Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Killing to Secure the Status


Killing to Secure  the Status

Civilization and modernity should be based on the sound state of mind that should develop the human relationship between each other and diminish the very gap between haves and have-nots. It is generally assumed that the ongoing human development at any point is related to poverty. With the increasing advancement and investment on the better quality of life, poverty will reduce and obviously development will remove poverty forever from every corners of the universe.

In the same way, today's emerging consequences that we observer clearly indicate that the vision and mission to eliminate poverty is deceptive. For the societies that have experienced extraordinary prosperity and civilization during the last couple of decades have not clearly been able to eliminate either poverty or destitution even within their borders, instead increased the rate of impoverishment among the poor, excluded and marginalized fellows and divided societies into different ethnical or religious warriors to destroy peace, harmony, brotherhood and unity around the world and completely turned the status of mankind into an isolated and selfish position.

Mothers are widowed, their son and daughters are taken away to gain their political and ideological purpose in the means of development. Homes are ruined and their properties are taken by force. At this point of time, the philosophy and model of development are completely defective.

What can be perceived today in our manpower dominated society, people are living in qualified prosperity development and with their ultimate power haven't done anything yet for the poor, and instead poor are always dominated or used for political acquirements, treated as second citizen of the state.

The people continued and still continue to suffer from human insecurity, social injustice, and economic disparity, scarcity of opportunity, lack of basic human needs, and the critically dysfunctional state of the education system and may more in our society. This noticeably, demonstrates that at this point of time, people in Afghanistan are in fact one of the poorest nations in the international arena. Every day, dozens of people die for the sack of culture, religion and tradition misguided by our politicians, leaders and other powerful men who are behind these all bloodshed and death to go head of the time before it comes for their personal goals.

Leaving many to wonder that what worse horrors could happen to the Afghan people than this. People are told that there is hell in the world hereafter, what do you think the real hell would look like? Isn't it the real hell that people are burning in? Innocent women, children and men are burned alive through the fire of bomb-lost and other horrifying ways.

Innocents are beheaded and stoned to death alive and you say it is not the hell!! Everyone is running to seek safety and justice. Money has become the ultimate God for the people, and our powerful men today become like a knife cutting the lives. This should be rather called a doomsday, where everyone is fighting for him or herself. What the rich guys know the real face of poverty, injustice and discrimination that the poor and marginalized people living in. Ask from the poor members of this society, what it really looks like and how it is affecting them.

In the societies where there is justice and equality, prosperity and development are the causes to end poverty, but in Afghanistan it is totally different. The large-scale of destitution is often a direct result of urbanization and development and powerful leaders. It only follows the order of destruction and commons and the shared life-support systems of the poor are considered useless and immature.

Therefore, the most manifest examples of destruction are not found in the traditional isolated, tribal communities because they are never included in the political, social, economic and institutional forums. Among the most affected ones are the poor communities living in the urban slums, the daily wage earners, and the landless agricultural laborers when their farm of agriculture begins to collapse and are unable to cope with demand of an impersonal market and a modern political economy. Perhaps, they are running always in loss in such a powerful dominated society where there is no hand to hold on.

Similarly, poverty in non-modern society, like Afghanistan necessarily means starvation, collapse of life-support system, injustice, the miss leading of the people by the dominated leaders who use the people to reach their common interests.

At this point of time, what is so scary is the destitution that means zero income in our society with no job opportunities and the increase rate of unemployment, in an impersonal situation where individuality and corruption rule the society in the absence of rule of law, justice and honest governance.

Most of the analysts and professionals are with the view that there is a big difference in the life-styles of rich and poor people in Afghanistan, and these differences began to vanish the poor people with their unholy development from the society. In many Afghan families, the rich lived in brick and concrete houses; the poor lived in mud houses. The rich wore expensive clothes or western dress; the poor had two pairs of traditional clothes and old shoes. They wear one set when they wash the other, but they stay reasonably clean, satisfied and honest. The rich eat well, the poor eat poorly, but they do eat. In sum, the poor still survive and constitute in some cases a significant presence in the society.

What we can see in the developed societies is reasonably acceptable, the poor families have everything that the rich have, only a bit difference with low quality. The difference between the two classes becomes less cultural and more economic.

In European societies, poor have the same things that the rich have. There may be some difference with the quality of home sets, but they live under the same law and justice. The law applied to the poor is applied to the rich. No indiscrimination can be seen in the context of color, culture, religion or economic status. People don't treat each other by considering their status, but rather what is considered moral, lawful and what is good for the status of their country.

But if you put a glance in the Asian societies, particularly in Afghanistan, you will find the rich and the poor are living totally different, in every context of life. The law will be broken if the person is rich, but the same person who have broken the law for the rich will ignore the poor for asking his right, even will go against the law possibly if he/she belongs to the poor class people living in the same society.

Because the poor people don't have the usual features of the first world, large scale drug addiction or alcoholism, high crime rates and pathetic dependence on means of mass communication for interpersonal linkages or recommendations.

The safety net now lies in the hand of the rich and high authorized people. The poor are increasingly not only poor, they are depressed. Development in Afghan society may sometimes decreased poverty, but it has also done a lot to increase destitution, isolation, destruction and barbarism. The exceptions to this rule are either due to the ability to extract wealth through formal or informal scenario or through unholy authoritarian exploitation.

To put into a nutshell, I would like to add that people accepted all kinds of miseries, injustice, barbarism, antagonism and bloodshed just to live a better life system in peace, harmony, justice and with equality opportunities in every walks of life. But all these seem that it will be a future full of darkness, full of disappointment, full of tragedies and catastrophes, not only in Afghanistan, but into the whole universe due to unlikely competition to go ahead of the time before it comes by developing the nuclear weapons.

This is the only gift that the developed nations and powerful people have given to us.
Today we have developed speed and shut ourselves in machinery that gives us abandon and left us all on in one. Our knowledge has made a cynic our cleverness and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More the machinery, we need humanity, cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness. Without peace, equality, justice qualities, life would be violent and all will be lost. We don't have to put the upcoming generations in war and bloodshed. The rest is with you to decide, but remember that we all need to rise to the challenge that we are facing today for a brighter future for ourselves and for the upcoming generations.

Abdul Samad Haidari is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at abdulsamad.haidari96@gmail.com

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