Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

The Media Threat is a Threat to the Freedom and Progress of Afghanistan


The Media Threat is a Threat to the  Freedom and Progress of Afghanistan

Although the media and workers had already faced numerous challenges and threats, new threats are imposed on media community. Formerly, the media and media workers were secretly attacked or threatened, but in recent days and weeks the Taliban have formally and practically announced their threatening position against media. Their new position have created great wave of fear and worries amongst media community in Afghanistan. The new waves of threats will not only inflict qualitative blow on freedom of expressions but also quantitative blow on media community.
The defenseless media are compelled to leave the job or successively be victimized across the country. Martyrdom of Nemat Rawan in Kandahar city is the latest example of this suffocative approach while the closure of Radio Sama is another example in Ghazni province.
It seems that Taliban have an unprincipled expectations from the media. They should not expect media to broadcast flattering comments about them as it will not ensure the interests of the country. During the dictatorial governments and Taliban, there were only few media across the country that used to broadcast flattering comments about the ruling regime and of course it did not have any positive implications on promoting of transparency and progress in the country.  The philosophy and real function of media is to help the government through producing theories, suggestions and criticism with drawing the attention of government and other actors to correct their behaviors.
We should note that the media play effective role against corruption and other illegal activities in the country. Therefore, everyone including government and Taliban should revise their approach towards freedom of expressions in the country.
As pointed out, the media community had already faced numerous challenges.  They faced many problems such as job insecurity, lack of insurance and lack of economic supporters and so on. Neither the government and nor the people fiscally support the media while they perform similar duty with those soldiers who fight in the battlefield. The media and journalists are the real flag holders of democracy but when they are not fiscally supported either they are collapsed or seek support from outsiders which is not in the interests of the country. In last two decades hundreds of media have been collapsed across the country because of economic issue.
Despite the fact that they had to fight against various fiscal issues such as taxes, especially income taxes and monetary fines, they have continued their mission to provide reliable and unbiased information. In such a condition, this will be too hard to expect progress of independent media in the country.Amidst media community, the independent media are more vulnerable because of being supportless in facing violence, humiliation, fiscal problems and so on. If we look back in last two decades, the independent journalists and media workers have been directly targeted by the terrorist groups while they have rarely been appreciated in the country.
The violence is usually imposed by the insurgent groups and also  powerful and corrupt people in government bodies because of interest conflicts. When they feel fear of disclosure they may do anything against journalists to silence their voices. they also create barriers against giving necessary information to the media. However, the lack of professionalism, impartial investigation and overall ethics of journalism were also some of the internal weakness of young media of the country, but these issues are not resolved through suffocating the voice of whole media.
If the current threatening approaches continue, the freedom of expression will immediately break down in the country while it has played an effective role in last two decades in Afghanistan.
The media have played an effective role on changing public mentality, public culture, public participations social custom, fighting against corruption and so forth. In fact, the freedom of media was one of the biggest achievements of modern Afghanistan.
Since 2001, more than one thousand media have been established and worked across the country which is considered as a unique achievement comparing to the past.
In past, most often, the place of liberals, social and political activists were in the prisons or lost their lives in course of fighting for freedom. Without freedom of expression, talking about democracy and public participation are meaningless.
According to Article 50 of the Afghan Constitution, “Right to Know” or “Right of Access to Information” is a fundamental human right for every Afghan citizen. Also, according to The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Conventions, to which Afghanistan is a signatory, the democratic states guarantee the right to freedom of speech and expression. Based on this legal framework, media threats are not acceptable from any warring sides in the country. Taliban should know that any attacks on media are considered as attacks on modern achievements and advancement of the country.
The government is expected to protect the media and media freedom in the country.
The republic and democracy is meaningless without freedom of media and freedom of thoughts. The government is also expected to remove any barriers which limit access to information.
The barriers are usually imposed by those elements who are involved in corruption or illegally activities in the government offices. They feel fear of disclosure and so not are ready to give the necessary information to the media. Therefore, the government should recognize these elements as it is highly important for media to have freely access to information so as to monitor the state institutions activities which is a genuine requirement of democratic principles.

Mohammad Zahir Akbari is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at mohammadzahirakbari@gmail.com

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