Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

The US and NATO Military Withdrawal from Afghanistan and Its Impacts at National and Regional Levels (part 1 of 2)


The US and NATO Military Withdrawal from Afghanistan and Its Impacts at National and Regional Levels (part 1 of 2)

President Biden’s announcement on 14 April 2021 to pull out all forces from Afghanistan beginning 1 May 2021 and that the process will complete by 11 September 2021, left the region and the world aghast. With the changes in leadership in the White House, it was expected a more prudent analysis of the situation in Afghanistan will be carried out by the incumbent before a major decision is made. Though the harbingers of Armageddon – particularly the so-called political parties headed by warlords - started touting catastrophic outcome of this decision, the historical observations, facts and figures have indicated ‘soft-landing’ by the State of Afghanistan despite possible repercussion as a result of complete pull-out the US and NATO forces from Afghanistan so suddenly. As the news spread out, the Taliban insurgents unprecedentedly stepped-up attacks on many fronts across many provinces in the country. Though they could not make any territorial gains as the Afghan defense and security forces have put up fierce resistance to these attacks and at times made substantial advances by ‘clearing areas from Taliban insurgence’, the impact of the US forces pull-out immediately changed status in the battlefields across the country. On the other hand, warlords who head so-called political parties, have started to huddle together in pursuit of grabbing / sticking to Government positions they are eying or currently holding. These groups have been acting as proxies to their masters right from the time of their inception outside the borders of Afghanistan and are the crux of the matter for most of the ills Afghan Government has been entangled with during the last two decades, including corruption, lack of good governance, nepotism etc. Round table talks on TV channels – knowingly or otherwise - are airing toxic debates, which confuse the public and spread fear. Having said these, not everything will go wrong as the US and NATO withdraw forces, instead the Afghan Government can use these historic turns of events as stepping-stones for nation building, stepping up efforts to garner public support for its national agenda, improve Governance across the country and eradicate corruption in Government departments. 
Some quarters are sketching comparison between the events that took place twenty-five years ago (1992) and the events that are unfolding today (2021). In 1992 when the ex-USSR left Afghanistan and Afghan Government headed by Dr. Najeebullah, was left on its own without financial support, which led to all-out civil war among the mujahideen factions trained by Pakistani ISI with support from the US Government as resistance force to ‘Russian invasion of Afghanistan’, which led to complete annihilation of Afghan national institutions. This extrapolation of scenario and / or conclusion about the destiny of modern Afghanistan is wide of the mark and misplaced. Afghanistan today is important part of international community and it has made big strides in education, economic activities and establishment of rapport with international institutions and Governments across the world. In addition, the US and NATO exit strategy has been carefully and calculatedly crafted and is based on agreements signed between the United States and the Taliban insurgents, which is binding on the parties in the agreement with repercussions in the event violation occur. Also, regional powers and neighboring countries’ interests are in a stable Afghanistan and in the preservations of gains and progress achieved during last two decades. Most importantly, the United States and other NATO member countries have pledged to continue to support Afghan defense and security forces and pour in more money for development projects after their military withdrawals from Afghanistan. These are signs of enduring support and cooperation of international community with Afghanistan to overcome the challenges it faces.    
As time passes by, Afghan defense and security forces have been skillfully engaged in the battlefields and exhibited extraordinary ability to push back hundreds of Taliban attack across the country, and hold strong to their positions, debunking Taliban claim that ‘without the US support, they will defeat Afghan army’. This remarkable feat exhibited by the Afghan defense and security forces have instilled morale and confidence among the general populations, which the Government should use as its flagship performance to reassure the people that ‘the Government is able to protect them’. The Afghan Government – especially leadership of defense and security agencies – should immediately embark on planning and strategizing to improve and increase training of soldiers and police force, and equip the forces with state-of-the-art equipment and high-tech gadgets to assist them in guerilla-type battles. Civilian arms of the Government – including Judicial and law departments – should deliver good governance to reduce public discontent and garner more support. It is now or never to bring these changes if Afghan Government really wants to be the sole body who legitimately represent the entire nation across the country. It is of paramount importance that Afghan Government should uplift the standards of educational institutions in the country. Delivering quality education and good management of these institutions is of paramount importance owing to the potential, gigantic reconstruction activities in the pipeline. Afghanistan will need large number of skilled workforces in the near future in areas of mining, petroleum, and other areas in extractive industry. Also, engineering and medical personnel are equally important to avoid drainage of resources from the coffers of national exchequer at a time when the country need resources more than any time  in history to rebuild and respond to needs of the nation as Afghanistan passes through this critical, historical juncture. As foreign Government influence reduces on the operation of Government, it is expected that Afghan Government begin to lean hard on elements spreading toxic propaganda among the general public – including some TV channels, Radios and social media outlets – whose identities and source of funding are obscured, but they have big mouth and very loud voices. These media outlets should be thought what is the difference between freedom of speech and propaganda, which is a threat against national security. Likewise, non-state actors – including individuals who wield power and live under Afghan Government controlled areas, should be tamed and provided with standard operating procedures (SOP) to bring them to term so that ordinary civilians take free breath and get rid of their ugly claws, and this should be in the long-term agenda of Afghan Government, which might improve governance and delivery of justice

Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at mohammed.g.sahibbzada@gmail.com

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