Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

The Geopolitics of Climate Change


The Geopolitics of Climate Change

Unfortunately, every day, there is a terrorist event in Afghanistan. Even, every moment, there is fresh news about target killings and killing of children, women, and innocent civilians across the country. In last twenty-four hours, at least 34 were killed and dozens injured based on the latest local media news. Accordingly, in the last ten days, at least 243 civilians including women and children were killed and injured in the country based on latest official reports.
The level of violence is so high and regular that no day begins and ends without bloodshed and carnage of innocent people in Afghanistan. In fact, the terrorist events have become such regular as if there is no security system, no humanity, and no one responsible to protect the citizens.
Misfortunately, this is the story of several decades. Neither the terrorist groups are tired of killing civilians and nor the security officials feel shy of giving repeated causality reports with their tiring condolences. The ones who are really tired of this trend are the poor people of Afghanistan, but when they implore the terrorists and terrorist backers to gun down, they further intensify violence and killing of men, women, and children in this land. No one knows what the security officials are busy with! And why, instead of doing their job, they repeat their ridiculous condolences.
Therefore, the citizens are really disappointed! They are disappointed because this level of violence and tragedies cannot wake up the security officials and likewise, the claimants of humanitarianism. They are also disappointed as this level of causalities and crimes against humanity cannot shake the international organizations whose philosophy of creation was the establishment of global peace and coexistence. They are so sensitive when their political interests require but in case of Afghanistan they behave as if the human of Afghanistan defer to those in other part of the world. 
The next important question of people is that why the perpetrators are never punished in the country? Why do the criminals and murderers of humans and children enjoy immunity? This is about two decades that there has been serious criticism over the government because of weakness in enacting rule of law but unfortunately, this criticism and efforts have not produced satisfactory results. Now, the question is what are the causes and fundamental factors of this culture of impunity? There are different views on this but let’s put a finger on few major factors which repeatedly raised by the experts.
As first and foremost barriers, it seems that one of the major obstacles is the existence of mafia groups in the government body that hinders the implementation of rule of law. As a result, the law is only imposed on the weak people. In fact, the implementers of laws are considered an important obstacle to the rule of law and its consolidation in the government body and in society. Unfortunately, we have forgotten that today the degree of freedom of a society can be measured by the percentage of the population that is under the rule of law and it is not taken seriously. Every day, we see a lot of crimes and criminal arrests but no day we’ve heard of their punishment or execution in the country. Therefore, everyone dares to kill civilians and destroy public properties in the country. 
The next issue is the cultural impunity of certain groups in the country. When the perpetrators of offenses are pertained to a lower class of society or to a certain ethnic group we see that all ground forces and air forces are seriously equipped for taking hard acts of revenge, but when it comes to terrorists and killers of people who persistently kill everyone no one talk about hard revenge. If we had equally implemented the law on everyone regardless of ethnic, religious, and tribal belongings, today no one would dare to break the law.
If we had seriously punished a few terrorists and social criminals who victimized thousands of people, today we would not have witnessed the repeat of victims of hundreds of youths, civilians, men, and women in the country. Although many of the social and political criminals were arrested in recent years and decades, the people have not seen anyone be executed so as to give lessons to others. 
The other important factor is related to The Taliban and Taliban supporters. The Taliban should know why the people do not support them.
If the Taliban come with a rational approach instead of war and violence, the people would have welcomed them. So, instead of attempting to resolve every problem by force, they should use rationality how to resolve the problem of the country. They must understand that no friendship, no interests, no state, and no peace will be built on the ocean of blood and civilian massacre. They must understand that nothing can justify this level of bloodshed in the country. They must note that any types of attacks on civilians are attacks on humanity.
Finally, the Taliban and Taliban supporters should note that it is nearly two decades that thousands of civilians and non-civilians have been killed in the country, but no one has reached their goal by killing innocent people. If the Taliban are really committed in Islamic values, they must understand that killing innocent people is the worst crime in Islam. If they do not believe in these values, at least they must understand that no group can reach their goals by killing innocent children, men, and women.  

Mohammad Zahir Akbari is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at mohammadzahirakbari@gmail com.

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