Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

The Mass Destruction of Nuclear Weapon


The Mass Destruction  of Nuclear Weapon

Nuclear weapon is booming and settling the fate of great protracted conflicts like World War II, and increases the fear among nations around the world. It perhaps, spoils the peace process, instead enriches the conflicts as the fear of natural destruction that relatively brings the world to further hatred and economical collapses. Developing the nukes is the worst threat to humankind and the foundation for destroying the humankind from the face of the earth. Thus, it is to ensure the mass destruction of societies on the basis of competing with one and other to go a head of the time, before it comes by developing the nuclear weapon.

As of today, we can see countries are blinded by these notions, some of the developing countries are beginning to take steps in developing their so-called safety weapons, believing to be a civilized and prosperous nation! They all have made immense efforts and sacrifices in developing these devices. Claiming to be the world's best peace creation, nations spend a large amount of their budget on nuclear arsenal instead of spending on education and human protection those who are in grim disasters, dying of hunger and various diseases each day around themselves.

May be, we have forgotten that peace is the sturdy child of terror. For me, such a peace is a miserable offspring, a peace that condemns us to live under a dark cloud of perpetual anxiety, a peace that orders mankind's most murderous instincts. Perhaps, the beast (nuclear weapons) must be chained, its soul expunged. The mass destruction left by the Nuclear Weapon is what we all have seen its result in the great history of humankind. The Nuclear Weapon has been used in war three times in their sixty-year existence.

Two times they were used in the World War II and one time in the gulf war. The results of their use put an ended to the war, but in the meantime, the bombs cost one hundred five thousand people's life. Within seconds of the first everlasting affects on them. The second bomb was also not so different in terms of destructions and human annihilation. About thirty-nine thousand lost their lives and twenty-five thousand were injured.

The nuclear weapon's history only witnesses the mass killings of human and huge disastrous wherever it is used. What do you think it would look like if it was used against your own family? Was there any other possible way that the war could have been ended without killing over a hundred thousand people? Nuclear weapons an intolerable threat to humanity and to our habitatis growing and the love between, goodwill among people are at great risk to be dying forever.

According to William Arkin an Atomic Scientists, he says that "The Number of operational strategic nuclear warheads is estimated to be about 7,200 approximately." The specified numbers doesn't include countries which are currently making and holding NW's without the approval of other nations. Serious problems will eventually result from this if something is not done about it. The total nuclear disarmament is the only possible way to assure the world that an event like WWII will never happen again.

The Nuclear weapons are only designed to annihilate humankinds and this is what they did in the past if we shuffle the pages of history, we will find thousands of people who had been killed within seconds as I have mentioned above. Within seconds of these bombs being dropped in WWII, human flesh was disintegrated and burned. There are several ways of dying from a nuclear attack. According to experts, the fireball that develops around an exploding warhead will evaporate everything and everybody within or around it.

The experts trust that depending on the size of the warhead, the heat from the fireball will cause burns within one mile of the blast and burn most clothing. The blast will demolish buildings and crush human beneath all the debris.

The force being pushed outward from the blast would toss people hundreds of feet to their death. Meanwhile, dangerous ionizing measures of radiation will kill anybody within a mile and a half of the explosion. People a hundred miles of the explosion may also receive a lethal dose of this radiation by means of blowing winds. No medical attention would be available after an event like this and a majority of the survivors would die from famine or disease. These are very likely to happen.

They have endured sanctions and restrictions of various types and degrees, refusing them even from some genuinely needed supplies and social life. The hunger and economical crisis in the world is booming in bitter contrast to its drive for obtaining nuclear arms, keeping sizzling in the worlds press.

Iran is now almost driven by similar ambitions. Some other countries are also considered to be at various stages of their covert nuclear programs. Yet, despite this ardor and the temptation with regards to nuclear weapons and the ancillary socio-economic and environmental costs, many nations about them unfortunately are quite ill founded.

With no doubt, it is the inefficacy of the nuclear weapons as a deterrent against regional tensions is made worse when viewed against the colossal health, socio-economic and ecological hazards inherent in their manufacturing movement, maintenance, storage and detonation.

The horror of death, disease, destruction and suppurating social scars shaped by the Hiroshima and Nagasaki strikes have now been fairly well documented for each one of us to belief its mass human destruction and save as a disastrous lesson, but unfortunately we see societies are investing to enrichtheir weapons for mass killing of humankind. However, these nukes are considered to be the so-called modern civilization, or human's invention, these inventions are shall be considered human disaster not invention.

We condemn that civilization which is designed to crush the only homeland of ours that we have"The Earth" which is created for living not snatching one's life. We condemn those inventions that are to kill the humanity.

Today's inventions are only designed for conflict and would certainly leave scorched, diseased, decimated and isolated terrains susceptible to some strange, weird forms of life translating into the collective suicide of a nation its entire progress and development.

According a test by Pentagon field, the new generation of uranium-tipped bullets and shells in the Gulf War,more than 600,000 U.S troops who served in the Gulf War, approximately 60,000 have reported to have medical problems with a variety of symptoms, ranging from respiratory problems, liver and kidney dysfunction, memory loss, headaches, fever, low blood pressure and birth defect among their new born children.

Yet worse, sixty-seven% of the children born from Gulf War veterans have been reported to be having severe medical illnesses, Such as missing eyes, and digits, blood infections, respiratory problems and fused fingers. It is not fair for the men and women who served in this war and it's not fair for the children who have nothing to do with that bloody war.

What I mean is that the world must give up on this mass human killer. In addition, I want to ask a question from those holders of the nuclear weapons that is this the way that these children must live out their lives in the future, including your own children.

We do understand and every one does so that Nuclear Weapon is one of the most baneful and persistent evils, and it is a major threatdestroying both peace and the supreme creature on earth. Recognition of the oneness of mankind, implemented by appropriate legal measures, must be universally upheld if this problem is to be overcome.

The story or invention of these mass human killer seem fantastic for us, but it's real disaster shall be seen when we face it in the future. Banning the nuclear weapons, prohibiting the use of poison gases, or outlawing germ warfare will not remove the root causes of war but it would rather annihilate human beings and isolate them from each other and from the face of the earth forever.

To make the concept richer, I would like to ask a question that how much does a single animal weight? Multiply it by the total number of animal world. Not to up the walls, trees, seas, oceans, and each stones and rocks.

Then how much does a single nuclear weapon weight? Multiply it by the total nuclear weapon ever built. Then tell me, how can one single planet earth carry all that immensity? When God created the world to accommodate you and me, the animals and other fabrication, He did not make plans over our much machinery burden.

You should not be surprised that when the earth loses its grips, man will fall so hard on their buttocks. This is the gift coming soon from our so-called great inventors of nuclear weapons who belief to be the world's greatest personalities. And some of us appreciate them to enrich their inventions which are designed to annihilate us forever.

Abdul Samad Haidari is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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