Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Role of President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev in Shaping a Strong Civil Society (part 2)


Role of President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev in Shaping a Strong Civil Society (part 2)

At the initiative of Shavkat Mirziyoyev, effective mechanisms of this institution were introduced into the law “On Public Control” , adopted in 2018. The relations of government and government bodies with citizens, citizens’ self-government bodies, non-governmental non-profit organizations, as well as the media in the field of organizing and exercising public control over the implementation of legislative acts were regulated. Also, by the decree of the President, Public Councils were created under state bodies. These councils are called upon to exercise public control over the activities of a state body and its officials on the implementation of adopted regulations, programs, agreements, contracts, projects and programs implemented within the framework of social partnership, take an active part in systematic monitoring and comprehensive analysis of public opinion on the activities of a state body on the most important issues affecting the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, the development and implementation of state programs and other programs in the field of combating corruption.
Thus, the fact that the institution of public control is the most important tool for building a strong and free civil society in the new Uzbekistan, organizing fruitful cooperation between state and public organizations, as well as ensuring the effectiveness of reforms - is the core of the updated policy.
In this sense, the priority attention is paid to the issues of further development of the institution of public control in the country, improvement of the activities of non-governmental non-profit organizations, strengthening participation of citizens in the affairs of the state and society, introduction of modern mechanisms of public-private partnership, in a word, establishment of a systemic dialogue between the state, citizens, civil society institutions.
It should be openly admitted that although at present there are about 9,200 non-governmental non-profit organizations in Uzbekistan , many of them have not found their place and role in the life of society, their activities were not significant. At the same time, the issue of participation of citizens who are subjects of public control, citizens’ self-government bodies, non-governmental non-profit organizations, and the media in the reform process did not meet modern requirements. In particular, the majority of civil society institutions, having legal powers to hold public hearings to discuss issues related to the activities of state bodies and their officials, those having social significance, did not pay due attention to the practical application of this norm.
Proceeding from this, based on the idea of the Head of State, NGO houses are being created in all regions of the country, which, one by one, are transferred to the disposal of independent institutions of civil society. Also, they are provided with legal knowledge to participate and win in national and international grant competitions, practical assistance is provided in establishing close cooperation with international organizations. In short, in order to establish social justice, NGOs are actively supported, which serve balance, equality, mutual responsibility and accountability in the relations of the individual, society and the state .
As a result of the measures taken, there is a gradual revival of the activities of civil society institutions in the country. In particular, it should be noted that last year, in the context of a pandemic, on the initiative of NGOs, a huge amount of work was carried out in the fight against coronavirus, charity events, efforts to protect the health of citizens were extremely effective .
At the same time, projects and programs implemented by non-governmental non-profit organizations are yielding tangible results in healthcare, science, culture, education and other areas. In this process, civil society institutions enter the arena as an important factor in the protection of human rights, freedoms and legitimate interests, democratic values.
The adoption of two more especially important documents - a resolution  and a decree  by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev in March of this year - became another big step towards the development of civil society and bringing the reforms carried out in this direction to a new level, in particular, ensuring the openness of their activities. The issue of ensuring the openness of the activities of civil society institutions is defined as one of the main directions of the “Concept for the development of civil society in 2021–2025” approved by this Decree.
According to the Decree, from April 1, 2021, the Index of openness of the activities of non-governmental non-profit organizations will be introduced, and at the end of each year their rating will be formed, based on the results of the activities of non-governmental non-profit organizations, the degree of social partnership, the effectiveness of allocated subsidies, grants and social orders and other important indicators of their activities.
Also, from now on, information on the activities of non-governmental non-profit organizations will be posted on their official website and on the website www.e-ngo.uz or on other open sources of information with a link to this website. Based on these data and assessments made by the public, an index of NGO openness will be determined at the end of each year. At the same time, the main indicators are summarized in real time and will be available for general review. In determining the final result of the Openness Index, broad participation of governmental and non-governmental organizations, in particular the public, is ensured.
Based on the results of the Openness Index, lists (ratings) are formed for “the top 20 most transparent non-governmental non-profit organizations” and “the top 20 most active non-governmental non-profit organizations”.
The positive work of non-governmental non-profit organizations included in these ratings will be popularized among the public; within the framework of social partnership, there will be issued recommendations (vouchers, certificates) for receiving state grants and social orders; in accordance with the established procedure, assistance will be provided in strengthening the material and technical base (office equipment, computers, other technical means, provision of buildings, etc.); measures will be taken to develop cooperation with government agencies and international organizations.
Summing up, it should be especially noted that the Head of State is deeply aware of how important and necessary the role of the third sector is on the path of progressive development of Uzbekistan. In this regard, the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev promotes relevant life ideas and initiatives to establish a systemic and effective dialogue between the state, citizens and civil society institutions in a modern form, combining efforts aimed at the comprehensive development of the state, and is making effective efforts to ensure their practical implementation.

Executive Director of the “Development Strategy” Center.

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