Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Confusion: What Does Really Mr. Want?


Confusion: What Does  Really Mr. Want?

Within recent few days Mr. President Karzai's position against apparently different issues was entirely confusing. However, it is not the first time that he reacts unexpectedly—as during former Pakistani President, he warned the neighbor about what can be briefed as Islamabad's double-game-play in the Afghanistan, and etc——but what differentiates his new position is the course of time.

It has been more than ten years that he is the highest person in the hierarchical political structure in the country which should have turned very talented and well-experienced in the sphere of diplomacy and politics. Initially, it was widely believed that he was directly appointed by the United States of America and his allies. It was not a common concept among Afghans, but reflected globally too. In the preliminary stages, his government was too weak; political and administrative structures were absolutely naïve. Indeed, he was doing what was actually dictated by Kabul foreign allies in various spheres.

By the course of time, two factors simultaneously helped to identify his government as separate entity to foreign allies: first, involved countries came to an understanding that their deep involvement would not be the solution for existing challenges rather would prove counterproductive and second, Mr. President became disappointed of an external power to end the decades-long crisis unless Afghans role up their sleeve and take large share in national building, reconstructions, sustainable stability and democratization.

The above two factors let Mr. President to act above the umbrella of the United States and other allies. However, trying to get out of the umbrella and act more independently on the basis of his own understandings of ground realities has not been easy, as several times the stance set him against international allies in various spheres and issues, but ultimately, as it seems, he appeared as winner as time went by.

By the course of time, the anti-insurgency struggle increasingly proved exhaustive and anti-war protests pressurized many countries to pull out their military forces and reassess their military strategies. The problem even multiplied with fading heart-beat of economic growth and development across the globe as a result of Lehman Brothers' fall.

So, the situation provided for Mr. Hamid Karzai the authority to hold what he and domestic supporters think necessary for peace and security. And decreasing popularity of war helped him.
As result, Kabul allies started supporting a new approach, called "Afghanization of anti-insurgency struggle". The statements like "We are in Afghanistan to fight terrorism not insurgency and Afghan government should take care of them" were widely heard from top foreign officials.

Obviously, this was Mr. President to take care of the new process for which he regularly stood against his close allies for years. The process included two fundamental things: one, Afghan security forces should be at the center of focus and they should be trained and equipped instead of foreign forces and second, Kabul government should be fully authorized to take necessary steps for ending security crisis unlike early years. The processes have been already started. Reportedly, Afghan security forces are in quite better position in comparison to previous years and they proved their capacity in several independent operations. What about the next step?

Kabul government is fully authorized to hold what it thinks necessary and effective for bringing peace and security. What it has been done yet is establishment of High Peace Council and opening a door, which indeed has been never closed, for militants to join government. But, unfortunately, the peace process has not proved successful as well as the prospective looks grim too.

Mr. Karzai has tried to maintain absolute control over the process, but several incidents got his capacity questioned. After months of boring and exhaustive endeavor to contact with authorized militants' delegate, nothing visible achieved rather he lost one of the effective and complicated figures about whom it is that said he had the capacity to pull Taliban leaders on the negotiating table.

Taliban leaders always rejected his welcoming calls and accepted no compromise with his government. While, he frequently branded them as 'angry brothers' but Taliban warned attacking members of High Peace Council and other government officials.

With the problems, Mr. President has been never ready to turn once again into a follower and loose clutch over the peace process. Therefore, when the news released that German and U.S. have decided to open an official office for Taliban-led militants in Qatar without consulting Kabul officials made him react strongly——calling Afghan ambassador from Qatar was part of his reaction. But finally he once again accepted the initiative and agreed with opening of an office for Taliban-led militants, which indeed show his contradictory stance.

Presently, he does not follow whatever is dictated by his allies. Previously it was assumed that his contradictory positions were largely due to lack of authority. Now, he is independent. Why his stances are paradoxical?

Secondly, he burst up in happiness about US vice-president statements that Taliban was not their main foe. In a speech, he said that he was very happy hearing that from a top American official. He added that such statements can put an end to unreasonable killings of Afghan people! Does it mean that currently Afghan people are killed by involved countries because they have the reason to kill them? If Taliban removed from the list of American foes, then there would be no reason for killing of Afghan? Does it really make sense?

His remarks about Joe Biden statements and stance against opening of an Office for Taliban in Qatar have confused me and put many about what he really wants. Does he want to put an end to ongoing anti-insurgency struggle? Does he think that foreign forces are just out there to kill Afghans and justify their measures because of Taliban?

Jawad Rahmani is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at jawad_rahmani2001@yahoo.com

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