Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Supporting of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Means Supporting Peace and Democracy


Supporting of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan  Means Supporting Peace and Democracy

Afghanistan is one of the most fragile and conflict affected nation of the world. The four decades home war remains it structurally weak and chronically dependent on outside support in military, political and economic terms.  The approach of people-to-people contact is provided as the solution formula for the long lasting conflict in Afghanistan by the government, major powers and regional countries.    Clearly, the stability in Afghanistan would be significant for the neighboring countries, as it would diffuse the fire of extremism and radicalism in the region and would bring security to South Asia as well. The issue of talks handled bilaterally between the Afghan government and the Taliban. In February 2020, the Taliban signed a deal with the United States in Doha – Capital city of Qatar as the first step in ending the nineteen war. It conditionally agreed to launch negotiations with the Afghan government on the country’s future. Now, the second phase of Qatar talks is about to start, purely it is an Intra- Afghan talks. It is an effort to facilitate an Afghan-owned and Afghan-led peace process to bring lasting peace and stability in Afghanistan. Almost both parties come to this conclusion that violence and bloodshed is not the way to achieve peace. Nonetheless, the initial stage is the Taliban group must agree on seas-fire. Because, the country is in a historical moment, the government has the public backing. The public support show a high correlation between the different classes of the political parties, citizens as well as high level of trust in the government. The world community follow-up the Intra - Afghan talks. This event demonstrates the capacity and the wisdom of Afghan political leaders in diplomacy and reconciliation and the level of sacrificing for the favor of their own people. It is a fact that Afghanistan needs to compromise with the Taliban groups to have stability, peaceful and sustainable governance, and economic growth. At this circumstance, peace is a need as food needs for being surviving. Internal war destroyed all the economic infrastructures and majority of the population live under the line of poverty. Peace leads to the reduction of poverty across the state and the achievement of sustainable livelihoods in Afghanistan. Obediently Afghan government is looking for factors that can create a peaceful society. Normally there are two kinds of peace; negative and positive peace.
Negative peace is the absence of violence or fear of violence.  Positive peace can be defined as the attitudes, institutions and structures that, when strengthened, lead to a more nonviolent society. The pillars of positive peace can be underlined as a well-functioning government; a sound business environment; an equitable distribution of resources;  an acceptance of the rights of others.  Since politics have been, and remains, at the center of the Afghan conflict, we need positive peace in the country.  A political settlement with the Taliban require balance of power and on the other hand, Afghanistan required achieving this outcome, which is termed as ‘positive peace’.  By way of Afghanistan is a low-income country, it needs a working political system that enjoy support from their inhabitants. However, republic would be the best political system that provides for voters the power to decide about their future government, customs and norms through the process of public discourse. Furthermore, the experience show that strengthening and stabilizing the multiparty democracy is essential to combating poverty and to preventing the outbreak of violent conflicts in the country.  In the Afghanistan context, democracy support is often expressed in terms of good administration.
This is the instrument for the Afghan government to advocate for having democratic system.  And to emphasize on a resolution be able to create a government that is responsive to the needs of its citizens in the future.  For this reason, the general expectation is the negotiation with the Taliban end in a formula, which strengthen political parties and political groups as bearers of  democracy. In addition, it must increase the functioning of the multiparty political system, assist the institutional development of political parties, and advance the relationship between political parties and civil society organizations.  If the negotiation outcome develop the functioning of the multiparty political systems and assist the institutional development of political parties, and expand the relationship between political parties and civil society organizations the long-lasting peace would come in Afghanistan. This to ensure the creation of a well-functioning, sustainable, pluralist system of political parties. Making use of the above instrument would help the government to achieve a resolution based on people’s interest. The democratic government of Afghanistan made its people generally trust one another; for instance; there is greater confidence in the integrity of political leaders approximately Kabul Negotiation Team. Nevertheless, on the other hand, in low-trust system, such as Emirate trust cannot be established for in the past, the Taliban group have created many miseries and difficulties for the Afghans. Even if Taliban provides well-designed services today, people do not have any hope in their administration.  Unfortunately, many Taliban leaders mistakenly believe that their system have good services and can promote faith in their state. According to the Afghan political literature, sustainability is an important factor in diverse fields. It means high level of trust in any government in Afghanistan associated with values can be reflected as the openness, sharing, communication, and collaboration, while the Taliban were lack of all. Therefore, it is unrealistic to believe that Emirate system can bring peace and prosperity for Afghanistan.  As the final point, Afghan people had recognized that war is not a solution to the problems and the continuation of the conflict is not in any party‘s interest. Consequently, Afghan government advocate the Intra - Afghan talks and to achieve the target the government released the whole prisoners of the Taliban. It is a remarkable step towards peace and sustainability in government level.

Dawlat Bakhtiari is the emerging writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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