Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

I Hate US but Love to be American


I Hate US but Love to be American

Few days ago, while NATO soldiers were talking with Tribal elders in Zabul province, they came under fire by armed militants, which left four children dead. According to credible reports and eyewitnesses, the children were killed as result of militants' firing, but meanwhile some alleged NATO soldiers shot them dead. Though the investigation still continues, but it is extremely unlikely that they were killed by foreign soldiers because they posed no danger to them at all. Then why they shoot them? Instead, it is highly possible Taliban militants shot them on the account to pretend they were killed in cross firing, and a result, fuel anger against foreign countries.

Ostensibly, they achieved their goals, and perhaps they have much information about the psychology of the residents.

Hundreds of people marched into streets in the province, chanting anti-American and western slogans, closed the high way between Kabul and Kandahar, one of the main arteries of the economy. They asked for military withdrawal and the expulsion of the US and its allies, thought, it is highly likely, that foreign allies are not behind the shooting of innocent murdered children.

Let me tell another story, and then I will talk about the issue a bit in detail. Unaware of suicidal attacks in the eastern part of the Kabul city, I was going towards office on Tuesday, May 2. At the central parts of the city, there was so heavy traffic, the way which normally was not so. The driver asked us, the passengers, that what was up and he did not observe similar heavy traffic other days at this road. All kept their silence because nobody knew what the reason was really behind.

After getting out of the taxi, I took another one to reach to the office. In the second public service vehicle, there were three passengers, without me, one with the police uniform. A chubby man, sitting beside me asked the man in the uniform about the suicide bombers and how they attacked the "Green Village", the place where foreign citizens generally settle down. But the police avoided providing details, perhaps because he also did not have much information more then what broadcasted by TV and Radio channels.

But the question sparked discussion about the possibility of involvement of security personals and how it was possible that with cooperation of individuals within the security establishment they could be able to carry out attacks to such an extent that also on the day of anniversary of Al-Qaeda top leaders, Osama bin Laden's death. Previously, top military officials alerted about highly possible terror attacks as retaliation against Osama's assassination in the Abotabad of Pakistan.

Till here, you may find the story unrelated. If you think so, then you are right, but I want to nice utterances made that made laugh with heavy heart.

On one hand, they were talking about the involvement of Afghan security forces; on the other hand, they were mad at western countries on the account that they wanted to destroy Islam and their culture. They were talking about the involvement of Pakistani intelligence services engagement, but their general philosophy about that 'everything is the propaganda of the US and its western allies' remained unquestionable. In another word, they all agreed that they US did not want to bring peace and instability, instead want to keep Afghanistan at the edge of cliff but would not through it either.

They also maintained that West did not want stable Islamic countries but always try to fuel tension and so-called catch fish from dusty water. Though all agreed on each others' puttering and ridiculous statements, but none looked typical religious; their faces and attire were was revealing that they themselves are not much committed to practice the Islamic rituals.

Oh my God! My heart pained because when we can learn to point finger towards ourselves instead of USSR, US, and etc. When the culture of acceptance and rationality creep in among the people? When people start to tell sincerely and frankly what they really believe instead of uttering things that they denounce in the public? When it becomes that our tongue and heart tells one thing? Hundreds of other "when" that people supporting the public but do the opposite in private.

There are various reasons for development of such an evil behavior in the society, like dictatorship, insecurity, communal tension and etc. I do not want to explain the reasons but I want to assert that process finally ends up into formation of a kind of culture in which each person have double face or double personality. The first person is himself. He knows what he likes, believes and practices. The second person is the person what he or she thinks the society wants to be or compels to be just to survive. Presently, we Afghans are at this stage.

In addition, people here act which are can be interpreted as paranoid activities in a normal situation. Perhaps, it is a kind of community's psychological problem. Civilians are killed by Taliban militants who are supported by oil dollars of regional countries or drug trafficking of eastern and east-western provinces of Afghanistan, but demonstrators chant anti-American slogans. People are butchered by armed militants, but they are branded as dissent brothers. While if a civilian get skilled by stray bullet of foreign forces, the veins of the necks of, taken from a common civilian, to highest rank of government, doubles in size.

Suicide bombers with long beard carry out attacks and slaughter civilians, but we blame the western countries for the bloodshed!
Even more surprisingly, with such level of hatred, everybody makes fantasy about just for once travel to the US and enjoy their life! As one of my friend shared to the facebook a short statement as saying: "I live in a country who chants anti-US slogans but wishes to see it once".

Masood Korosh is the staff writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmial.com

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