Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

The Effects of Media on Afghan Society


The Effects of Media on Afghan Society

No doubt press and media are intertwined withsocio-political and economic conditions at any given society. Media developsand grows within the society, and is responsible to reflect people's voice torulers. It is a medium through which people and government should interact witheach other. Certainly, the modern media as we know it today has acted intwo ways: one, it is used by government to justify and prolong rulers dominanceand breed the so-called "yes" culture.

Examples are not less in the history, and presently authoritarian regimes run media and use them to shape the mentalityof civilians and prevent any form of anti-government movements. Even indemocratic countries, there are also public media which shows and preachesgovernments' ideas and policies. Second, media has acted as powerful institution to mount pressure against government on account to prevent the power monopoly. Withthe provision of constant useful information to people, media is labeled as themost effective tools to sue rulers and alert them about any possibleundemocratic steps.

Therefore, civil activists and journalists have been alwaysat the forefront of officials' anger. They are imprisoned, punished and gotkilled in various countries for revealing the truths and realities.

Meanwhile, it should be noticed that media has remainedlimited and undeveloped in countries with autocratic regimes, no matter howmuch the government tried to invest in large amount in order to neutralize the propaganda of rival countries, however there are exceptions. As there are some economically rich countries which have invested largely to run media,aimed to prevent civil uprising in home and resist against pressure mounted by othercountries and organizations, abroad. The measures also might have provedeffective, but there is something to be optimistic about that is wherever mediadeveloped, it is highly likely the process ends to an open-society and are responsible political establishment.

Thus, deeming such a positive role media which can reflectpeople's voices raised by different sects and layers of the society, and rightafter 2001 US-led military engagement, huge amount of money flooded to civilsociety, press and media sections. Donated dollars made large contribution tomedia growth and development; however the professional media has remained vagueas there are rare investigative journalists. Afghan media is viewed as successstory and many call it as media revolution.

During Taliban regime, the media decreased down to zero andthe regime banned all media-related activities. After eleven years, there aremore than hundred radio and television channels broadcasting from inside thecountry. Cables and dish antennas have also increased tremendously. People in ruralareas, relaxing on their pillow, with remote in hand clicking to find moviesand programs aired from somewhere in the world. Mere watching those news, discussionsand movies also play critical role in loosening up the tight traditionalfabric.

Taliban-led militants have also adapted themselves toincreasing change. Considering the wide opposition of civilians to the form of governmentthey wish to restore in the country led them reassess their policies. Theregime which one day was fighting with all symptoms of media and press as signsof westernization now has embraced it and use from internet, TV, radio, print media to reflect their own objectives.

The opening of up the society also affectedas Taliban leaders try their most to draw a more humanitarian image from thegroup. While they banned girls to go to school, and engaged severely in burningdown their schools during past years, but their leaders now often say that theywould not oppose education for girls in segregated educational institutions. Forseveral such incidents, they avoided to take responsibilities, instead promisedto persecute culprits. Taliban militantsalso could have grown up a very close relation with groups and individualsacross the globe.

We know that many Western countries are truly worried abouthome-grown terrorism. So, there no extremist groups to work publically but areworking underground with the guidance of someone far away, for instance, AfPakor gulf countries.

The confession of detained individuals linked to terrorgroups also portray how the network helped to integrate their activities andcarry out operations with the most possible destructions. Detainees' confessionsshow they built connection with terror groups outside of the country, andpassage of time, persuaded to carry out their assigned tasks.

Afghan Taliban is part of this complicated network. No theydo not fight against media but runs it with dexterity to summon people against foreigners. The media has drawn picture from Taliban as a power in the country. While, nobodywas ready to hold talk with Taliban leaders during initial engagement, nowTaliban are accepted as movement that can join Afghan government.

The earlierstep to open up an office in Doha, the capital of Qatar, for Taliban-led militants is also the sign that the international community has reached to aconclusion Taliban should be recognized and given their share in the politicalstream of Afghanistan.

Such case are not restricted to Taliban which are affectedand exerted effect, but the whole Afghan society has changed tremendously,however, not mere due to media but certainly it played key role in fuelling thechange truck.

For instance, former president and previous chief of High PeaceCouncil, who assassinated in his house by Taliban element, MR. BurhanuddinRabbani, once openly said that once he and his colleagues were against girls'education. He continued with pride thatnow he changed similar to thousands of others who do not bear such conservativeand radical view against women anymore.

Additionally, releasing Indian movies were fuelling sharpcriticism but now many have come across. Jihadi leaders were behaved with highesteem, but earlier this year we observed that some protested against thecelebration of Mujaheedins' victory. Previously powerful leaders have lost theirinfluence and face criticism by people.

These examples show that something is going on in Afghansociety and pillars of conservatism, extremism and traditionalism are going to tremblereally hard.

Masood Korosh is the staff writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmial.com

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