Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Taliban Infiltrators in ANA


Taliban Infiltrators in ANA

The Defense Ministry is uncertain about whether to implement a new policy draft nationwide, asking all members of the Afghan National Army whose families live in Pakistan, to bring them to Afghanistan or leave the Army. In response to the recent rise of infiltrators and incidents of ANA soldiers turning up their weapons on ISAF troops, Defense Ministry started an investigation which shows many of those involved in such attacks have family ties in Pakistan.

The policy is in pilot phase in some districts, but senior officials are reluctant about a nationwide implementation fearing a large number of soldiers might quit, since their families live in Pakistan.

The incidents involving attacks on coalition troops by Afghan soldiers or police had increased last year. In some cases, it has been Taliban infiltrators, and in others, Afghan soldiers who have turned their guns on their foreign trainers. The latest such incident was the killing of four French troops by an ANA soldier in a camp in Tagab District of Kapisa Province. According to military reports, over 60 ISAF troops have been killed in incidents involving ANA soldiers turning up their guns, or Taliban infiltrators in uniform, during the last couple of years.

Mere family ties in Pakistan could not be a reason for such a shocking figure and increasing attacks. There is something wrong with the trainings of ANA and recruitment procedures. In withdrawal rush, the US and NATO have focused more on quantity of ANA than quality. Given the low recruitment percentage from the insurgency-hit areas, the procedure has been relaxed and a proper screening compromised. With such increasing Taliban infiltrators, it means the recruiting process is flawed and a matter of great concern as the 2014 withdrawal deadline comes closer.

Last year in November, an ANA soldier had opened fire on his Australian trainers in Uruzgan. All Afghan soldiers were disarmed and confined to barracks. ISAF confirmed three injured and no casualty. The killer had escaped the camp with a Humvee. Recently, Taliban's propaganda website Al-Emarah web has released a video interview with him. The Middle East Media Research Institute has translated the interview for their subscribers. I am sharing excerpts from their report in today's column.

Muhammad Rozi son of Muhammad Usman is from Hazarsumooth District of northern Takhar Province. Taliban claim their "hero" has killed 12 Australian soldiers. Muhammad Rozi says he went to Madrassah and later completed school until grade 10. He joined Army two years ago after being convinced by the ANA advertisement on TV showing Quranic recitations and call for Afghans to serve the country.

Detailing his attack on November, 09 2011 he says, "I have been with ANA for one and half year. All this time, I had one mission in my mind, to kill foreigners and teach them a lesson. We are Muslims, we cannot accept foreigners. The name of our patrol camp is Nisar Ahmad. It is in Chirmistan area.

There were 35 ANA soldiers and around 12-13 foreigners. It was the third day of Eid. I prepared the grenade-launcher and my gun with 200 bullets. We were 8 soldiers deployed at the post. I went up to the watchtower. I watched with a binocular. Foreigners were sitting in a room. There were 12 of them.

I opened six fires. A soldier ran to me and asked what I was doing. He suspected my motives. I told it's not his business. I thought now I am in trouble, if I kill them (foreigners) also in trouble, if not too. Because a person from the camp saw and he would report to our commander. It is not allowed to fire rockets from the tower unless ordered. I thought now it's better to kill the foreigners. If killed, one is martyred according to the will of God. I opened fire. When bullets finished, I changed took the machine gun and killed all of them."

He says he drove away with a Humvee. After 40 minutes of drive, he says, he was sure there were no ANA posts in the area and it was a "Mujahideen" (Taliban) territory.

"I saw some people on the corner of the road. The tank was hot. I stopped and went to them to ask if I could get a motorcycle. I offered the tank for a motorcycle so I could get out of that area. They could not understand me. I could not speak Pashto. Then I asked is there a Muslim to save me. I have gunned down 12 foreigners. Then a white-bearded old man held my hand and said here it's the Islamic Emirate [Taliban] and Mujahideen territory. We will help you. They took me to a house for the night. There were aircrafts and helicopters that evening searching around. Then they moved me to another area next morning."

He thanks the Taliban saying it would have been impossible to escape safely if it was not the help of the "Mujahideen of Uruzgan".

On the question of foreign troops' behavior with ANA soldiers, he gloss over without clear answer saying ANA and foreign troops live in separate rooms. However, on another question about the behavior of foreign troops with local people, he says "ISAF troops beat up locals during searches of houses and we cannot accept it".

The former ANA soldier also claims many of his friends at the camp were thinking about such operations. He says, "Whenever it is the will of God, they will take action. We used to talk about Jihad all the time. They are courageous Muslims. They always think about doing such operations."

He said the US does not allow other countries to withdraw their troops. He adds that they heard all the time in the camp that "except Americans, all foreign troops from other countries want to leave".
The interview ends with a Taliban propaganda anthem with lines in poetic rhythm some of which are the following: "we will spread Jihad in the world.

We have seen the decline of West and the fall of Dollar. London, Paris and Washington are crumbling with our fear. NATO is in trouble and has run out of supply. We are the nation of heroes. Our revolution is the defeat of powerful imperials, the Cross and their supporters. We have given Jihad and pride to Muslim Ummah . Our land is the grave of empires."

Abbas Daiyar is a staff writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at Abbas.daiyar@gmail.com He tweets at http://twitter.com/#!/AbasDaiyar

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