there is no effective strategy for unemployment reduction and even there is no accurate assessment to show the exact unemployment status in the country. Based on some estimates there are around 82% of the youths are suffering from joblessness in the country. However, the CSO reports indicate of a lower level.
By and large, the social crimes have a direct link with unemployment in Afghanistan.Unemployment is also associated with elevated rates of mental and physical health problems. It increases morbidity and mortality rates, and can cause detrimental changes in family relationships and in the psychological well-being of families. Scientific studies have already pointed out that unemployment can contribute to increased rates of suicide and reduced life expectancy. As final point, unemployment will not only increase the social crimes but also cause many other troubles in the country. 

Mohammad Zahir Akbari is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at mohammadzahirakbari@gmail.com

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