Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Taliban and the future of Afghanistan


Taliban and the future of Afghanistan

Afghanistan is the heart of Asia - a country with a lot of honor and precious treasure. But who is the real enemy of peace in Afghanistan? In response to this difficult question we can only mention the name of ''Taliban Regime'' and their supporters. Taliban are such as people who do not recognize themselves. So, how can they know and recognize others?

Whenever we hear the name of Taliban, we remind the wretched time of their government and their oppression which made the people suffer to a great extent. So, how can we imagine a bright future for Afghanistan, if Taliban have a big share in Afghan society?

It is impossible to have and imagine a bright future for Afghanistan with Taliban because they are the root of misery in Afghanistan.

Killing and murdering of the innocent people is the most valuable achievement of Taliban. Let's think that what do we need first to have an improved Afghanistan with a bright future, the only thing which is so affective to have a bright future is education.

But, we have not been able to achieve much in this regard as traditional attitude towards education and Taliban's reaction toward school have been very much negative. Because they have not been at school for once in their life except the so called madressahs where they have learned how to kill the people and by this wrong learning they raise their heads and they claim they are the real Muslim! Has Islam ever said that killing the innocent people is a golden key to enter to paradise? Why do they obey this way? Is it the real Islam which Taliban claim?

We can't mention the name of success when we are talking about the Taliban, because it is out of imagination.

Let's take a look on feeling of people when Taliban had gone;
The day that Taliban left Afghanistan was an important day for my family community and country. They left Afghanistan in 2001. It was our liberation day. Everyone was happy and the people's dreams came true. Everyone was free. Women could go to work. Girls could go to school.

Men were free not any pressure to have beard or wear long clothes anymore. Everybody was making planning of its future. The immigrants were coming back home after many years. The Taliban claimed it was trying to ensure a society in which women had a safe and dignified role. But the facts show the opposite. Women were stripped of their dignity under the Taliban. They were made unable to support their families. Girls were deprived of basic health care and of any semblance of schooling. They were even deprived of their childhood under a regime that took away their songs, their dolls, and their stuffed animals -- all banned by the Taliban.

Taliban are nothing except destruction for Afghanistan and there is no way to have bright future with destructive attitude shown by Taliban. Return of Taliban would mean regression. During the reign of Taliban many literate women had to be at home and couldn't use their knowledge.

There was not any job for women out side home anymore. Participation of women in any issue of the society was forbidden. In the society even men were not free. They had to have beard if not they would have to be beaten. They had to study religious books beside their studies in whatever field they were studying no matter. They made a country like a prison. Many people left their houses and their families to find a peaceful life in other countries. Many people died in civil wars during that time.

Having a bright future for our people and for future of Afghanistan is up to our responsible people in our government. First, they have to remove the generation of Taliban from Afghanistan, secondly, they need to invest on education, they should fully support the literate generation because they are those who can be able to make a bright future for Afghanistan. Our people are tired of losing the innocent people.

With the advent of Taliban, the situation in Afghanistan will be getting worse every day and this is the cause that our responsible persons in our government must take some rigid decisions to make a perfect system of clean up for Taliban. Taliban are a dangerous stain on Afghanistan's reputation and have to be removed from Afghanistan.

Taliban are only thinking about the destruction of Afghanistan and their main goal is to vitiate the Afghan people because they have been trained and grown up with such ideas. So, how can we have a bright future? How can be waiting for our enemy to make our future?

To make a future bright we must be thankful to international community that they are attempting to make the Afghanistan improve and they are fighting against the terrorists. If international community had not come to Afghanistan, we would not be able even to live in our own country because Taliban are not such people who can provide all the facilities to run our country in an improved manner.

It is so difficult to make a bright future for such a country which has passed 23 years of ruination and bloody war by such people which called Taliban. They just obey the regulation which they have made by themselves.
Our government must be a good supporter and guarantor for people of Afghanistan. People of Afghanistan can not tolerate enough to accept this ruination again because they have tasted and passed this awful experience.

The only thing which can make a huge difference for the future of Afghanistan is Education and technology .These are the only ways of success to have a bright future as the other countries in the world.
In conclusion, it is unbelievable and thought out to build a bright future with the Taliban because they have shown themselves to people and international community that they are not capable enough to lead a country.

Nazir Hussain Merzaie is a freelance Afghan columnist he can be reached at Nazir_hussaintkd@yahoo.com

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