Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Hazaras’ Grievances need to be redressed


Hazaras’ Grievances need to be redressed

“I have deep love for my father. Where is my father, Mom? Why isn’t he back from work, yet?” A little, 7 years, old child, Hussain continued inquiring about his father; who became a victim on the merciless night, when 14 bike riding assailants, separately entered 6 shoe shops at Prince Road, targeted 9 Hazaras, out of which 6 succumbed to their injuries at the spot and the rest 3 received multiple bullet injuries and luckily survived. This barbaric incident occurred, during rush hour at evening, and assailants could easily manage to flee away, through, so called, barriers of law and enforcement agencies.

That brutal act snatched the sources of livelihood, shelter, clothing and life sustaining commodities to several families that were ruined after the departed souls. One of the deceased was, Nadir Ali; father of Hussain, who was consistently being asked for? However, nobody, among kith and kin of aggrieved family, could acceptably respond to worrisome queries being implored; instead a profound silence prevailed in effort to veil the gloomy night.

There are numerous saddening stories, as the consistent wave of directional genocide left many children orphans, many wives widows, many mothers childless and many families support-less and shelter-less. The alarming point of all is the total marginalization of Hazaras in economical and educational fields in particular and other fields of activities in general. Most of Hazara students have quitted far and wide schools, colleges and particularly universities. So is the case with Hazara businessmen, who have left or sold their shops at cheapest prices and restricted themselves to their localities.

Devoted to education, peace keeping, deep love for country, faith in harmony, respect for neighbors, looking forward for peaceful co-existence and sincerity to business, accompanied with longevity of effective participation and contribution in building measures of province in particular and country in general, Hazaras are always discriminated both in educational and economical arenas.

The old practiced quota system for distribution of seats for jobs and educational institutes, has multiplied the grievances, retreating opportunities of effective participation. Mostly relying on governmental jobs and self motivated personnel business, Hazaras lack sound economical status, making commercialized education unaffordable for them. In addition to these entire worsened situation, the monstrous wave of genocide has totally pushed Hazaras out of hub of educational and economical activities.

Pakistan has inherited religious intolerance and sectarian hatred since its birth. The first martial law that got underway in 1951 was due to antigovernment massive mass protest by Muslims orthodox, aimed at Ahmedi’s be declared non-Muslim.

During the reign of General Zia ul Haque, the sectarian rifts widened following certain partial amendments in the constitution, leading to continued wave of sectarian clashes. Consequently several religious militias emerged being fully supported by Gulf States and invisible foreign hands in pursuit of fast spread of their conservative ideology. The hub of all militant activities, centralized at southern Punjab, which was a poverty-stricken region. The economic incentives offered and misconstrued Quranic verses presented to the blank minds led to diversion of human attitude, turning them intolerant, violent and extremist.

The religious militias; lashkari Jangvi and Sipah e Sahaba Pakistan, continued operating at southern Punjab for several years, with impunity. According to credible reports the current Punjab Chief Minister, has signed an agreement with these outfits, assuring them moral and economical support and asked them to continue their militant activities outside the stated Province. Consequently, these militant activities were shifted to the major cities of other provinces like Baluchistan, Sindh, Khaibar Pakhthumkhwa and Gilgat Bildistan.

Baluchistan in general and its Capital, Quetta in particular coerced to another breeding ground for these militant outfits, because of two reasons. Firstly, creating anarchy, portraying multiple issues linked with province so that Baloch separatist movement could be defused; secondly, creating a dominant militant force in Balochistan so that any foreign intervention could be intercepted - given a prime consideration to strategic importance of Balochistan.

Whatever, the game would be, the innocent, minority Hazara nation of Quetta is put to knife edge, owing distinct Mongoloid features. Moreover, it’s misconstrued; Hazaras are pro-Iran’s theocratic regime. Hazaras are secular nation, with traditional tribal values, facing the worst discrimination in Iran that has denied the basic human rights to Hazaras inhabiting in Iran, and are treated as third class citizens.

According to constitution, safeguard is guaranteed to life, honor and property of every citizen. State and its apparatus must identify its core responsibilities, and must leave no stone unturned in its compliance, maintaining law and order. However, the fact is otherwise.

Neither, a single culprit of genocide of more than 700 innocent Hazaras, is brought to justice yet, nor does the provincial government seem committed to execute the assigned contractual obligation. In addition, the provincial government comprises of alleged ministers, being involved in abduction for ransom and several other demoralizing activities.

The political representative of Hazaras of Quetta; Hazara Democratic Party and its student wing Hazara Students’ Federation, after deepening frustration and loss of confidence on provincial and federal government and its machineries, have called for world-wide protest, to let the world and humanitarian based organizations know their multiplied grievances and continued human rights violation, ongoing in Quetta, and have asked the international community and civilized world to assist them in making the government of Pakistan listen to them; and help Hazaras out of devastation of planned intimidation.

The ever participating, growing, improving, self-sustained, moderate and progressive Hazara nation needs proper attention, encouragement, peace, security and opportunity to cultivate, without being made fuel to blaze for national and international conspiracies. The grant of generous moral support by institutions of government of Pakistan, humanitarian based organizations and international community might prove as salvation to grievances of Hazaras and acceptable response to worrisome inquiries of every innocent mind like Hussain.

The writer is lecturer, freelance columnist, social and political activist. He can be reached at niaz_hsf@yahoo.com

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