Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Widening Gap between Foreign and Afghan Troops


Widening Gap between Foreign and Afghan Troops

In the so-called "End Game" in Afghanistan, there are myriads of issues that are getting serious and they are denying the perception that the "Game" is reaching to its decisive "End" in Afghanistan. Though there have been endeavors to create a very optimistic perception about the future state of affairs, the concerns are really very genuine and cannot be ignored easily by serious minds.

Being optimistic is recommendable when one has to give hope to the people; however, being realistic is necessary to make them see the things as they are so that they should have an idea where they stand and what they are supposed to do. You cannot expect a person to reach to the desired destination once you blindfold him; you need to open his eyes and tell him the exact location with a proper guidance.

This is what has to be done in today's Afghanistan. The realities, though very bitter, have to be revealed but at the same time a proper perception about them and suggestions for the problems that may be there must also be made publically known.

Currently, Afghanistan, as mentioned above is going through myriads of problems. The reconciliation process, the transition period and the training of Afghan soldiers, the hasty attitude regarding the withdrawal of international troops, the controversies regarding the change in political setup, the issues of ill governance, corruption and narcotics are only a few of them. Making its place in this lengthy list, the issue of infiltration of Taliban within Afghan forces seems to be on the rise.

Mostly, taking advantage of the widening gap between the foreign and Afghan troops, Taliban are really making the war very tough for their enemies. This is also making the involved troops to consider withdrawing as soon as possible. However, it is very much unfortunate to note that even such issues are used by our leaders and politicians for their personal gains.

The issue of infiltration of Taliban within the Afghan security forces seems to be getting very serious. In the recent few months there have been many incidents which have witnessed the killing of foreign officers by their Afghan counterparts or juniors.

Almost a month earlier the plot to attack Afghan Defense Ministry and blow up commuter buses meant for government employees by Afghan soldiers were very severe. The reports revealedthat about 10 suicide vests had been seized from the heavily guarded Defense Ministry building in Kabul and more than a dozen of suspected Afghan soldiers had been arrested.

The involvement of Afghan soldiers in such plots means that Taliban have penetrated deep within the defense mechanism of the country.Though Afghan Defense Ministry, after the reports, denied any sort of attempted plot and had said that no arrest had been carried out in that regard, the reports were supported by different trustworthy sources and seemed undeniable. Such plots are really very much threatening for the lasting relations with foreign troops.

The scenario is really threatening if it is viewed in the perspective of the ongoing situation. Both the transition period and the reconciliation process do not seem to be going on the track, the international troops are in a hurry to withdraw, negotiation with Taliban seems to be going nowhere and the capability of Afghan government to shoulder the responsibility of security and governance is not up to the mark and there are many who see a possible chaos within the times to come in near future.

At the same time, there has been rise in the incidents in which the foreign troops have been killed or injured by their suspected Afghan counterparts. It was revealed on Friday, April 27, 2012, that an Afghan soldier had killed an American service member and a local interpreter and wounded three other coalition service members in southern Kandahar province.

It was only one of the 16 such attacks that have been carried out since the beginning of the year. On March 26, three NATO troops were shot dead by Afghan forces. The killings took place in two different incidents – in the first one in southern Helmand province, an Afghan army officer shot dead at least 2 NATO troops and in the second one, an Afghan police officer shot dead a NATO soldier in eastern Afghanistan.

About 12 foreign soldiers, at least 8 of them Americans, have been shot dead in the recent months in such types of shootings. Since 2007, in 46 cases of attacks by Afghan soldiers, 72 foreigners have been killed and 113 wounded. It is really important to note that 70 percent of the killings have taken place in the last two months.

Moreover, the recent incidents of urination on alleged Taliban corpses, burning of Quran in US base, killings of civilians in Kandahar by US officer and current photos of foreign troops with body parts of war victims have also added fuel to the fire.

It is also important to note that the situation is not only threatening for the foreign troops but for the Afghan government and ultimately for the entire country. If the Afghan forces themselves start making plot against the government, it would be really very difficult to stop the terrorism from growing uncontrollably.

It is really important that Afghan government as a response to the issue of growing infiltration of Taliban and insurgency within the Afghan forces must take very solemn steps. The basic step, that is very much recommendable as per the circumstances, is to make the process of recruitment of the forces very much thorough.

The soldiers who are recruited must not only be recruited so as to fill in the required numbers; rather they should be passed through a scrutinizing process wherein their backgrounds and their intentions must be gauged as much as possible.

On the other hand, it is really important for Afghan security arrangements to strengthen its information channels and must have the capability to acquire timely clues about such ill-intended plots and serious security threats.

Moreover, there should be concrete steps so as to bridge the wideninggap between the foreign troops and Afghan forces. International troops in this regard, must also play its role and try to deal with the controversies appropriately. They have to make sure that they hold their troops accountable if they carry out certain misdeeds, which may widen the gap between the foreign and Afghan forces and punish them as per the law.

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at dilawar.sherzai@gmail.com

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