Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

The Rights of Women are in Jeopardy


The Rights of Women  are in Jeopardy

Men have violated every rule of law, overwhelmed and divested the status of women, depressed them to full extent. They prohibited the women from participating in society building and left them into a very isolated and dismal corner. Men have the authority to give life and death to their women relatives, particularly their wives, but a man in an angry mode has the ultimate power to stone or beat her, often to death for exposing a slight of flesh or offending them in the slightest way.

Perhaps, the world's worst suffering population is the women of Afghanistan who suffered the worst in her lifetime with over deprivation, tolerated every injustice and discrimination against herself. Despite several local and international working NGO's on the ground claiming that they are to fight the violence against women, children and that they are to protect women from injustice and discrimination. Organizing huge public talks on women rights and child protection, but all their talks seem hopeless and helpless. This is only a claim that the status of women in Afghanistan has changed, yet they are all talks. Women even suffer worst today under the so-called democratic government as per the reports.

However, great number of girls enrolled to schools and great numbers of women are working in government and non-governmental organizations still face violence and harassment, each day they leave for school or work. They face the biggest challenge in their daily life.

The fight to eradicate violence against women in our men-dominated society should not be limited to the armchair viewers, but rather, they must strengthen their effort beyond their views. In many countries, the government has developed a proper and equal law for the women too and the circumstances are getting quite hopeful, but in Afghanistan even the rights shaped for the women and poor people are violated and the women are the worst victims. There are laws, but proper execution needs to be focused in order to ensure that women have participation at homes, local, country levels and as well as social and political levels with equal opportunities as they are entitled to.

Today, the changes in the life of women depend upon the people, communities and societies, since there is still a problem in social way of thinking. Thus the women to have equal opportunities are not accepted by most of families and they are treated like slaves at all levels. Both in rural as well as urban areas, women are not considered equal with men. Like men are always served the best food at home, women are served the remaining parts after men are served their meal.

Gender equivalence will be acquired only when the collective community mindset undergoes civilization. The setback is that most of the prejudice is considered a way of life and is socially accepted. A large majority of women are still held in the prisons of social system and they are both socially and politically deprived and ill-treated.

The worst of all, the lower class or middle class and working classes are at risk due to inequality existing in the work places. Although, the number of working women increased in public places, better education and improved job openings, changed mind-set across the country, they persistently continue to experience various types of violence, verbal abuses, physical and emotional antagonism both within their homes and outside.

Women are under wild harassment on the streets and on public transportation by men which are not unknown to us. This is very common in Afghanistan. Women can't freely walk or talk on the streets due to men and this has been one of the most humiliating problems going on and now it has even become worst.

We might have very often perceived that women are disappointed with various noticeable and explicit ways in the workplaces and they are harassed by their male colleagues and superiors.

Injustice inside family where the girls are forced to go in favor with their parent's desire and instead favors her brother. She is owned to marry earlier even though that is against her like, whomever is she given to. She can't dare to challenge her parent's decision under any circumstances. She again works and studies harder to pave the way for better and suitable career in order to live just like her brother, who lives a free life with much favor while owning every facility of life.

There are hundreds and thousands of such issues that are not brought to media or we may not consider it to realize, whereas we are all known of the facts about women in our society. We only celebrate the 8th of March and the other days are just ignored. Do you think in 365 days of the whole year, only one day is enough to fight violence against women? Why authorities who claim to be fighting for the rights of women, don't walk to the homes of those humiliated women in the rest of the year. Why don't they visit a woman in the whole year who is kept in basement.

Facing all kinds of hardships in her life she becomes habitual to tolerate every kind of discrimination and violence, because she is a woman and that she is supposed to bear all kinds of brutality in her lifetime because this way of life is considered a tradition in our society.

This is to recall the world and international community that women are at great risk and they need protection. All their achievements that they had in the last couple of years, in the presence of international community and U.S forces will go with their departure. They need protection. They must be given the equal opportunities as men own. They must ensure that being a woman is not a crime and that to have participation at every walks of life is their sole right.

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