Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

A Weaker Perspective for North Korea


A Weaker Perspective for North Korea

Still the guns are not unloaded and the necks are looking puffed in the Korean Peninsula. Both Pyongyang and Seoul officials have not come short to tolerate the, so-called, aggressive behavior of the others. The region has become the hot-bed of political controversies and psychological war, and after the failure of North Koreas rocket launch last month, the situation retreated to tense period of Kim Jong Il.

After the death of Kim Jong Il, the former leader of North Korea, moves made by his successor that many interpreted as fundamental shift towards gradual move of having friendly relationship with international community in general and its neighbors, in particular. With all persistence of Pyongyang, nobody believed that the launch was for peaceful purpose.

All deemed the move as test of its long-range missile test. The failure indeed brought the powerful security establishment disgrace and weakened strategic bargaining in international affairs. Previously, in order to prevent any possible war, many countries were prepared to help the country in terms of economy if it avoided aggressive activities. But recently a stronger stand has appeared against Pyongyang officials and it seems their old aggressive policy would not help to receive financial assistance.

The recent failure of rocket launch even further weakened the principle of its lasting policy. According to reports, millions of Korean citizens are suffering from absolute poverty. Certainly with such a naive economy, the country would not be able to continue its expansive missile programs. It is a bitter reality that officials look at it with blind eyes. Instead, they are deeply engaged to restore its previous aggressive status and earn financial assistance through giving warning to neighbors. But it is clear that brinkmanship would not work and the perspective suggests a weaker appearance of North Korea in this scenario.

Presently, North Korea is under deluge of economic as well as global view pressure. The United Nations' economic sanctions and unilateral sanctions of some other countries, multiplied by the ongoing global economic depression have doubled the problem for already poor nation. Unfortunately, it has the least option ahead, possibly, ever in the history.

The political body, since long time, has followed an irreversible path and built its structure upon antagonism with its neighboring South Korea and some other world dominant countries. This political standing of Pyongyang officials has caused the isolation of the country more than ever in the history and its allies are also losing ground due to constant ignoring of its irresponsible activities like that of sinking South Korean warship in March previously this year and similar other issues which have sparked angers among international community.

In the political sphere, it is also not in much better position than its present economic condition and its outlook. The Pyongyang has been ruled by one communist party and from the very political system, Mr.Kim Jong II became a figure that the entire political system virtually circulated around him. His loss was the loss for the ruling structure; and the fabric of entire system will encounter a shock if something wrong happens to him. In another word, this dominant figure has close relation with stability of political system in the country.

So, in this situation, nation allies like China and Russia are also in state of uncertainty. Because there was ambiguity that what will happen after his demise in the country. Who will inherit the crown?

And would he follow the path of his successors? These were questions that remain unanswered for political officials to decide about their alignment, because majority prefers alignment with stronger site. So, perhaps, Chinese and Russian officials are in state of uncertainty. But, no doubt, till now China still has remained a strong supporter to communist friend and lobbied the otherwise tougher international stance against Pyongyang. However, it joined the international community in recent in condemnation over its rocket launch which shows a mounting pressure on Beijing to loosen its relation with the nations.

Last year, the leaked US foreign secretary cables released by Wikileaks include documents that imply on the inner desire of Chinese officials for Korean Re-unification. Documents included reports from a South Korean official who claimed that a high-ranking official of Beijing signaled his country's support for a unified Korean peninsula.

However, I do not know whether the Chinese or North Korean officials have reacted or not, but what we can understand from such documents is that Beijing officials are truly concerned about political perspective of its oldest friend. It should be noted that Beijing and Washington are the important players in the peninsula's chess game.

Indeed, the US officials are not comfortable with a strong China that can challenge it by de facto as well as de jure power in the global and international sphere. Nowadays, if we just put a glimpse to American newspapers, we can easily feel what a nightmare China has become for the United States. There are talks about American exceptionalism, maintenance of American world dominance, and how American officials and civilians alike feel jealous of China's economic booming. Every single move that lists China at the top-rank frightens Americans over their losing perspective in the current competitive globalization process, which is the very product of American political structure and economic system.

Obviously, what Americans want is that China has to become a big market for American goods and manufactures in order to balance the, so-called, international economic growth, what exactly China hates the most! It has let down no means to pressurize China to act responsibly and take larger responsibilities in the current world affairs. But China has no will to do so rather it desire to stick to its peaceful economic project, and some Chinese are not comfortable with the, so-called, crowning China as the world second-largest economic power.

Because the economic power is calculated on the basis of GDP or GNP, which, of course, does not consider its 1.3 billion population, or, simply, does not take into consideration the per capita income. In the case of North Korea, China definitely opposes the interference of US into peninsula. It does not want that American troops be deployed along its borders. Meanwhile, the relation of Seoul and Washington deepens as both countries are working on plans to succumb the North Korea. So, it is obvious that if it goes with old policy, it would not receive assistance and will be further marginalized.

Masood Korosh is the staff writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmial.com

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