Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Freezing Cold and Afghan Children


Freezing Cold and Afghan Children

Winter is a cold and a harsh season and Afghanistan is a mountainous country and its winter is very cold and overbearing. Our children are not able to live within the minimum facilities and equipment in such as condition. The winter of this year was the hardest and coldest winter in the past years and many of our innocent children and our people lost their won life and died because of the harsh condition and because of the shortage of facilities and they just left another sorrow in the hearts of their families.

Those innocent children who were thought to live in the center of their own families and were dear to their families. But, due to neglect of our government and officials died and tears were flowing over the eyes of their families. What crime did the innocent children commit and how guilty they were?

Why they were eliminated by the neglect of such as government? A government which still is not able to make the people satisfied over the ten years and there is nothing in the mind and head of our government officials except bribery, corruption and betrayal. Who in our government is held accountable for the death of these innocent children? Who supports the families of these missing children in our government? Is our government a fundamental and sympathetic and caring government for our people?

In fact, children are our bright future and bright lights of our country, victimize of our innocent children with the minimum of facilities should not be a simple and trivial issue for our government and our responsible persons. They must fell their own responsibility regarding the urgency of people.

Supporting of international community is a good opportunity for progress of our country and pushes the country out of this situation. We hope international aid and support of international community is not a huge private investment for our government officials and it should be a panacea on the sorrows of our people.

I do not know why the aid and supporting of international community is a good and perfect resource to build the huge residential and business buildings for our government officials in abroad and out of Afghanistan! Why there is no answer for the pains and questions of our people in our government which are still remain. Why our responsible persons in our government do not know and do not realize the meaning of compassion, caring and responsibility of themselves for developing our country?

n my articles, there are many questions for our irresponsible officials which must be answered. I hope they get and find the ability and efforts to answer these questions.
Helping and supporting the poor people must be in progress urgently and seriously in our government. Pain and disability of our people must be the same pain and disability for our government and our government officials do not have the right to take these issues simple. Because if our people eliminated our government would be eliminated too. Pain and disability of our people must find its place in our government.

Pain and disability of our people should not be a good and perfect resource for our government officials to abuse these issues in international community and abuse the aid and supporting of international community either because maintenance of children is the same maintaining of government's future and supporting them is the same as supporting the social foundation of society and our country.

Education is the fundamental and inalienable right of our children and the current situation of our country should not be a fear in their minds and their progress. This is the responsibility of our government officials to remove such as problems and take our children out of this way. Our government officials must be a good balm on the wounds and pains of our people and they must be a good haven for the suffering of our people not a wound on their hearts and pains.

I do not know why the talents of our children and people are not considered in our government, but, instead of this issue, ethnic, racial and family relationship has taken place.
This is the strong weakness of our government that instead of encouraging the children to continue their education and studies, our children do hard labor such as, painting shoes, washing cars and begging to find their own expenses for their life.

Grief of losing their fathers make them unable to continue their studies and they have to do these hard labor jobs and hope and regret of continuing their studies and progress will remain in their small and unable hearts forever. Where are our government officials to see such conditions? Are not these children human? Do not they need a supporter? Why should they wish for a quiet life and good education and adequate facilities on their weak hearts of our children to stay fit?

Our government's investment on children and disadvantage people in our country is a big achievement for our government and it is possible that there may be our future ministers, lawyers and president of our country among them. But, economic weakness and poverty has broken their backs and it is as a problem in their ways and prevents them to prove themselves in our country.

These crisis and disasters and finding the perfect solutions for these issues must be at the head of the tasks and functions of our government and authorities. How long more our government officials would be running out of these disasters? How long more they intent to accept themselves irresponsible against the people's problems?

Our government must make the harsh winter within all its problems and rigors spring to our people and specially for our children.
Let's instead of war and devastation, read the sounds of progress and education in the ears of our children and take them out of violation and get them close to education and progress by our internal supports and push them out of these problems and take the insecurity, war and economic weakness out of their minds and encourage them to serve the country because our irresponsible government officials were not able to do this.

If our government officials are thinking about their own building and their personal interests, lets get together and make our children's future bright by ourselves and do not let the grueling cold winter to be the winter and problems in their lives. In this regard there is a very nice proverb which is fair for our government officials '' Great talkers are little doers''.

Last but not least, I hope that our children do not lose their lives due to winter and indifference of our government and this sadness do not take place in homes and lives of our countrymen. I hope that talents are under consideration of our government and I need the justice to be dominant in our society and country and the unanswered questions and complaints of our people take its own places in our government.

I need our irresponsible government officials not to be irresponsible regarding the people's problems and do not try to escape from these issues. I need them to be thinking about the problems of people instead of thinking about their own private investment and deceiving the people and make our country proud in the international community. We look forward to this day.

Nazir Hussain Merzaie is a freelance Afghan columnist. He can be reached at nazir_hussaintkd@yahoo.com

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