Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Free the World! End the Dictatorship of Banking Oligarchy!


Free the World! End  the Dictatorship of  Banking Oligarchy!

"Give me the control of a nation's money supply and I care not who makes its laws" is the famous saying by the all-time lord of money and finance, Mayer Amschel Rothschild. He, as the head of this famous dynasty of bankers, once controlled the city of London as the financial center of the whole world and his private fortune was unparalleled. His descendants today sit on the executive boards of some of the most prominent global companies and the influence of this family is still pervasive throughout the world particularly in banking.

Today, we are clearly witnessing what happens when this famous saying is actually put into action, and when the power to make money in the developed world is vested in a few hands – a private clique of Mafia-like banking oligarchy who are holding the entire states, countries, economies and political systems at gunpoint and exercising their privilege of creating money with disastrous consequences for the rest of the world. At this juncture in the world's history, we are seeing the growth and consolidation of the power of bankers on an unprecedented scale.

Across the developed world the situation is worrisome as democracy is being rolled back and the draconian power of the bankers is being established.  The majority of politicians and political systems are being co-opted into a network of subservient servants to the global banking Mafia.

The process is almost complete in the U.S. where the power of the Wall Street and the banking mafia is extremely extensive. In Europe, what we are witnessing is an unmitigated disaster. If Europe's democratic traditions have so far been strong, it is the bankers and the banking establishment that is taking over Europe. The current sovereign debt crisis is providing a convenient opportunity for the banking and financial establishment to increase their influence across Europe while managing the ongoing crisis situation.

Look at Italy; with whom our country Afghanistan signed a strategic deal a few days ago. Its "appointed" president and new "technocrat" cabinet have indeed been appointed by the European banking establishment. Today, the situation in Europe continues to be worrying.

Entire economies and countries in the developed world are being run actually by the bankers and the banking establishment and not the politicians. Politicians remain beholden to the banking establishment with their hands tied and unable to effect any serious reforms and changes – changes and meaningful reforms irate the money masters and the lords of the banking Mafia and this is the last thing that politicians would want to do; they would never displease their benefactors.

So it is the twenty first century; three full years have passed by since the last banking and financial crisis and the results of the actions and so-called reforms taken is that first of all, there will indeed be another banking and financial crisis down the line and second, this coming financial crisis will indeed be much more severe than the one we barely managed to get by. The end of this unsustainable banking and financial system is well on its way and the global banking Mafia would go to any extent to prevent it or kick it down the line for another few years.

Today, the beautiful Europe and the once great America, "the house on the hill and the light unto the world" are being destroyed at the whim of the global banking Mafia. Look at the Occupy movements    across Europe and the U.S. including the Occupy Wall Street movement.

As an American and a former derivatives trader put it in an interview the other day aired on BBC, the American people have just woken up to the reality that their children have no future. Yes it is true and it is indeed sad. Beautiful America has long turned into a land of contradictions and contrasts.

While it is generously contributing to building a viable and democratic state and government here in Afghanistan, and while it is gearing up to rise to the challenges of the twenty first century and maintain its able leadership of the world in this century, its domestic conditions continues to worsen with the "American Dream" long dead. It keeps going yet deeper into an economic, political, social and cultural crisis that dangerously threatens the very foundations of the republic that the Founding Fathers had founded more than two centuries ago.

Today, American parents have found it out the hard way that the lives of their children will not be better than them but worse off. The peak years of the great American civilization in the post-World War II era is now coming to an end. From now on much greater poverty, unemployment, much less democracy, greater tyranny (especially of the bankers), greater political authoritarianism and much lower standards of living will be a reality for the people in the U.S. and of course Europe. Thank you for building Afghanistan!

The way forward in the West is to end the tyranny of the bankers and the supremacy of 'finance capital' and rebuild economies on actual production rather than debt. The current time bomb of debt-based financial and economic system should be gradually dismantled and brought to an end before it collapses on the heads of all with disastrous consequences.

Look at the 600 trillion dollar derivatives time bomb! It will be a matter of only a few years before cracks appear on this massive wall of derivatives. Crises such as the ongoing sovereign debt crisis will look like a miniscule plaything in front of this gargantuan wall of derivatives.

To be realistic, it is extremely unlikely that the powerful banking establishment in the U.S. and Europe let go of their vital interests for the greater good of entire economies and nations. Added to this, political systems in the West continue to be beholden to and in bed with these banking establishments.

In order to save the struggling economies in the West and considering the fact that the recent improvements are only a mirage of economic recovery, major banks and financial corporations in the West should be left to go bankrupt instead of pumping trillions of dollars into them which is being done right now.

The bankers would never agree to a purge of the system which in effect amounts to a destruction of themselves, their fortunes and their banking and financial empires. As we and the hapless citizens in the West look on, the result is that the banking and financial system as well as the economies and futures of hundreds of millions of people go down the drain and are destroyed. The collapse, unfortunately, is inevitable!

The author is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlook afghanistan@gmail.com

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