Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Attention, Dear Students!


Attention, Dear Students!

Each class had two sports periods in a week and these were the periods that were eagerly awaited and wonderfully cherished by the students. Contrary to all other subjects when teacher waited for the students, these were the periods for which students looked for the Physical Instructor to come early to the classroom and take them to the ground.

Every week, after taking two thrilling periods of sports in which they played football enthusiastically, students of class 8 arrived to classroom in a very bad shape; their shirts out of the pants, their hair untidy and their whole body fully damp with perspiration. In one of such days, a teacher went to a boy and asked him to go out and return after tidying up his uniform and hair.

The boy protested a bit as almost all the boys were in the same shape, but, any how did what he was asked. The following week, teacher again chose the same boy and asked him to do what he had said before. This time again the boy protested that why he was specifically asked to do so and not any other student, though they were all in the same untidy condition.

This really annoyed the teacher who shouted at him and ordered him to immediately leave the class. When I was on my routine checking, I noticed the boy standing outside the classroom, looking both tired and enraged. On inquiry, he burst up with complaints against his teacher that he was twice insulted in front of his class fellows and that teacher had only chosen him to be victim and ignored the rest of the students.

His confidence and protesting tone assured me that he had all the reasons to say so. Then we went to school canteen where I bought him a juice. Now, he had calmed down and was in position to listen and think to what I was going to say. Unfortunately, in our society, teachers are given the least importance.

Low salary, ever-diminishing social status and financial troubles greatly discourage a person to choose this noble profession. Anyhow, still there are a few people who choose to be teachers and work hard to sustain the dignity of the profession. An invisible motive and psychological factor behind this selection is the respect and importance that a teacher receives from his students and the society.

As he enters the school premises, he meets a number of students who stand on a side and make a way for him, saying "Salaam Ustaaz" with deep respect. Similarly, his name is taken with due title and salutation in the society like "Ustaaze Muhtaram", by parents and other members, be it a driver or a shopkeeper.

These things uplift his spirit and he develops a feeling that he can hardly be on mistake, especially in classroom and regarding his subjects. There develops a certain level of pride or ego in him, which gets hurt badly whenever he is resisted by anyone, especially a student. But, as teachers are also human beings and like human beings, can commit mistakes.

At times, there emerges a disagreement between a teacher and a student. Like the above situation, teacher may be wrong but because of his ego, he feels really difficult to accept his mistake and gets really annoyed when a student protests his decision.

A simple solution for this problem is to be a bit tactical by the students. Even if you feel that teacher is wrong and this has annoyed you a lot, you should avoid resisting the teacher on the spot, especially in front of your class fellows.

Just accept whatever the teacher says at the moment and the next moment you will see that he would have forgotten each and everything and things would return to normalcy or even teacher may be grateful to you for your obedience if he realized his mistake later on.

The contrary of it would be very harmful for a student that teacher would develop the feelings of enmity against him and would ignore him in his classes and student might face a lot many troubles in the said subject. Our parents take care of us all the time, but at times if they shout at us or beat us unjustly, it does not mean that we should revolt against them or leave the house.

After passing a few years in school and having a look at his performance, every student develops a perception about his abilities, his level of competence and academic skills. A student denotes himself to be intelligent, hardworking and good in studies and similarly, weak in studies, incapable of comprehending the academic activities and so on.

These perceptions greatly affect the performance of students in institution as they work with or give attention to the studies and school keeping in view the above perceptions. But there is a surprising finding of scientists in this regard.

Research has shown that out of 5000 students, only 1-2 students can be termed as 'weak in comprehending different ideas' while remaining 4998 students are all of the same level.

Differences between the students arise due to the differences in academic backgrounds, level of education of parents, realizing the importance of education in family and follow-up of a disciplined academic follow-up at school and home and other similar factors. So students who consider themselves to be weak in studies need to change their perception about their abilities and work hard with a new enthusiasm and I am sure they would come up with a surprising result.

Usually two types of students are observed in institutes especially in schools. One who is happy and contented and other who is worried and in most cases, sad. The following two pictures come to us in a broader view:
The happy student enters the school with a delightful willingness, attends his classes eagerly, receives proper attention and treatment from teacher, goes to home happily where he is attended warmly by either of his parents, completes his home assignments duly and after that plays his sport or watches TV, cherishing it completely.

On the other hand, a student who is not giving proper attention to his studies comes to school reluctantly, attends the class and its activities with a retreating manner, fails to show up with completed home assignments to the teacher and thus becomes the victim of his contempt, goes to home where his parents, unhappy from his academic performance absolutely or partly neglect his arrival and when he plays with friends or watches TV in his free time, he is under the constant pressure and tension of the coming day's tasks in school and so on.

The only difference between these two student types is the approach or interest of students with studies. When a student does his work on time and gives proper attention in class and at home, he completes his works on time, feels the contentment from his accomplishment, wins the love and attention of both teachers and parents and enjoys fully when he is playing or busy in any other kind of recreation or entertainment.

On the other hand, some students who don't do their school works on regular basis and don't give proper attention to the studies, get themselves tangled into a lot many troubles. All the time they feel worried, can't enjoy properly the school and classes and confront the continuous criticism from parents and teachers. The only solution is that, if you want to be happy in a real sense, you cannot do so by running away from the responsibilities. The only way is to decide that you would accept your responsibilities regarding your studies and would give it proper time and then you would be able to feel the real meaning of being happy. Running away from the responsibilities would only add to your miseries.

A disciplined student really gets benefitted from the discipline that he maintains. As mentioned above, real academic achievement does not originate from extraordinary hard work or the natural genius being gifted to you by the nature, it is rather the combination of small, nicely pinned and framed activities that make your work easy. Impact of discipline cannot be kept bound to some big issues like making schedule and following it, rather it is the name of coming to class on time after break, be attentive towards your shoes, uniform, hair, nails, bag, books and even sitting properly and attentively in the class. These small factors make a combined effect that is definitely not small then.

Muhammad Rasool Shah is permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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