Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

The Great Game Hero


The Great Game Hero

It has been ten years since the Taliban regime has been thrown out of the country, but they are still considered a serious security threat for the government of Afghanistan. It seems like they are more powerful than ten years ago. There are around 35 countries that have been fighting against the Taliban and Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, but still it seems like they are not able to cope with the security issues in the region. America has been claiming that she has been sacrificing her army and economy to fight against the international terrorists and has been defending the human rights in the world.

But I am opposed to this idea and believe that America does not much sympathy with Afghanistan and does not care about the human rights and international terrorists to sacrifice her army and economy in Afghanistan for the peace and prosperity in the world. This reason is like throwing dust in eyes while it was America who initially supported Pakistan to form the Taliban.

The only justification for NATO and US army's presence in Afghanistan is eliminating international terrorists and helping the nation to live with peace and prosperity. Thousands of Afghan civilians, police forces and foreign troop's army men have been killed in Afghanistan war since 2001, when Taliban regime vanished from the country. But still there is no hope for the future in Afghanistan. The security issues are getting worse day by day and traveling around the country is getting difficult every day. On the other hand, government, international aid agencies such as UN and NATO are claiming that they are the winners of the game and the people should be patient.

Afghanistan is land locked region situated in the center of Asia. It has borders with China, Pakistan, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Iran and Tajikistan. The geographical situation of this country has turned it to a race course of the super powers such as America, Russia, England, Iran, India, and Pakistan. Additionally, Afghanistan is adjacent to Middle Eastern countries that are rich in oil and natural gas.

It borders both Iran and Turkmenistan, countries with the second and third largest natural gas reserves in the world. Showing sympathy with Afghanistan does not mean that the super powers care about Afghanistan. In fact, they care about their own interests by having control over this region; means closely monitoring the natural gas and oil.

Rivalry for pipeline routes and energy resources reflects competition for power and control in the region. Pipelines are important today in the same way that railway building was important in the 19th century. They connect trading partners and influence the regional balance of power. Afghanistan is a strategic piece of real estate in the geopolitical struggle for power and dominance in the region. Afghanistan is not rich enough for its oil and gas. But it plays a vital role in efficiently connecting the regions. This is why the people and country have been victimized in the region. Everyone tries to give a hand with Afghanistan in order to use this country as a tool for achieving its targets.

It is impossible for America to closely monitor the regions such as Iran, Turkmenistan, Rusia and China from the other side of the earth where it is situated. In order to have a close monitoring of her opponents she requires a region like Afghanistan. America has been spending billions of it economy and has sacrificed thousands of lives up to now to occupy this region. I am sure that she will keep spending and trying unless achieving the desired objectives. As In 2007, Richard Boucher, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State said, "One of our goals is to stabilize Afghanistan in order to link south and central Asia so that energy can flow to the south." It is oil and gas that have motivated U.S. involvement in the Middle East for decades, not sympathy to Afghan people.

Collisions of World Trade Center in 2001 gave a good reason to Bush Administrations to officially and openly attack on Afghanistan and take over the country. America had promised to leave Afghanistan after killing her enemies (Usama and Mullah Mohammad Omar) who had been accused of the incident. But the investigation report by David R. Kimball, published on http://wtc7.net/articles/kimball/thirdskyscraper.html points out some hidden secrets behind the scene. "Everyone remembers the Twin Towers exploded at 9:59AM and 10:28AM EDT on September 11, 2001. Comparatively, few people can recall that there was a third massive skyscraper, also a part of the World Trade Center, which fell rapidly to the ground on that day. This was World Trade Center Building 7."

Moreover, "WTC Building 7 – on its 23rd floor – housed an Emergency Command Center for the City of New York that Mayor Rudolph Giuliani had built in the mid-1990. In the morning of September 11th, Mayor Giuliani did not go to his Command Center." The media had covered only the Twin Towers, but there was no report broadcasted about the third tower. The unrevealed secrets about the third tower and the absence of Mayor
Rudolph Giuliani from Emergency Command Center makes the collision incident more like a preplanned action.

According to the report fact-3 "WTC Building 7 was not hit by airplane or significant debris on September 11th. It had been evacuated after the planes hit the towers. The collapse of WTC Building 7 was a controlled demolition." "The followings are the facts that prove the characteristics of a controlled demolition:
1. The tower dropped directly into its own footprint in a smooth, vertical motion.
2. It collapsed completely in less than seven seconds.
3. Dust streamed out of the upper floors of Building 7 before its collapse.
4. WTC 7's roof inverted towards its middle as the collapse progressed."

Though Al-Qaeda had declared the attack on WTC, the evidences revealed in this report indicates that Al-Qaeda might not have been behind the scene directly. It could have been the CIA's part of strategy to enter Afghanistan. The target was not killing the enemies and eliminating the terrorist infrastructures, because the enemies are still living and their infrastructures have gotten stronger than ever before.

The entrance of the suicide bomber in Defense Ministry during this year can be one of the evidence that they have gotten stronger than before. In fact, the goal was to occupy Afghanistan in order to have control over the opponents such as Iran, China and Russia who are considered a great warning for the safety of U.S.A in the future.

To an extent, I am positive with permanent army base of America in Afghanistan, because by establishing a long term army base, the interferences of neighboring countries in internal affairs of Afghanistan will be limited. Once the neighboring countries are limited in decision making, we can be hopeful for peace and prosperity in the country.

A permanent army base of America in Afghanistan does not mean, the life of people will completely change, but at least America's mission will be clear and will not support both parties - the government to fight against the insurgencies and the insurgents to create problems for the government.

Finally, it is not America who has been forfeiting economy and army for peace and prosperity. It is the innocent and poor people of Afghanistan who have been the victims of the great game being played among the super powers. We are still being used as a tool of targets.

They are assuring our security and national interest on the screen, but behind the screen, the scene is rather different. Our country has become a political race ground and the infrastructure of the country is demolished. The image of the people is black listed as terrorists. These are all the sympathies and co-operations' results that we have received from the great game of economy and political power in the region.

Abbas Ali Sultani is the new emerging writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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