Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Celebration and Painful Sighs


Celebration and Painful Sighs

On Saturday, while driving with a friend towards central part of Kabul city, we were stopped for body-check up by police who browbeat me when I said, "Come on man, I am not that kind of guy to carry out suicidal attacks". His fellow police kept distance and was peeking while watching the crossing vehicles, having his finger right on the trigger.

Though I knew that the next day, 8th Sawr, was the day for celebration for Mujaheedins' victory and the demise of communist regime, I asked the police with high respect, "What is up officer; why are you eagle-eying every pedestrians and vehicles?" He answered with harsh martial tone, "Where do you live?" "In Kabul", I said "Why?", "Then do not you understand that tomorrow is the day of celebration for Mujaheedins' victory and collapse of infidel, Godless Communism", he puttered.

The way he explained the victory of Mujaheedin groups caused my memory to go back, like that I was shot into the heart of years I could remember or my grandfather used to tell about his personal experience in Jihad against Godless Red Army.

The day is still enveloped in immense secrecy and it is really hard to question about what was the consequence of nation-wide resistance and sacrifices. Tens of thousands of people were killed and millions were forced to migrate to neighboring countries in search for safety and hand to mouth livelihood as a result of the holy war.

The day is still celebrated with high reverence and the administration of President Karzai was frequently criticized for policies claimed to be aimed at marginalization of Mujaheedin leaders. Radio and televisions widely cover the stories regarding the victory and analysts and Mujaheedin leaders are called to explain about the historic day.

No doubt, the day has lost its previous national-wide, high reverence among, not only intellectual class, but also part of common people, who have suffered during last few decades and feel that they were fooled under the banner of Islam and holy war (Jihad)! How?

Let's put a short glimpse to the day's background. When the people's Democratic Party made a successful coup in Kabul with their devotees inside military ranks, which paved the way for unreasonable military intervention of former Soviet Union; western and Islamic countries were terribly terrified about unbeatable or undefeatable power of USSR.

It was assumed that Afghanistan would be the last front for western countries to control the growing threats of communism for so-called liberalism and free market economy. Perhaps, it was right because the mountainous Afghanistan is a kind of natural front that wouldn't be conquered easily by any force.

If Afghanistan had been conquered, US had no choice other than direct military clash in Pakistan, perhaps, Indian oceans with USSR because after the suppression of opposing force in Afghanistan, it was hard for Pakistan to resist against well-equipped Red Army due to its natural topography.

Indeed, socialism was a real danger across the globe and young generation even in major parts of Europe was greatly attracted by central force of the ideology. In Muslim countries, where people were too religious and dogmatic, young intellectuals were supporting the ideology of socialism and preaching revolution against all kinds of dictatorship and economic classes.

See, for instance, the background of communist party in Iran. It developed rapidly that put monarchical system in danger of collapse. It was the time that one giant force was notified: the power of religion. Western countries largely supported the Islamic revolution, viewing the revolution as anti-communism movement.

On the other hand, communist parties in Iran supported the revolution as force against dictatorship that was at the core of their ideology. But soon after the monarchical regime was defeated, Ayatullah Khomeini, based on his religious charisma, pushed communist parties out of mainstream revolution and hanged over their leaders.

With success of Islamic revolution in Iran, attentions were focused on Afghanistan where the communist party took power in a well-organized and comparatively bloodless coup. Arms and money poured freely into the country and people were summoned to hold jihad against infidel and Godless Communism.

Some times when I revise the story of my grandfather about their Jihad, I can understand what were the main observations of common people and their concept of socialism. People were completely ignorant, particularly in rural areas, knew nothing about politics and the system.

They accepted the power of government and deemed, for example, decrease of tax, as part of government generosity, not their right. In another word, they assumed that government can tax as much as it can, and they are obliged to pay the amount the government orders.

Indeed, people's Democratic Party overruled the county when modern concepts of government and people-oriented establishments did not find way among common people. The communists were chanting slogans against poverty, and in the favor of dictatorship and unity of labors against exploiters, which were completely unfamiliar to Afghan people.

People did not think about dictatorship, instead they thought that their miseries were linked to their loose religious believe. If they fight against communism and force them out of the country, Allah will bless them. In addition, though there are various Islamic quotations (Hadith) in condemnation of poverty and lack of dignity, but the interpretation has changed in manner that many people view welfare and prosperity as evil thing, instead poverty as a blessing because they think they will be rewarded in next world for their sufferings in this world.

So, widespread illiteracy and false religious believe fuelled antagonism against communist-titled establishment and movements. Some put steps ahead, and took the leadership of people as religious scholars or patriotic generals, and other mouth watering names and titles. After the victory of Mujaheedin, they turned their arms against one another.

Now some people think that they were tricked because they were lined up against communists merely for religious believes which were propagated by the leaders of the Jihad. After the victory, these so-called Jihadi leaders turned against one another or fellows on how to share power and legacy of war. The struggle clearly showed that all Islamic slogans were merely for fulfilling their personal interests, not for Islam and religion.

Masood Korosh is the staff writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmial.com

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