Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Let’s Re-recognize and Re-build a New History with Pakistan


Let’s Re-recognize and Re-build a New History with Pakistan

Pakistan is one south Asian countries neighbored with Iran and Afghanistan from the west, neighbored with India from the east, neighbored with china from the north and neighbored with Arab ocean from the south. The extent or size of Pakistan is a large as one forth of India but still considered as a big neighbor of Afghanistan.  It is situated in the south and east of Afghanistan with having 2640 KM common border. Pakistan is the fifth most populated country in the world after china, India United States and Indonesia orderly but before Brazil.  According to latest statistics, it has more than 220 million populations as the second largest populated country in the neighborhood of Afghanistan after china. The largest part of its population is accommodated in the fertile valley of Sindh in-line to north-east parts of the country. On the contrary, the population of Pakistan is not congested in south-east of country rather it has more scattered in different parts .
After many years of troubles between Indo and Muslim people, Pakistan succeeded to announce its independence in 14th august, 1947 after 14 years efforts as the initial movements were started in 1933 by Mohammad Ali Jenah when he was a student in Cambridge University. While he was a student, he played a very important role in foundation or separation of Pakistan from India with founding the first national movement of Pakistan outside the country. He established the new national movement of Pakistan with publication of a booklet named either now or never explaining the name of new Muslim country , “Pakistan ”. According to some sources, he had derived the name of Pakistan from internal area and also external vicinity of Pakistan. For example, the abbreviation of Pakistan p stands for Panjab , “A for Afghanistan , “K for Kashmir , “S for sindh and -istan as suffix refers to location which is used after  names of countries such as Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and so forth .
Why Pakistan was separated from India? It is said that the major factor behind the separation of Pakistan from India was because of Islamo-phobia policy which began in 1758 in India.  Since then, the policy of Islamo-phobia was increasingly applied on Muslim people aiming to forcefully convert their religion. Although there is different analysis saying that behind the discriminatory policy was hands of great powers to divide large countries into small ones. Anyhow, the Islamo-phobia policy was faced with resistance of Muslim people and so they established the Muslim league political party in 1906. Thereafter, the Muslim league party acted as representative of Muslim people defending Muslim rights but the distance and tensions day-to-day increased between Muslim and Indo-people. Finally, the Muslim people come to conclusion that living under the same political system is not tolerable anymore. After long tensions, both sides agreed that the area with more Muslim was given to Pakistan but the area with majority of Indo people was given to India. Nevertheless, nearly one million people were killed from both sides but eventually the 14th of august, 1947 was announced as independent day of Pakistan .
In general, India and Pakistan have had historic odds and hostility which resulted several wars, conflicts, and military standoffs against each and other. The roots of the continued conflicts are complicated but have centered mainly on the earthly paradise state of Jammu and Kashmir.  After the 1947 partition of India, the newly-formed independent states of Pakistan and India squabbled over it, which led to the Indo-Pakistani War of 1947-194 8 and a subsequent sharing of the state. The settlement was non-agreeable to both the parties and since then, this had become an ongoing intractable issue leading to a war in 1965.The nations also partook in another war in 1971 which led to the formation of Bangladesh.  Both countries developed nuclear weapons in the 1990s and this had a sobering effect on the next major conflict the 1999 Kargil War .
Unfortunately, the India Pakistan historic tensions have always overflowed to Afghanistan. As soon as Afghanistan establish a friendly relation with India, Pakistan become unhappy but when Afghanistan gets closer to Pakistan India seems unhappy while Afghanistan is an independent country has the right to establish relationship with any country as long as not impose any threats to others. The expectation and message of Afghan people from both brother countries are to put an end to hostile policy anymore. It is time that the Asian countries learn from the history of European countries. Although they passed the worst historic war and long tensions, later they could open a new chapter of friendship and co-existence. For example, in First World War and Second World War there were nearly 35 million and 70 million causalities as a result of the two wars but it could not hold them back to open constructive relationship and unions .
Given the current juncture of peace process with Taliban, Afghan people particularly expect from Pakistan to forget the past and build the future on mutual respects. Afghan people expect Pakistan to recognize the national sovereignty of Afghanistan and accept that Afghanistan is an independent state that independently adopts its domestic and foreign policies .
Afghanistan has always called for good-faith relations and good will with neighboring countries, regions and the world, and has never intervened in the affairs of other countries. Afghanistan does not allow any country to use its soil against other countries and always respects the sovereignty and national interests of the countries .

Mohammad Zahir Akbari is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at mohammadzahirakbari@gmail.com

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