Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024




Very recently, I have been hearing a lot about the differences between the people and of course the conflicts resulting out of these differences. These differences or conflicts are between a son and father, between the members of a family, between brothers, between the boss and the subordinates and in a broader view, between different nations and countries.

These differences have snatched away the comfort and mental peace of people involved. If there is a mental strife between a father and his son, father is thinking and getting depressed as how to bring his son on the track. On the other hand, son is also fed up with this depressing condition and looks out for any possibility to be out of it.

In families where members don't like each other or can't tolerate each other's differences and have no option except to live together reluctantly, life appears to be like a bone of contention, which can be neither swallowed nor spit out. It would be very difficult for us to realize the painful situation if we have not experienced it of our own.

Similarly, in an office where a subordinate liked his job too much and was much contented with it, but when he develops a disagreement with his boss and both the parties realize that they are unwillingly tolerating each other, every second turns out to be like hours; hours that are mundane and boring and same job turns out to be the most loathsome.

But a rational analysis of this brings to us a bit different or let's say quite acceptable picture. Differences among people existed right from the beginning of the human race. Annals of history are full of events that took birth from the womb of differences among people or nations. As mentioned above, our present day is not free of differences and thus we can predict that there would definitely be differences among the people or nations in future as well.

So first necessary step in resolving this problem is to accept the differences and consider them as something natural or normal. Until and unless this fact is not understood and accepted, we would be in a state of limbo, hanging helplessly and feeling the pain of this uncertain situation.

When a difference arises between two people, it leaves both the parties in a continuous situation of pain and distress and may result in even more drastic circumstances. A father unhappy of his son's behavior or thoughts may do no harm to others but would definitely fall victim to many serious mental, emotional or even physical complications. A son who leaves the room when his father comes there, may slowly drift away from the family and its safe and blessed protection and may give more time to his friends or people outside. In a society where educated and mature people are rare, he may fall in bad company, thus ruining his present and future.

Human beings, like all other animals, can neither sustain their existence nor attain any other achievement without the company and support of other fellow beings. Humans come together and make families, organizations, groups and nations or countries to facilitate each other and turn their dreams into realities.

Pluralism is the base of all the human achievements but with it comes the differences. People who join together to form a group are always share differences. They differ from each other on a number of grounds like personal traits, skills, habits, potentials, beliefs, thoughts and of course the level of intelligence that makes a person feel superior to others. With all these differences, keeping people united at one platform is a very tough task and it is the reason why people who were able to manage the people well and took work from them smoothly have always been regarded as great managers or leaders.

Pluralism has been termed as a blessing as people inside the group experience and acquire many unique and noble qualities. First of all, one has to ground his conceit of being superior to others. This pernicious and rather hardly changeable habit cannot be rid off so easily. Secondly, spirit of group would only remain intact only when all its members show eagerness to compromise with each other on some issues. While doing so they come to realize each other's opinions and situations. This is where we discover what we call 'to be in other's boots'.

People learn a number of valuable lessons while getting into interaction with others. They feel indebtedness to be grateful of all the bounties like health, good and kind heart etc. when they see that so many people are lacking these and they desperately wish to have them, whatever the cost of this acquisition may be. The quality of showing tolerance and perseverance of prophets was elevated when they came into contact with people who were absolutely void of any logic or rationality and who did not miss a single chance to harm and humiliate the prophets of their times. Had they not got into contact with such stubborn masses, they could have never discovered this gifted ability of their personality or could have never brought it to the most purified form.

And it is a common observation that in a number of cases, disagreements or small disputes acquaint us with some realities that were not realized before and could have never been realized had we not experienced practically. When two brothers living together don't realize the value and importance of each other's assistance and resourcefulness and when they get into a disagreement and get parted from each other, then they realize how comforting a company of brother is in facing the hardships of life.

I remember, as part of teachers' training, some experienced and acknowledged professors and scholars used to visit us and delivered their lectures and shared their experiences. Before the visiting professor could start the lecture, our Principal used to introduce him to us and told about his unique qualities like he was the author of these many books, gives lecture in two universities and so on.

One day, our principal told us something very interesting. He said, professors who visit us and whom he introduces to us, inspires us a lot but there can be one more aspect of taking inspiration from them and it is to avoid what they didn't do. It is also a famous saying that, "I learned from wise men by following them and from the foolish by avoiding what they had done."

So disagreements are always not so bad. Important thing is to realize this as something natural and try to learn lessons that are offered by these disagreements. Moreover, a person not so good in one situation may be too good in a different situation. I had a colleague of mine who was very short-tempered and who could hardly tolerate any kind of disagreement.

This really annoyed me but with the passage of time, I discovered that he had another good quality; to work hard and be helpful. Then I realized that the best way to handle him was not to get into any kind of disagreement with him and the next moment, he was fully ready to do any work you assigned.

It is said that some animals learn to adopt themselves to their environments and protect themselves from the dangers lingering outside. If animals can do this, I am much hopeful that being human beings we are more gifted and skilled to adopt ourselves to the environment instead of waiting for others to change. This is what that helps to rise to our distinction of being the best of creatures.

Muhammad Rasool Shah is permanet writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhamadrasoolsh@gmail.com

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