Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

The Reasons ‘Why intra-Afghan talk is not fruitful in Doha’


The Reasons ‘Why intra-Afghan talk is not fruitful  in Doha’

As America prepares to pull out its military forces from Afghanistan. The country remains at the center of Afghan elites concern. For, Afghanistan is one of the deadliest place in the world for civilians. Each month hundreds of Afghan civilians have been killed and injured through the Taliban militia.  The government of Afghanistan work hard to change the current situation in the favor of the civilian population as well as trying to protect the national interest.  For instance, establishing of High Council for National Reconciliation – a department for peace talks, seeking a formula for intra- Afghan talk success, ensuring a sustainable peace and well-being of the conflict victims. Nevertheless, things are not going purposefully. Therefore, we need to attempt to gain a deeper understanding of insurgent and extremist groups that inhabit in the South Asia region and better understand the nature of this conflict in the country. However, after the US-Taliban agreement, attack on civilians continued at high levels in the country. Since the negotiations formally started in Qatar on 12 September fighting continued, as the consequence civilian casualties slightly increased. The Taliban have not yet accept announcing countrywide ceasefire, because the terrorist values and ambitions do not match with the Afghan republican values. The problem is a peaceful Afghanistan is not in the courtesy of the Taliban. If so, then what push the Taliban to deny the facts or realities that exist in Afghanistan? There are many factors yet, a few of them are:
First point, unfortunately, terrorism target democratic institutions in Afghanistan, in the whole advanced democratic nations are frequent targets of transnational terrorism, and poor democracies with territorial conflicts often experienced related domestic terrorist attacks. Because they are more likely to make concerns to terrorists.  As democratic publics are more sensitive to civilian casualties and therefore more likely to see terrorists as fiercely committed when they resort to particularly shocking methods such as suicide bombing. Adding to that is the Taliban are against democracy and social equality, for it is a system, which its principles, institutions, and rules associated with democratic practice and equality.  
Second, dejectedly providing ground support for al- Qaeda operation is the second target that the Taliban are facilitating in Afghanistan now. Their motivation, which should offend all faiths, is to destabilize the region and to establish a safe haven where they can, and plot attacks against the Afghan government. The true is the both terrorism parties will continue their jihad until establishing Emirate system. As it also enjoys the support of important allied groups, such as the Taliban there is no indicator that Taliban will seek to regulate the behavior of armed groups with foreign fighters, including al-Qaeda. Key leaders of al-Qaeda’s central organization and much of the leadership of the South Asia group appear to be in Afghanistan. At present, al-Qaeda is able to marshal meaningful organizational capital across a number of important provinces in the country. It worth to mention that in February 2020, the U.S. government signed a peace deal with the Taliban to withdraw U.S. forces from Afghanistan. America intended to end its longest war against the insurgency of the Taliban. It centered on an agreement to withdraw U.S. troops in return for guarantees by the Taliban that Afghan territory will not be used for mounting international terrorism. As part of the agreement with the U.S. government, the Taliban has pledged to break from al-Qaeda and ban the use of Afghan territory for terrorism against other countries. Nevertheless, many indicators prove that the future relationship between the Taliban and al-Qaeda will continue as it was before September 11, 2001. Since the Taliban and al-Qaeda are not two distinct groups with different goals, ideologies and sources of recruits rather they are following the same streams.  The relations between the Taliban and al-Qaeda – as well as the Taliban’s ties to the wider universe of terrorist groups – pose the core obstacle to including the Islamist movement in a possible political settlement in Afghanistan.
Third reason is in the context of Afghanistan, trust looks very vital. As the result, Taliban is lack of a national leader. For the reason that a trustee political party leader can plant compassion, tolerance and unity in the heart of the followers, but the Taliban use violence to make quite their opposition group. The Taliban leaders are lack of co-existence, compassion, co-operation and solidarity attitudes and ethnic. They have lost the trust that they have got in the first period of their existence as a reliable political party in Afghanistan. It is clear that trust is the bedrock of all strong relationships and movements, whether it is diplomatic, economic, or personal. In addition to that, the Taliban misuse from the intra-Afghan talk opportunity. They look at the negotiation table as an approach to overtake the country and capture power. So far, it is showing that, the strategic goal of the extremism is to establish the Islamic Emirate with no scope for pluralism and tolerance. The word of the “caliph” or “ameer” are the two titles that Taliban running for achieving them. Based on their unjust judgment regarding the republicans, they justify their attacking on civilians and destroying the country public infrastructure.
Finally, many indicators show that the both Taliban and al-Qaeda leaders engaged for decades in militant campaigns against their home governments. The fact is they are still capable of recruitment, training and execution. The 1980s jihad against the Soviet Union’s intervention in Afghanistan was a turning point for both groups.  However, that war broke open the closed world of rural Afghanistan and swept it into global politics. Militant Islamists and jihadists came to Pakistan and Afghanistan to support the Afghan jihad from throughout the Middle East. At this circumstance, the only mechanism for saving Afghanistan is to support democracy. It is what expected from the world community and the Afghan officials together. Looking of the experience of war torn and deeply divided societies draft an opinion that say ‘democracy system is not only avoid political violence, internal conflict, and civil war instead gift civil liberties for the country.’ Therefore, it is an absolute solution for solving the political conflict in Afghanistan at the moment.

Dawlat Bakhtiari is the newly emerging writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at dawlat2002@gmail.com

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