Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Why the Security System Is Failed in Protection of Cities and Citizens?


Why the Security System Is Failed in Protection of Cities and Citizens?

This is the third time that Kabul and Kabulis are witnessing the rain of rockets in the heart of capital city while such attacks are not limited to this city. In recent years, similar rocket attacks were launched in most of large cities of the country including Ghazni, Qandahar, Herat, Jalalabad, Laghman, Helmand, Khust, paktia and so forth, but after each rocket attack the security officials try to hide their failure with saying the enemy is defeated on the battlefield while people better know in ground that how Taliban expanded and got stronger than before. Unfortunately, this passive approach not only let the terrorist grow stronger than ever but also increased the distance between government and people . If we look at the social media or free tribune programs conducted by the local T.Vs, than we would realize the depth of public distance from the government and its allies. However, the people of Afghanistan have clearly showed the pinnacle of this distance in last election.
In general, the passive position of government against terrorist groups has raised a lot of questions and concerns in the country. The people silences against these crisis are not because of their satisfaction from performance of the government but because of their voices are not heard. In fact, they are fully disappointed from all stakeholders of conflicts including government, international allies and also Taliban with their supporters.  They are disappointed from the government because its chronic inability against terrorism, corruption, poverty and so on, despite spending huge amount of fiscal and none-fiscal resources of the country. They are disappointed from the international community because their presence has not changed the conditions of the country and they have not acted upon their mutual commitment with the people and government of Afghanistan. The people are disappointed from Taliban and Taliban supporting countries because they target innocent civilians who have no role in the conflicts. 
Anyway, the main question of this article is why the security system is failed in protection of city and citizens? Unfortunately, the historical evidence shows that the government in Afghanistan has consistently failed to exercise empirical sovereignty and has emerged as a weak provider of essential services such as security, justice and so forth. the governments which created after 9/11 was no exception from its history roots and the international community’s supportive policies also could not break the fragility and weakness of the state. As a result, Afghanistan remained centuries back from the convoy of development and civilization.  Therefore, the way out from this backwardness need to far deeper study which is beyond the capacity of this piece of writing. Apart from historic factors, what we discuss here are only the superficial factors  which are usually expressed local experts about the failure and weakness of the government in post-Taliban Afghanistan?
According to pessimist analysts, one of the major factors behind these failures are lack of decisive political will to establish peace in the Afghanistan. In 2001, despite limited number of national and international forces and limited facilities, the Taliban regime had been toppled within a month while in post-2001 the number of national and international forces have enormously increased with more deployment of operating bases and facilities. On the other hand, the social bases of Taliban were weakened because of their inflexible ideologies, and destruction in the country. Based on study released in 2015, only 4% of Afghan people prefer Taliban over the current republic system. Additionally, there has made a global consensus against Taliban war in Muslim world and also in international community because of violating international law committing successive crimes against humanity. In last two decades, they committed the worst crimes against humanity including attacking on mosques, educational centers, media workers, midwifery hospitals, destruction of public property, smuggling poppy opium and so on. Given these points, many local analysts believe everything is against Taliban except the political will.
The next factor which paralyzed the government is  lack of rule of law because corruption or sentimental consideration against political criminals. Despite hundreds and thousands of civilian carnage, the people have never seen the punishment of those professional human killers. Given to  this points, what is the difference  between human societies and wildlife when  there is no rule of law? Undoubtedly, Afghanistan has enacted very good laws comparing to neighbouring countries but the persisting problems which challenge the country is failing to institutionalize or putting them in effect. What are benefits of those laws on paper without rule? Few years ago, there was a statement in print media claiming all articles of constitution were violated except one article”, Kabul is the capital of Afghanistan”, but now with launching successive attacks in heart this city, it is not like a capital city either. If we wish to move from this condition, the rule of law should be strengthened, and law enforcement agencies become more independent.
As last factor, the decline of United Nation or international humanitarian orgs support from the government and people of Afghanistan that fights in frontline against international terrorists. However, the recent United Nation’s resolution was a good move  specifying its position towards Taliban and government of Afghanistan but the united nation has more legal and moral responsibility regarding this international conflicts. They are expected to be more decisive against everyday tragedy in Afghanistan. If , in fact, the United Nation constantly had continued its efforts as it had commenced in 2001, now we would witness more changes in the country. In first decade of new Afghanistan, the United Nation made its utmost efforts and assistance with Afghanistan but with decline of other international assistance, it has also decreased its activities and support from Afghanistan. Therefore, the people of Afghanistan expect the United Nation to be more apolitical and more active in international conflicts.

Mohammad Zahir Akbari is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at mohammadzahirakbari@gmail.com

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