Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

The Escalating Frustration


The Escalating Frustration

The frustration seems to be rising in Afghanistan's Presidential office regarding the reconciliation process with Taliban and the future of Afghanistan. The government does not seem to be in a very clear position regarding its stand about the socio-political scenario. The ambiguities are not only clear from the different incidents but also from the attitude of the President himself. Some of the very current issues and the responses of President Karzai have made it clear that the state of affairs is neither according to the demands of Presidential office nor in its control.

From the very inception of peace process with Taliban there have been doubts and concerns and they seem to be multiplying with each passing day. When there was announcement of Taliban office in Qatar, there was serious reaction from the Afghan Presidential office. The concern was that the Afghan government was being kept separate from the process.

It also showed interest that it would be better to have the office either in Saudi Arabia or Turkey, but the demands were not heard. Moreover, the reconciliation process in Qatar is not being led by Afghan government even though it was promised by US that the reconciliation process would be Afghanized.

Nevertheless, Afghan Presidential office, in some way or the other, accepted the process in Qatar. When the Afghan government officials started to become calmer, there were concerns raised by the opposition parties and many serious minds among Afghan public.

The opposition parties started calling the process secret and unable to deal with the challenges of time and excluded many important parties within the Afghan society. They demanded that the peace process should be made more transparent and should involve the parties that have been anti-Taliban and deserve to be a party in the process.

They also raised doubts about the softening attitude of the US and Afghan authorities towards the Taliban and possible release of certain Taliban figures who have been involved in mass killing of minorities within Afghanistan. To make the situation more tense there was the announcement by French authorities to withdraw its troops earlier – by the end of 2013.

The European countries that contribute troops in war against terrorism and the US that leads the war are to be affected by the decision to a great extent. Even many within Afghan society started doubting the outcome of the decisions. They mentioned that earlier withdrawal would mean inviting disorder as Afghan troops and security arrangement are not mature enough to guarantee peace and tranquility.

Now, the recent trilateral talks that took place in Islamabad among Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran, could not yield any remarkable outcome. The talks again ended with the promises and commitment, fulfilling which would require sincere and determined efforts.

Moreover, the talks between Afghanistan and Pakistan did not go very smoothly and, in fact, puzzled many people. Afghanistan and Pakistan relations have not been going very well. Afghanistan has always showed concerns about the links of Pakistan's spy agency with the Taliban operating on the Afghan side of the border.

After most of the major incidents that targeted important places and people in Kabul, Afghan authorities have blamed Pakistan's spy agency for the support of the culprits. Pakistan, on the other hand, has always rejected the blames and has even mentioned that it itself has been influenced much by the growing terrorism in the region.

Afghan authorities, however, maintain that Pakistan's role in Afghanistan has not been very much positive. President Karzai, during his visit to Islamabad shocked every one as he demanded that Pakistani authorities should arrange his meeting with Taliban leaders, including Taliban's Chief Mullah Omar.

Whether Mullah Omar is in the control of Pakistani authorities or not is a different discussion but the demand made by President Karzai proved to be very much explicit and made the Pakistani authorities angry as well. The talks, throughout, had a very tense tone and the situation shows that the relations between the two countries are not going to get better very soon.

Afghan Presidential office at the moment does not seem very much in tone with the socio-political scenario. All it has to offer is a reaction to the incidents not prudent response, which shows its frustration. It has been very much isolated in certain ways.

It has not been made the captain in the negotiation process. Taliban have not responded to the welcoming calls of the President and have kept on insisting that they would not have negotiation with the 'puppet government'.

Even when there were claims by Presidential office that they had negotiated with Taliban representatives, Taliban denied the claims. The opposition parties in the country are totally dissatisfied of the government policies and structure. They have also been making hue and cry.

Neighboring countries, as well, seem to find their interests far distant from what Afghan government is pursuing. International community is tired of the Afghan war and they are in a hurry to withdraw forces from the Afghanistan.

Moreover, there has been pressure on Afghan government from international community and international organizations for being corrupt and unable to provide 'good governance' to the people of Afghanistan. Afghan President and NATO have been standing on crossroads regarding NATO's strategy in the country.

President, during the visit to Islamabad, even mentioned that NATO's mistakes have strengthened Taliban. Mentioning the claimed mistakes, he said, "Civilian casualties and nighttime raids are the mistakes which make the Afghans unhappy and increase distrust." All these factors have made Afghan Presidential office stand in a tight corner, from where it does not have many options to pursue.

Afghanistan is going through a very crucial phase of its history. At this juncture, it is necessary for Afghan government to be very much dynamic and prudent. It has to have scientific and logical analysis of the scenario before it can take any step and decide its strategy.

Afghan people have great expectations from the changes that have occurred in the last decade in Afghanistan and they believe that the ongoing transition period would end with better life opportunities and socio-political scenario in the country. There are opportunities that their dreams are changed to reality; however, for that, Afghan government needs to show more competence and forethought.

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at dilawar.sherzai@gmail.com.

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