Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

“A New Phase”


“A New Phase”

There have been dissatisfactions, ambiguities, concerns and distrust about the war against terrorism not only within the opposition Afghan parties but within the Afghan government authorities, as well. Soon after there were reports of Taliban office in Qatar, the Afghan government, especially President Hamid Karzai, was very much annoyed, thinking that Afghan government was kept out of any reconciliation process being planned by US with the Taliban.

The Afghan ambassador to Qatar was summoned in order to have proper analysis of the situation and it was recommended that it would be better if such an office was established in Saudi Arabia or Turkey. However, ultimately they mentioned that they would not have any objection if a Taliban office is established at Doha, the Qatari capital but they emphasized that this office must serve for the purpose of negotiation alone.

Afghanistan's High Peace Council (HPC), as a reaction to the announcement, mentioned, "The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is in agreement regarding the opening of an office for the armed opposition, but only to move forward the peace process and conduct negotiations."

Regarding the controversy of where the office should be situated, a government official mentioned, "We are saying Saudi or Turkey are preferable, we are not saying it has to be there only. The only condition is, it should be an Islamic country."

Commenting on the revelation of the reports of Qatar's office, the US State Department spokesperson, Victoria Nuland, had mentioned, "It is for the Afghans to decide on their peace talks, and the United States will support any such Afghan initiative…. This is not a peace that can be negotiated by us. It has to be negotiated primarily among Afghans." Nevertheless, it seems very much evident now that there have been endeavors by US and Germany for the reconciliation process in Qatar.

Though, now it is very clear that Taliban's Qatar office has been maintained and the efforts are underway to start the reconciliation process, the doubts still exist, in some way or the other, in the minds of Afghan authorities that they are being sidelined in the process.

Sensing the growing ambiguities within Afghanistan, Marc Grossman, US Special Envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, was sent to diminish the concerns and assure Afghan authorities of their participation in the process. That's why he clearly declared that reconciliation process would be totally Afghan-led and the US intends to carry on the process under the leadership of the President Karzai.

However, it seems like Afghan Presidential office and HPC have not fully trusted the efforts, that's why they have been making endeavors to carry on the reconciliation process on their own as well. Few days ago, there were reports that President Karzai had met the Hizb e Islami leaders regarding the peace negotiations and now there are reports that Afghanistan and Pakistan are planning to open a front with Taliban in Saudi Arabia.

The report has been revealed by BBC and Afghan authorities and Taliban, in response to the report, have mentioned that both Kabul and Islamabad are striving for their own negotiations with Taliban. It can not be verified yet whether the reports are true or not, but it is a fact that Afghanistan and Pakistan have been trying to have their dominant role in the peace process with Taliban.

They believe that any process without their involvement would not result in lasting peace. Janan Mosazai, Afghan foreign ministry spokesperson, in response to the report, has said, "Of course we support any steps towards the Afghan peace process."

However, his statement does not support the validity of the report but at the same moment it must be mentioned that an Afghan government official, with the condition of anonymity has said to AFP, "We will always pursue all roads towards peace in Afghanistan, including contacts with the Taliban that are not limited to the Qatar office."

There are reports that Taliban's Quetta Shura has also supported the validity of the reports of peace negotiations in Saudi Arabi. As for now, nothing can be said with complete surety whether the reports are correct or not but it is sure that the reports, if true, will be made publically known very soon.

Pakistan's foreign minister Hina Rabbani Khar is going to visit Kabul on Wednesday, i.e. February 01, 2012. It is expected that she is going to discuss the ongoing peace process and future of Af-Pak relations, which at the moment are not very much healthy.

There have been many incidents that have led to the deterioration of the relations. The death of HPC chief, Burhan ud din Rabbani, was one of the most dominant ones. This particular meeting is being considered as a 'new phase' in the Af-Pak relations but it is early to conclude anything in this regard.

The start of new relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan has always been very promising but they have not been able to carry on the relations very smoothly. There have always been unexpected fluctuations in their relations that have made them pay heavy price as well.

The deterioration of relations of Pakistan with US has also influenced the Af-Pak relations to a great extent. The Pak-US relations reached to its worst after the unfortunate incident of killings of Pakistani soldiers within the Pakistani border by the NATO assault. Nevertheless, it should be mentioned that US has always emphasized that Pakistan has an important role to play in the war against terrorism.

It is a fact that Pakistan has an important role to play in the war against terrorism. However, it has to gain the confidence of Afghan and US authorities regarding the consistency of its role. It has to be admitted that the way Pakistan and Afghanistan can solve the issue of terrorism collectively, it can not be done individually.

In fact, the confidence and trust of the entire region is necessary for Afghanistan if it is really interested in putting an end to the menace of terrorism. Afghanistan at the moment is standing in a very crucial phase of its history.

The incidents in the current phase can decide about the future of the country. In order for the country to have peaceful and prosperous future it is necessary that the Afghan authorities must show diplomatic prudence and must never let the international and regional powers lose trust on Afghanistan.

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at dilawar.sherzai@gmail.com.

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