Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Pentagon, Defense Clandestine Service and the future of Civil War in China


Pentagon, Defense Clandestine Service and the future of Civil War in China

Recent research reports have documented armed conflict between the United State and China and future civil war within China. The present conflictual situation in South China Sea which joins Southeast Asian states with Western pacific and functioning as a global sea routes, has exuberated diplomatic tension between China and the United States. Interestingly, more than fifty percent of the world's annual merchant fleet tonnage passes through these routes, and a third of all maritime traffic. Majority of oil transported through Malacca strait from Indian Ocean, en-route to the whole East Asia through South China Sea.

The recent Pentagon China-phobia policy, its containment of China, the emergence of new military intelligence agency and the US hegemonic design in South and Southeast Asia have become a hot debate in electronic and print media in Europe. The increasing Chinese influence in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia and its capture of European and African market together with the aggrandizement of Russian economy and military industry have caused an unending torment for the United States. Pentagon authorities didn't sleep a wink since the commencement of recent joint Russia-China naval exercise in the Yellow Sea between the east coast of mainland China and the Korean Peninsula and their stance on the Arab spring.

To find new enemies, US want to bring some long-term changes in Pak-Afghan policy, watch China and Russia closely and facilitate Taliban in their dealing with Afghanistan. The recent intelligence reforms together with the wide-ranging differences between CIA, Pentagon and Obama administration raised several questions. Their distrust on several issues like the publication of US soldiers pictures with suicide bomber in Afghanistan became the central issue of American think tanks. Obama has no full control over the military strategies of CIA and Pentagon in South Asia and their tacit military support to some groups in the region.

The recent establishment of a new military intelligence agency, Defense Clandestine Service and its focus on global threats, emerging economic and military powers means that Pentagon wants to contain and confine both China and Russia to specific regions.

The Defense Clandestine Service, according to Pentagon's report, will work closely with both Pentagon and CIA, recruiting spies from Defense Intelligence Agencies and deploying them in most part of South Asia to closely watch the military and economic movements of communist China in South and Southeast Asia.

According to new revelations of the US military news website "Inside defense", Pentagon and ministry of defense asked Congress for authority for spies to work undercover posing as businessmen when conducting covert operations abroad? These new developments and the recent US policy in Afghanistan, negotiation with Taliban insurgents and the deterioration of Pak-US relations signal new military challenges for China, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The clouds of new war is about to spread while either Afghanistan or Pakistan might become the battlefield of this intelligence game in near future.

This is the beginning of a new economic war as US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta declared that his country is at a strategic turning point after a decade of war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Having realized the sensitivity of the recent political and military developments in the region, Pentagon established a new military intelligence agency to strengthen its control over the region.

The US policy towards China involves strategic designs to keep it a global power. The only force that can play an instrumental role in spreading Pentagon's intelligence war inside China is Uyghur Muslim Movement. In China, government is already under increasing pressure from Muslim separatist and extremist groups seeking independence from the country.

In Xinjiang province, Uyghur Islamic Movement and other minor ethnic and political groups have established their secret networks, recruit and invite young people to their groups. Beijing is already facing constant threats from Tibet and Taiwan, the low-key conflict which has been simmering in the region since long. These ethnic and religious challenges are very serious for China's expanding economic and military role in both Asia and Africa. The Obama administration wants to switch US national security focus away from Middle East to address long-term issues such as the rise of China, Russia and North Korea.

The issue of future religious war in China is very complicated as horses are prepared and riders are being recruited outside the country. Close cooperation between Pakistan army and PLA will no more work, in spite the presence of Chinese military in Northern areas of Pakistan. China understands Jihad is the slogan of every military unit of Pakistan army, the role of Mullah in Pakistani society and the culture of jihadism and militancy. The recent arrest of some Chinese Muslims put China in riddle and released the details of some secret links between its militant groups in Pakistani sectarian groups.

Chinese security interests in Pakistan are to contain India. Beijing has built Pakistan's conventional military as well as nuclear missile capabilities to keep military balance in South Asia. Some recent reports indicate that China has complained over several of its Muslim dissidents living in Pakistan.

Moreover, in July 2011, terror attacks in Xinjiang that killed more than 20 people prompted Chinese criticism of Pakistan for failing to crackdown the training camps of Uyghur extremists in Waziristan region. Chinese authorities understand that terror activities of Chinese activists have increased in Pakistan while a Chinese writer recently complained in his writing that China has been disappointed by Pakistan's response.

The names published on government website (www.mps.gov.cn) are of Uyghur suspects. The current Muslim extremism in Xinjiang has clearly been inspired by some changes in Central Asia, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Some Chinese officials understand that Chinese militants are being trained in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

To intercept militant attacks inside the country, Chinese government is trying to establish close cooperation with Pakistani and Afghani extremist groups. Having secured economic privileges in Afghanistan, China is paying huge amount of bribes to Taliban. In a recent report, Hindustan Times claimed that China is helping Taliban in fight against foreign forces.

China's relations with neighboring states have been in strain. The Sino-Vietnamese flair-up, Philippine policy towards China and the current turmoil in Xinjiang may further create problem for the country. There are reports that in near future, guerrilla war in China would disrupt its economic process.

Suicide attacks in various Chinese provinces cannot be ruled out as extremist groups of Muslim dominated region recruit their young member for suicide attacks in neighboring states. According to some research reports, the future of China would be at stake if Uyghur Muslim extremist received weapons and financial support from outside the country.

There are apprehensions that Uyghur members will radicalize other minority groups, whether they would by ethnic Tibetans or Muslim Hui. All states in the region are under threat from Uyghur violent operations, specifically, those with sizable Uyghur minorities. According to some reports, Southeast Asian states are also worried about the growing extremist tendencies and terror training camps, specifically in Afghanistan and Pakistan, but they also understand that conflagration in China would destabilize the whole region.

The writer is author of Policing in Multicultural Britain, can be reached at: zai.musakhan222@gmail.com.

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