Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Haste Makes Waste


Haste Makes Waste

Keeping in mind the history and socio-political scenario in Afghanistan, one can conclude that the current relative stability has been earned hardly. So, it must be cared for and all the indications of worsening of situation in the country must be dealt with, seriously. In the ongoing transition period there are indications of the worsening situation which must be considered as harbinger of decisive changes in near future and appropriate measures must be carried out to guide them towards better destinations.

Currently, the security situation in Afghanistan has been deteriorating and there are evident indications that if major of them are not tackled masterly, the Afghan authorities have to suffer greatly so as to guarantee secure life for its people. Insecurity has been one of the major problems Afghanistan has been facing for the last few decades and if there are numerous other problems in the country most of them can be associated with this basic problem.

The situation of peace and tranquility in Afghanistan and withdrawal of international troops are important matters regarding the future of Afghanistan. Though the entire peace and tranquility can not be thought of being based on the international troops yet it would be of great importance for Afghanistan's future strategy for security if it is confirmed that when and how international forces withdraw from the country.

On the other hand it has its own disadvantages. Afghanistan's capacity has not been mature yet to guarantee security of entire country; it would need support, assistance and equipment from the international community at least for another decade.

Afghan security forces both in quality and quantity do not suffice to shoulder the security responsibilities on their own with security threats rising with each passing day. US, earlier, announced that US troops would be withdrawn completely from Afghanistan till 2014; however, that announcement has been controversial since its very pronouncement.

Moreover, there have been indications every now and then that further haste may be introduced in the schedule. Apart from US the recent announcement by France to withdraw all its troops till the end of 2013 has risen further concerns about the future of security in the country.

It may also have important influences on the overall schedule of NATO troops' withdrawal and may pressurize the other NATO countries that have provided troops for the combat. Though Italy, Germany and UK have mentioned that they would follow the decided schedule of 2014, the French decision is going to shake their determination in some way or the other.

France contributes a total of 3,600 troops to the war against terrorism. It has decided to withdraw 1,000 of its troops till the end of the on going year, which was earlier decided to be 600, and the rest till the end of 2013.

The decision has also been effected by the assassination of four French troops who were killed on 20th of January, 2012. Moreover, there are beliefs that the French President Nicolas Sarkozy is also taking the decision to strengthen his political position for the spring presidential elections in France.

Sarkozy's rival, Socialist candidate Francois Hollande, has already promised that he would go for withdrawal of the French troops from the Afghan war as soon as he is elected. Abdul Hadi Khalid, former Afghan interior minister and military analyst has, in this regard mentioned, "Why is he raising this now? He is trying to get political benefit out of it."

Definitely, the public opinion in Europe and America is growing against the Afghan war and the people, because of their own economic problems and fatigue of war, want that their troops should be withdrawn from an "alien war". US President Obama has also been pressurized by the public opinion and growing costs of the war and is striving to keep his promise of withdrawal intact or, if possible, make it hastier.

Definitely, the troops, withdrawing earlier, would create a vacuum, which if not replaced by proper security arrangement s, can be easily filled by the terrorists and can have severe consequences on the entire security of the country.

The announced French withdrawal also includes the handover of the authority in Kapisa province till the end of March. Tahira Mujadedi, Afghan lawmaker representing Kapisa province has mentioned that Afghan forces would not be able to carry on the security of the entire province on their own as Taliban threatens the security measures in several of the districts.

She mentioned that the deterioration of peace in the province would ultimately influence the capital Kabul. Referring to the death of French soldiers, she paid her condolence but also added, "When military forces are present in a war zone, anything can happen… They are not here for a holiday."

French unilateral decision also raises question about the integrity of NATO and its strategy about the war against terrorism. NATO has to deal with it seriously if it wants to represent a better image of the coalition. A unanimous decision is what the coalition requires and all the members have to adhere to that decision.

The unilateral and strict withdrawal schedules can never help the war against terrorism and may have severe consequences on the Afghan security situation. It is important that the withdrawal process should be made conditional and should be able to compensate for the challenges of the objective conditions not to gain political favor for elections.

The decision of British Prime Minister, David Cameron, in this regard is of great importance. Signing a strategic agreement with Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Saturday, January 28, 2012, he said, "I don't want to see some sort of cliff edge in 2014 when all of the remaining troops come out at once but clearly, between now and 2014, the rate at which we can reduce our troops will depend on the transition to Afghan control in the different parts of Afghanistan and that should be the same for all of the members of NATO." This is what NATO members contributing forces in Afghanistan must adhere to properly. This attitude can also help NATO to complete the objective for which it had started the war against terrorism.

There can be no better decision for withdrawal than to make it conditional. But for lasting peace and tranquility it is again important that the reconciliation process should be followed appropriately and should be "Afghanized" in the real sense of the word. Moreover, the Afghan political system must be amended in such a way so as to make it more democratic and more capable of corruption-free and competent governance.

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at dilawar.sherzai@gmail.com.

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