Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Machination against Education


Machination against Education

There seems to be no end to the attacks on the schools and education in Afghanistan. Unfortunately as a response to such a heinous objective, there are no tangible measures carried out by the Afghan authorities to deal with the situation appropriately. Through a giant machination, endeavors are underway to dishearten the efforts that are made to elevate the level of education in the country.

Though Afghanistan has suffered through most part of its history regarding education, an improvement has been on the way after the downfall of Taliban. However, an analysis of the current situation clearly depicts that the future of education in Afghanistan may face serious challenges. It is really pathetic to note that the haters of education – the ones who mostly themselves have obsolete ideas – are able to achieve easy success.

In the current situation, education is under attack in various ways, the most dominant of which is the mysterious poisoning of the students. It has now become the order of the day. The province that has received most of these attacks is Takhar. In the latest of the attacks, the cowards poisoned 65 students of Naheed Shaheed Girls' High School in Farkhar district of the province.

A day earlier, in a similar attack about 97 girl students of the Bashirabad high school were poisoned in the same province. The province has seen several of such incidents and so far there have not been any breakthrough in investigations. It is really very much heart-rending to see the authorities so much incapable against the clever enemies of the country.

The culprits of these incidents have to be brought to justice not just because these incidents are in-humane and against the law, but because they have the filthy intention of keeping the children away from education, which will cost the country much in the times to come. The socio-economic scenario in Afghan is already in such a position where it does not have a very welcoming attitude towards education, especially those of girls; and such incidents will add fuel to the fire.

One of the most concerning issues in these attacks is its mysteriousness. Even after so many attacks, it is yet to be found how the culprits are able to carry out their actions and what sort of chemicals they use. It is now clear that the district authorities have completely failed; therefore, the matter must be handled by Ministry of Education and Ministry of Public Health.

Even, it would not be inappropriate if Ministry of Interior and National Directorate of Security get seriously involved in helping in the investigations. Afghan lawmakers have also suggested the involvement of the mentioned ministries and they have emphasized that government must get really serious now.

An MP from Heart, Mohammad Saleh Saljoqi, has said, "The representatives condemn the poisoning of girls as an inhumane and non-Islamic act." An MP from Badakhshan, Fauzia Kofi has rightly said, "There is a possibility that such actions are pre-planned, the reports from local officials were not satisfactory and should be followed seriously".

Though there have not been major fatalities from these attacks they remain serious in different ways. There are some reports that suggest that in some of the cases the results of the poising have been long-lasting. There are certain parents who have treated their children in different ways and have even taken them out of Afghanistan for treatment yet they have been showing some psychological disorders.

This is how students are rewarded for getting education in our country. The cowards who carryon such attacks do not realize that it is the same education that is going to help the country in rebuilding itself and enabling it to stand on its own with pride and dignity among the other nations of the world; or they do realize it and execute such actions so as to humiliate the nation.

Apart from poisoning the students in some of the provinces Taliban have been threatening the schools, as well. The schools, as a result of the threats, are kept closed and the students have to suffer an unimaginable loss. The situation in Ghazni province, in this regard, has been the most evident example. It has now taken the form of a clash as the residents have started countering the Taliban efforts to close the schools.

After the Andar district, where the people raised arms against Taliban after their threats closed the schools and other development works, the residents of Deh Yak district have also taken up arms for the same reason. Ghazni Governor Musa Khan Akbarzada, relating to the situation has said, "In order to deal with the current situation, I call upon all Afghans to stand up and be counted.

This is the best way of salvation and prosperity for the countrymen." All the residents of the area are very much committed to the cause of securing their country from the Taliban insurgents. They have been, in fact, compelled to take up arms as the government has not been able to secure them from the threats and insecurity.

Though taking up arms by the resident is a daring step yet it is not a permanent solution. The government needs to have interference in such matters and it has responsibility to provide security to the people. It should be noted that if such measures can discourage Taliban militants from attacking the people they at the same time promote a belligerent culture. Government in such matters has to feel and fulfill its responsibilities before the situation goes out of control.

All the discussed incidents clearly show that Taliban and the parochial groups in Afghanistan have launched a serious war against education (especially girls' education) and development. They know that by attacking the education sector they can really hamper Afghanistan from bringing about real changes.

However, it is satisfying news to note that there are many people who are aware of such heinous designs and they are even ready to raise arms against them. Nevertheless, the role of the government still remains to be pivotal. It is the rule of law that should govern Afghanistan and make it governable not the barrels of guns. A belligerent culture will ultimately result into chaos and civil war and that is what the enemies of education want.

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at dilawar.sherzai@gmail.com

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