Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Night Raids and Peace Process


Night Raids and Peace Process

The prospects of security in Afghanistan seem very much dubious. Among the different tactics that the NATO troops have always believed in to be very much useful against the terrorists has been the night raids. Through the night raids they have been able to achieve remarkable goals but at the same time they have been very much controversial as well.

Afghan people to a certain extent, Afghan government and some of human rights organizations have been very much critical of them. They are thought of violating the privacy of the people and molest the common people especially the female.

Afghan people have been very much sensitive regarding the concept of "Chadar and Chaardiwari" and these attacks are believed to violate it. President Karzai himself has been very much critical of these attacks and recently, after the death of a pregnant woman during a night raid, President Karzai has once again condemned the attacks.

NATO has always considered night raids as one of the most effective of its tactics. Spokesman for NATO's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) Brigadier General Carsten Jacobson has recently mentioned, "Night operations remain the safest form of operations conducted to take insurgent leaders off the battlefield.

In 85 percent of night operations not a single shot is fired and they cause less than one percent of civilian casualties." However, he also mentioned that these attacks can be more helpful and effective once they are Afghanized – involving more Afghan troops in such raids. According to the United Nations, the number of civilian killed in violence in Afghanistan rose by 15 percent in the first six months of this year to 1,462 with insurgents blamed for 80 percent of the killings.

Definitely, the issue of night raids may be very much important for ISAF or Afghan government, however they are not the only tactics that can solve the issue of security in Afghanistan. Peace and tranquility can only be guaranteed in Afghanistan through proper reconciliation process, better democratic system and fruitful conclusion to transition period. Unfortunately, those issues have recently been forgotten both by international community and Afghanistan.

The concerns regarding the future of the peace process and transition period in Afghanistan have been increasing with each passing day. There are expectations that there will be some sort of reconciliation between the government and Taliban, which would pave the way for better socio-political conditions in the country; and that the Afghan security forces and Afghan government would be able to shoulder the responsibilities of governance and the security arrangements in the country after the withdrawal of the US and other foreign troops.

But, these all expectations fail to generate any vivid vista, and are rather marked with evident uncertainty. The reconciliation process with Taliban is yet to bear fruits even after the sacrifice of the chief of High Peace Council.

The Afghan government is yet to learn a lot as far as appropriate governance and political institutionalization are concerned. The democratic values are yet to be nurtured to a great extent. The President office has failed to deal with the parliament appropriately and the conflicts and clashes are dominating the relations and interactions of the organs of the state, which must, for better development of the country function in proper co-operation and co-ordination with one another.

Moreover, the Security concerns are also real and have to be pondered upon with serious considerations. The incapacity of Afghan forces to deal with the security risks is as clear as crystal and at this critical juncture they can not be expected to shoulder the responsibility of the entire security arrangement of the country.

With all the mentioned circumstances, there are two very important issues that can play a vital role in deciding the nature of Afghan socio-political and socio-economic structure in the times to come. The first one is reconciliation process and the second one is better socio-economic system.

Bonn II Conference, which was held in December this year in Germany, was expected to play a vital role for the future of Afghanistan and the prevailing circumstances. There were two basic expectations from the conference.

The first one was regarding the intentions and guarantee of the international community for the support of Afghan economy and infra-structure development after the announced withdrawal. The second expectation was the participation of Taliban and any sort of reconciliation that could be reached with them and the Conference could not make any remarkable development in this regard.

The second issue regarding the prospect of peace, tranquility and development in Afghan socio-political and socio-economic scenario is the duration of US involvement and presence of US troops in Afghanistan and the nature of the process of withdrawal, if there is comprehensive withdrawal till the end of 2014 as per the decision of US President Obama.

The rumors have it that thousand of US troops may remain in Afghanistan after 2014; even till 2025. There are prospects of an agreement that may take place between the Afghan and US governments till the end of this year.

This, if true, will prove to be a mixed blessing. If it can help Afghanistan in establishing strong security arrangements against the terrorists and give them more time for the transition, on the other hand, other regional powers will be certainly displeased as a result of this agreement.

This will further let them withhold their sympathetic approach towards Afghanistan and try to counter the presence of US troops in their immediate neighborhood, which may result in the extension of insecurity in the region.

On the other hand if US seriously withdraws, which seem less likely at the moment, all its forces till the end of 2014, still the arrangements of peace and tranquility in the region remain a serious question as Afghan forces and government are not in perfect position to take on the responsibilities of security and governance suitably.

The contemporary scenario in Afghanistan can not afford to have uncertainties regarding the future course of action. There have to be vivid answers to all the questions mentioned in the article for better results from reconciliation process and the future of the country at the end of transition process.

In addition, night raids are not the only way towards peace and security. Afghan government and international community have to do something very much considerable. Otherwise, years will pass away and the country would still be standing in ruins and conflicts.

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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