Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Students: Dreaming for Overseas Scholarship


Students: Dreaming for Overseas Scholarship

Students, during high school are dreaming of continuing their higher education in a world class standard school. Moreover, they are interested to get overseas scholarship and experience living abroad. Obtaining overseas scholarship can be difficult and time consuming, but not impossible. There are ways to boost up the chances of being shortlisted for the award.

When browsing a search engine page, you are being provided links to various universities offering scholarship. Keep in mind that though there are thousands of scholarships available, succeeding to win one of them can be really hard. Most of them are very competitive that you might not meet the requirements.

Roaming around on the internet and searching for scholarship can be time devastating, if you have not figured out the level of your capability. In order to improve the chances of getting one, you are advised to be accurate and search for the fellowship that suites the level of your competency. In the other words, be accurate and to the point that what you are searching for.

The next step is to narrow down your search by specifying your field of interest and your desired location. It can save your time and you will probably find number of scholarships that meet your needs and as well as contact details. Make sure that you meet all the requirements, in order to assure yourself that you will not end up wasting your precious time. In addition, most of the scholarships that are available on the net are not trust worthy and you are advised to be very genius and do not pay for any application fee, because there is no guaranteed scholarship that you will be awarded if you pay the application fee.

The best advisors can be the students who have triumphed getting the same scholarship that you are going to apply for. After finding the scholarships, make a list of the suitable scholarships and choose the one that best suits your abilities. To assure yourself of the scholarship, try to contact the students who have already won the scholarship.

Study thoroughly all the criteria and requirements, and make sure that you have all the essential documents on hand. Never step ahead for the scholarship unless you have a clear understanding of the criteria and enough information about the university. Because most of the universities that may offer scholarships are not accredited and they are not recognized worldwide. This is the lifelong decision, be careful to take this decision wisely.

Now that you have found the scholarship, it is time to go through investigation about the cost estimation including tuition fee, travel, accommodation and many more expenses that you may encounter and have to tolerate before getting the full scholarship. Because as a rule, you won't be awarded a full scholarship unless you are officially accepted and enrolled in your desired courses. When you are enrolled and accepted in your desired courses; then, the university administrations process your application and invitation visa.

This is very important to have a backup plan of financing your expenses, because there is no guarantee that the university would offer you scholarship every semester. In order to remain eligible for wining scholarship, you have to maintain the average GPA requirement which in most universities is a "B" grade. Otherwise, it is quite impractical to relay on scholarship.

Because it can be cut off any time. However, as there are other possible alternatives to finance your education. Various companies announce sponsorships for college students to co-operate with them to finish their education and fulfill their lifelong dreams. Try to find out companies that can finance your college life.

It is good idea to dream for the best. But it does not mean that it turns to be true all the time. Fallowing the mentioned strategies increase the chances of getting scholarship. But do not guarantee the scholarship ward. Life is not a single term chance. There are always alternative solutions to problems. So, do not be afraid of failure keep trying for achieving your dreams and goals of life.

Abbas Ali Sultani is the new emerging writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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