Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Independence and its Barriers in Afghanistan


Independence and its Barriers in Afghanistan

Today is coincided with Independence Day of Afghanistan which was gained under the leadership of the king Amanullah Khan Ghazi on august 19th, 1919. Although Amanullah Khan Ghazi entered an unequal war with British power, the brave people of Afghanistan defeated and forced the superpower of time to leave the country. The defeat of British power from Afghanistan was not only a lesson to the colonialist powers of that time but also lesson to weak countries how to break the chain of colonialism. After the defeat of British imperialistic invaders in Afghanistan, many regional nations that were under the British imperialism umbrella woke up and started fighting for their independence and freedom. For example, the oppressed people of the Indian sub-continent raised their voice for freedom-that was suffering brutality from the British forces. Finally, they also succeeded to to gain their independence in 1947.
The defeat of British power was also a good political experience for the people Afghanistan. The people of Afghanistan discovered their unconquerable Power when they are united. Given to this point, Afghanistan bogged down other super power in the 20th century. In late 20th century, the Soviet Union’s Red Army desired to invade Afghanistan, but they were scandalously defeated after 10 years of war and bloodshed. The Soviet’s defeat by Afghans caused the independence of 15 states under control of the communist imperialist and some other nations in the Eastern Europe, including Germany that was divided into two hostile countries. Therefore, today is not only an auspicious day for Afghanistan but also to various nations of the world and region. It is hoped that the people of Afghanistan re-discover the secret of their success and gave the same lesson to today’s cruel enemies.
Despite winning experience and pride against the aggressive powers, Afghanistan has not been successful in political field and so we must dig our weaknesses what not let us enjoy our freedom and independent life as other nations. One of historic weakness of Afghanistan lied in weak political management. We have frequently proved our power in the battlefield but subsequently failed in political field. This strength and weakness are not true only in case of Russia and British aggression but also true throughout the history and now. Today’s political system which has come out as result of Bon agreement in 2001 sparked hope in the hearts of the war-tired people for a lasting peace but we failed to use the unprecedented economic and political opportunities in last two decades.
Since 2001 the Afghan security forces have greatly proved their ability how to annihilate terrorism and mafias group in the battlefield but our politicians are engaged with their runty personal and tribal agenda. They are committed to defend sovereignty of Afghanistan and consider it as their responsibility to defend their soil till the last drop of blood but they are discouraged with the poor policy of our leaders. The similar condition was happened after defeat of Soviet Union in the country. The brave people of Afghanistan successfully bogged down the Russian military but Mujahideen as political leaders of that time involved in a devastating civil war that uprooted our infrastructure, killed, injured and forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee the country and finally changed Afghanistan to most needy country in the world.
As a result of frequent political weakness, now after one hundred and one year since the independence of the country, we are not truly free from internal troubles or external trouble makers.  The national sovereignty of the country is seriously under question, man, women and children of this land are uncountably killed. The country’s geography is violated by dozens of international terrorist groups. The widespread violence and poverty have made people’s lives extremely miserable. The corruption and embezzlement of billions of dollars has become a culture in government offices. Overall, the governance has lost its factual meaning instead coercion and gangsterism have been replaced the law and administrative principles. Nevertheless, we are less compassionate against one and other. 
Given the current condition, Afghanistan is one of the most dependent countries in the world. Unfortunately, the concept of independence neither as a general sense nor as a certain sense, such as economic or socio-political components, has clearly explained in Afghanistan. The ambiguous concept of independence remained more likely to a wish or a motto rather than a serious public demand being autopsied and interpreted by Afghan thinkers. The practical step of this desire will not implement unless nationally invest on new generation who may achieve these ancient honors by gaining advanced capabilities. In clearer terms, independency depends to quality of political management, especially training of young generation who are supposed to be the leaders of tomorrow.
As a final point, it must be emphasized that the brave Afghan people have unique defensive strength as it known as graveyard of the empires but politically Afghanistan is much weaker than bragging for its factual independency. Economically it is the most dependent country in the world. In terms of human force and expertise, Afghanistan ranks lowest in the world!  Teachers, students and young generation who are supposed to lay the foundation of independency are the humblest class in this society. They are subjected to extreme poverty, violence, health and poor investment. Undoubtedly, reaching to dream of independency is not possible without paying high attention to the foundations of liberty such as providing quality educational services, social justice, cultivating culture of coexistence and brotherhood.

Mohammad Zahir Akbari is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at mohammadzahirakbari@gmail.com

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