Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Our Responsibility in Age of Globalization


Our Responsibility in  Age of Globalization

Although there is no scientific consensus on definition of globalization, many scholars define it as deterritoralization of cultural, political and economic boundaries considering it as implication of the historic and technological advancement. Therefore, globalization is neither equal to establishment of a universal government and nor it is the end of geographical divisions. It should neither be mistaken with similar concepts such as internationalization, liberalization, universalization and westernization/Americanization as each of these term refer to separate and specific sense. It is not equal to internationalization because internationalization refers to expansion of foreign interactions between/amongst different political units or nations. It is not equal to liberalization because liberalization refers to removal of legal and artificial limitations imposed on economic and non-economic businesses between/among the countries. It is not equal to universalization because universalization refers to a coercive project which planned by certain countries. It is not westernization/Americanization because globalization has also impacted them. However, some scholars believe that initially globalization was a natural process but it has been manipulated by certain world powers.
Anyway, globalization is the greatest event in the history of human being as it is likened to strong storm which impacts everywhere and everyone in the world. In last few decades, the concept of space and distance has entirely changed and the concept of time and location has unprecedentedly shrunk. The most objective changes which largely effected the countries consist of flow of global trade, unprecedented growth of foreign investment, increase of international capital flows, growth of money and fiscal trade, free flow of services,  development of tourism industry, rapid expansion of technology, formation of large multinational corporations, international labor migration, growth of communications,  media development,  integration and exchange of cultural characteristics and increasing cultural similarities (symbols, foods, language, film and media, money, styles) changes in attitudes, ideologies, norms and… Today, we face billions of people around the world who despite belonging to different nations, races, climates, cultures, historical backgrounds, geographies, and political structures but they have so many  similarities and commonalities as a result of globalization process.
Now that globalization has an infiltrating power, what is the responsibility of the government and current generation against the inevitable impact of globalization? What will be the responsibility of parents regarding their sons and daughters who are subject to wanted or unwanted changes? In response to these questions, it seems more logical to face it more wakefully, not blindly. It means, we need to familiarize with the positive and negative consequences of globalization so as to exploits its opportunities and avoid its risks and dangers. For example, globalization can help to democratization process, public awareness, economic development, technological development, educational development, decrease of internal confrontation and so on. Meanwhile, globalization can also impose negative consequences such spread of drug trafficking, terrorism, cyber attacks, transitive disease and spread of unethical behavior and poisonous information through world satellite and internet which is extremely dangerous for our culture and security.
Culturally, globalization has provided good opportunities to have better recognition from the world and ourselves. It has paved the way for inter cultural communications or dialogs so that all cultures  introduce themselves and let the people free to choose their way or pick a follower from any gardens they wish.  Economically, globalization has provided extraordinary opportunities for weak countries such as Afghanistan. It enabled business sectors to extend their trade activities.  Another constructive outcome of Globalisation is more prominent rivalry among firms, which benefits purchasers who approach items at progressively bring down costs. The individuals who increase most from unhindered commerce in both created and creating nations can purchase products at more reasonable costs, and in this manner have a higher expectation for everyday comforts. In this sense, the organized commerce can be viewed as an aberrant method to lessen destitution. Lamentably, up to this point created nations have not lifted their defensive hindrances in numerous urgent segments for creating nations. Politically, globalization has a strong message to all extremist and monopolist groups that the era of slavery and darkness has expired. The obsolete system such as emirate is not only in conflict with the general spirit of globalization and advancement but also a serious threat to pluralistic and peaceful life in twenty first century.
We must note that today we live in era of science and technology and so our society must not be deprived of these blessings.  If do not adjust our social and political live with national and international norms and standards such as sound human relationship, human rights, meritocracy, democracy, freedom of expression and so forth, we will not be considered as a current member of global village. Unfortunately, some regional courtiers overtly support the extremist and terrorist groups which are not only threat to Afghanistan but also the region and world countries.  The extremist groups neither believe in these values nor have capacity to exercise them in the near future.
In fact, Taliban and other extremist groups are the biggest barriers against globalization values and advantages because the expansions of globalization values are on contrary to their interests. According to globalization values and standards, the educated and high qualified people should steer the economic and political apparatus of the country while none of them are competent for tenure of such positions. As a result, neither they are able to go towards advancement and nor allow others to do so. The neighboring countries support and enhance such ignorant elements because they do not want a strong and independent Afghanistan in their neighborhood.

Mohammad Zahir Akbari is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at mohammadzahirakbari@gmail.com

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