Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Three Steps Solutions to Cross From the Current Juncture of History


Three Steps Solutions to Cross From the Current Juncture of History

It seems that the history has once again put Afghanistan in a dilemma between few strategic solutions or choices. As if once again Amir Shir Ali Khan has to mournfully decide between support of Tsarist Russia and invasion of the British Empire. As though once again, Dr. Najibullah has to decide between withdrawal of former Soviet Red Army and compromise with the Mujahideen and their regional and international supporters. Similarly, now the countries are between dilemmas of endless war or choosing a great compromise which is lasting peace with the insurgent groups. Given the repeated mistakes which also repeated the history, we need to be more cautious to cross from the current juncture of the history. If Amanullah Khan had not belittled the necessity of a defensive military for protection of the country, his government would not have collapsed. If the government of Mojahidin had fairly distributed the power, the civil war would not devour everything in the country. 
If the Bon conference had not excluded the presence of Taliban, Afghanistan would not experience 20 years war and destruction wasting huge amount of resources in the country.  In fact, it is time for making a series of tough and strategic decisions that guarantee peace, national unity and territorial integrity of Afghanistan. Afghan government officials, policymakers and other political scholars must take part in making prudent decisions for the future of war and peace in Afghanistan with the utmost prudence and foresight.
Given the indifferent position of the international community against current violence, the first solution is to talk to the United States and its NATO allies to ensure the security in practice, not in word. Unfortunately, the current presence of the United States and its NATO allies has not only changed conditions but also added to the calculations of war and peace because of their rivalries with regional powers. We have repeatedly heard that the insurgent groups have received aid from regional powers in order to destabilize Afghanistan to discredit the US and NATO presence, but the United States and NATO ignore them to some extent while the prices are paid by Afghan forces and Afghan people. Although we have security agreement with the United States and NATO, they do not fulfill their responsibility against current bloodshed across the country. Therefore, we need to renew our agreement with the United States and NATO based on mutual interests being more responsible against their presence in the country. If they do not act up their agreement, we need to take a neutral policy playing just an economic role as a corridor zone for the region and beyond.
Although the mentioned solution is very hard for weak countries because of economic dependence, it will not be impossible. Choosing this solution will become possible when we become more realistic and rely on the people and natural resources of the country not on any third party. The historic experience has clearly showed that neither west nor west will truthfully take part in reconstruction of the country. As 20 year presence of 40 countries with current passive approach had not changed the country since 2001, it will not change in the future, as well. Now that 90% of our people are suffering from poverty and food crisis while no fundamental changes have taken place in the country. Therefore, it is time to put an end to the passive policy of the international community of against Afghanistan while it is largely the victim of their rivalry presence.
The next solution is to put an end to unrealistic policies in the country. When we are not able to take the security of our homes, how it is possible to talk about unreachable dreams. The soil of Afghanistan must not be as source of worries or threat to any country in region and beyond. The historic issues between Pakistan and Afghanistan should be changed to friendship through a win-win agreement.  Kabul should calm down if Islamabad has any legitimate concerns ensuring that Afghanistan is not and will not be a headache for Pakistan. On the other hand, Islamabad should prove its honesty in practice as it is not seeking strategic depth in Afghanistan. Pakistan should also accept that Afghanistan is an independent state that independently adopts its domestic and foreign policies. Afghanistan should allow and will not allow any country to use its soil against other countries, especially Pakistan which is like a second home for Afghan people. And overall, friendship starts from both sides, not one side. No one should seek any unfriendly demands beyond international laws and norms.
The last solution is rooted in public dissatisfactions and disunity due to lack of freedom, equality and brotherhood.  Therefore, the peace agreement should ensure the participation of all ethnic and ideological groups through comprehensive national consensus. This consensus should include the Taliban, Mujahideen, technocrats and all other ethnic groups in the country. Although the formation of such a government seems ideal, it is not impossible. If we could convince the supporters of Taliban and other stakeholders as explained above, then, this solution is also not feasible. When the Taliban supporters are convinced  and then stop their fiscal support and technical, the fighting machines will quickly stop working.
If we do not pay attention to all three step solutions - national, regional and international, we will not be able cross from this juncture of the history. The history will once again repeat with another civil war. The United States, like the Soviet Union, may withdraw its forces from Afghanistan, minimizing its diplomatic and economic presence in Afghanistan with a weak government in Kabul similar to that of Dr. Najib, which only ruled on a few cities.  Unfortunately, in this case, the Taliban and their foreign backers will intensify the war as another nightmare for the politicians and people of Afghanistan.

Mohammad Zahir Akbari is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at mohammadzahirakbari@gmail.com

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