Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

ANA, US Atrocities and Our Jinn


ANA, US Atrocities and Our Jinn

Afghan President has recently declared that his country’s Security Forces would conduct all military operations independently in 2013. While talking to journalists in Military Academy in Kabul, Hamid Karzai contradicted his statement by saying that security forces might not currently be capable to defend the country, but after two or three decades they would have the ability to counter insurgency. “Afghan can buy mortar, tanks and helicopters on credit, but we need experts to use these weapons” the President said.

This contradictory statement about the role of rogue Afghan army in future military operations, in fact, seems to be a deep mental pain for the Army Chief, General Sher Muhammad Karimi, whose forces are still not able to defend their country. As a former Taliban commander, Sher Muhammad Karimi has recently shown his clear dissent on the US and NATO way of military operation in Afghanistan.

Recent killings in both Kandahar and Interior Ministry were a clear sign for US and NATO commanders that mutual trust between them and ANA is at an all time low. There are now real concerns for the future partnership. This negative environment will make it even more difficult for Afghans to accept a long-term partnership with US and NATO.

One of our elderly Jinn found General Sher Muhammad Karimi in a state of dismal in his recent meeting in Defence Ministry outlining a new military strategy to tackle Taliban insurgency according to the traditional Jirga principles of Afghanistan. General Sher Muhammad’s blood pressure went out of control when he looked at the pictures of the killed innocent children.

Sher Muhammad regretted and said, the killing of 16 Afghan civilians including nine children in Kandahar was premeditated murder plan. He was shedding tears with harsh condemnation of the mass murder during the meeting and demanded the transfer of military operation command to his rogue army.

One of our elderly Jinn asked him whether he and his colleague Generals want to continue cooperation with NATO and US forces in the war against terrorism, he kept silence but confirmed that NATO doesn’t trust his Mujahedeen and Taliban dominated army. In fact, General Sher Muhammad wants to bring some changes in the military command and control system as he looks at the low quality training and intractable behaviour of his forces.

The news of drug addiction in army barracks, smuggling, factionalism, sectarianism, ethnic divide, religious and political loyalties, corruption, and warlordism have exacerbated his mental condition. His contradictory statements in national and international press have created a lot of misunderstanding. Sometimes he wants to fight inside Pakistan and liberate Pashtunistan while sometimes feels helpless at the hands of his NATO partners.

Large number of his troop’s defection to the Taliban terrorist networks and turmoil within military headquarters is matter of greater concern. Interestingly, his incessant stance against NATO and US operations and recent inclination towards Taliban reflects his inner irate and frustration. The issue of night raid on civilian locations in search of Taliban commanders raised several questions about how long foreign troops should remain in Afghanistan and under what terms and conditions.

The irony is that Afghans formally invited foreign forces to secure their country from the wrath of terrorist Taliban, now they want their guests to leave immediately. One of our Jinns chuckled with open mouth and said they sacrificed for an Arab guest and enslaved their country and the guests they invited ten years ago are being forced to leave. General Sher Muhammad Karimi complains that his investigation team did not receive sincere cooperation from his foreign partners during the investigation into the Panjwai killings while Afghan President also accused US and NATO allies of obstructing an investigation.

Afghan army is divided on early withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan. Some Generals have shown stark reaction on the statements of President Hamid Karzai and General Sher Muhammad against their foreign partners.

An ethnic general told our elderly Jinn that domestic political forces across the country are more critical of the President statement - some say Karzai and General Sher Muhammad want an alliance with Taliban. From strategic partnership to the permanent US military bases, all hopes have vanished. Some general are exasperated and adamant on the issue of withdrawal while some want them to stay. Preparations for internal fighting have completed, just waiting for a last signal. The theft of arms is in large-scale while former Mujahedeen commanders, warlords and criminal militias have become a constant challenge for the ANA.

In British embassy, our elderly Jinn found the outgoing ambassador angry over the culture of corruption within the Afghan army and police departments. He warned if the Afghan government failed to tackle corruption, Britain would withdraw funding for the country. Sir William told our elderly Jinn that nobody thinks that Afghanistan will be self-sustaining before 2024 or 2025. Sir William’s calculation is quite understandable. He is a well aware diplomat and understands the future of Afghanistan depends on the level of corruption. The situation is getting very frustrating as Afghan army soldiers started killing their foreign partners.

Last week, in his short e-mailed message to one of our Jinns, an Afghan politician suggested that Afghans need to study the history of first and second world wars. Atrocities occur in all wars and it must be born in mind that war is brutal and it brutalizes the mind of warriors.

He regretted over the brutal killing of British soldiers in the South but said Britain’s humanitarian behaviour is much better than the US. An Afghan general from Defence Ministry secretly informed our Jinn that confidence of the people has shattered with each passing day and now they started looking towards Shagahai-5 friends. US Defence Secretary was much disappointed when he touched down in Kabul last week. He regretted the statement of General Sher Muhammad about Panjwai incident but said US will defeat al Qaeda networks.

The writer is author of Policing in Multicultural Britain, can be reached at: zai.musakhan222@gmail.com.

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