Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Sources of Disunity in - Afghanistan


Sources of Disunity in - Afghanistan

Working together as a team at home, at work and in playing makes life much more fulfilling, enjoyable and harmonious.  Unity and team working is very valuable lesson that human being learned first and then emphasized to be followed in making progress and developments. When we study the human being history we find that, every country and nation across the world has its own unique history. That history could be bad or good, according to what happened in that country. Thus, the history of Afghanistan was characterized by internal conflicts, quarrels, disputes, aggressions and wars among its population. The impact and consequences of these conflicts and wars were so many and were mostly negative. Indeed, the country has experienced up to now internal conflicts and wars. The saddest one is, today Afghanistan has two presidents; each one claims its own authority on the country.  Question like “Why Afghanistan is so deeply sank in disagreements and depression?  Many factors can be argued, but mainly they are exist of carless and selfish leaders, lack of ethnic tolerance and lack of social services. Exist of careless leaders is one of the sources of disagreement in Afghanistan. True leadership is a crucial tip in government functioning, and it will affect the society at all levels.  Bad leaders would result bad outcomes - their followers can make it worse. Disagreeable, dishonest and careless officials can mean bad outcomes for the governing the country and work groups. Surprisingly, not only leaders’ but also followers’ dark-sides have appeared as hindering factors for a democratic government functioning in Afghanistan.  In its long history, Afghanistan has not yet experienced such leader to think nationally and draft strategies that prevent disunity and guarantee normative change.  If we look at the prospered countries, their leaders have done a lot of works for their people: Example they have articulated shared values and constructed an institutional framework within which all citizens may attend to the security needs of one another, exchange information, and facilitate the peaceful resolution of differences. Moreover, they developed common political, economic, and social principles based on the ideas of liberal democracy and market economies in an effort to create a just society. During the nineteen years of republican system, Afghanistan politicians did not set of structures intended to prevent conflicts, to manage violent conflicts, and resolve the issues that have produced violence, and to assist district and villages that have experienced violence to rebuild their security, establish a normal livelihood for their residents. Instead, Afghan leaders were busy in collecting money and making parties.  Ethnic intolerance is the second reason of disagreement in the country. Afghanistan accommodated diversity of ethnics which are physically different.  Lack of ethnic tolerance is one of the disunity in Afghanistan. Tolerance is not simply an attitude, but it is an essential element for peace, unity and economic well-being of a nation or society. Tolerance means   acceptance and understanding. Tolerance means connecting, interacting with each other peacefully. Prospered countries enjoy greater levels of tolerance and diversity today.  Intolerance and prejudice still occur in Afghan society. Even in some parts, have gotten out of control.  Intolerance breeds hatred, hatred leads to distrust and distrust causes disunity. Tolerance allows people of different backgrounds, religions and races to work and live together, and share their strengths. In tolerant countries like western nations, every citizen remains loyal to his country and is willing to make sacrifices for the sake of the country.  However, because of intolerance, Afghanistan is still struggling on how to end the war and brother killing. Furthermore, where there is discrimination, there cannot be peace. Intolerance leads to infighting, violence and instability as different groups resort to force and aggression against each other like the Taliban. The Afghan present election crisis is a witness just how damaging intolerance can be to peace and civil war. Peace can only come when people become free from hatred and are willing to understand each other’s differences. Social science says, if people are unable to tolerate each other, they become angry and frustrated. In a society filled with hate, a person begins to feel suffocated and depressed. Discrimination makes miserable lives for not just those discriminated against, but everyone in the society. Being able to accept one another’s differences can have positive effect on one’s wellbeing. Being tolerant removes one’s self-imposed barriers and allows one to think more broadly and enjoy greater inner peace. Tolerance leads to less stress and greater happiness in the overall community. If, in a nation, instead of acceptance there is discrimination, that nation cannot flourish alike Afghans. The last idea is no true progress can ever be achieved until, in a society, mutual respect and empathy replace antagonism and bigotry. 
Lack of social services is the third reason of division in Afghanistan. Social services are a range of public services provided by the government, private, profit and non-profit organizations. These public services aim to create institutions that are more effective build stronger communities and promote equality and opportunity for all. Social services include the benefits and facilities such as education, food production, health care, security, job market, job training and housing, community management, policy research, and lobbying to improve the life and living conditions of the citizens, disabled, the elderly, and the poor in the community.  When everyone is treated equally and given equal opportunity, everyone is able to effectively utilize their talents and resources to improve their living standard. This results in a bigger middle class and reduction in poverty. The greater spending power contributes to greater growth in the economy and a bigger consumer base. In any country where certain groups are discriminated against, not only are they less able to contribute to the economy, but also this leads to buildup vulnerable communities. In Afghanistan, the government is failed  identifying areas for improvement, and recommending and implementing strategies to facilitate improved delivery and quality of services as well as to analyze the technology solutions available, identify risks, opportunities and benefits, as well as understand the data sharing and integration requirements. Looking at the road construction and basic infrastructures development of 34 provinces of Afghanistan is the best example to understand, how social services going on through government in Afghanistan?  Is it equal or different?
As a conclusion, if the politicians do not walk around the national interest, cross constitution and fail to make a mechanism for a working government, surly the ship of democracy will floated and the achievements of two decades will lose - the country collapse down and will be divided.  

Dawlat Bakhtiari is the newly emerging writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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