Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

International Terrorism, Lone Wolves,andEuropean Muslims


International Terrorism, Lone Wolves,andEuropean Muslims

'Terrorists', according to historian Frank Furedi, become any foreign people you don't like. On May 02, 2011, after the death of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan, al-Qaeda warned in its message: "The soldiers of Islam, whether in groups or individually, will not relent, despair, surrender, or weaken and will continue to plan until you are afflicted with a catastrophe that turns your children's hair grey prematurely."Communities in the United Kingdom are increasingly fearful of the looming threat of homegrown extremist, lone wolves and terror groups changing tactics of radicalization and extremism. The threat of international terrorism remains the most significant concerns facing the government and communities as it started recruiting young people for their networks.

The threat has intensified while security agencies began checking the background of more than 500,000 people to prevent terror attack during the Olympic Games in London. Police and MI5 are struggling day and night to provide a peaceful environment to the participants while head of MI5 briefed the whole cabinet about the threat of terrorism in March 2012. Home Secretary also updated the cabinet and colleagues about legislative efforts to address the issue of security during the Olympic Games.

On 19 September 2011, Home Secretary Teresa May had admitted that Britain is facing terror threat from Northern Ireland and said the country experienced 40 attacks in 2010 and 16 in June 2011. A leading think tank also warned about the growing threat to Olympics from "Lone Wolf" terrorists who have the ability to plant bombs. In 23 February 2012, a London hosted international conference on Somalia warned about the violent nature of misunderstood jihadi culture and attitude of Lone Wolves and extremist elements. Recent counter terrorism analysis revealed that Somalia, Nigeria, Sudan and some Arab states represent a potential front for counter terrorism in Britain. The looming threat, according to the contents of the report, poses new challenges as extremist forces dispersed across Asia and Africa.

Olympic security is a big and difficult test for MI5, Scotland Yard and Counter Terrorism Agencies. In the last ten months counter terror operations, police arrested many suspects in Luton, Birmingham and London as the threat from international terrorism has become substantial.Security Service has the expertise to protect civilian technically but international cooperation can further help the government in adopting new preventive strategies. Britain has already benefited from the friendly relations with the United States, specifically,on the issue of war on terror and shares wide-ranging domestic information on counter terror efforts withits security agencies.On March14,2012, Prime Minister David Cameron and President Obama reaffirmed their commitment to continue close bilateral cooperation on global counterterrorism issues.

Britain approaches to counter terrorism are mostly based on intelligence-led policing but tactical mistakes weaken resolve and imbalance security of the citizens and civil liberties. In the past, the arrest of hundreds people under various counter terrorism laws created distrust between law enforcement agencies and citizens.

In Britain, various governments passeda dozen counter terrorism lawsfrom 2001to 2012 which means struggle is underway to defeat the forces of enemy. These legislations were: Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001, Criminal and Justice Act 2003, Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005, Terrorism Act 2006, Counter Terrorism Act 2008, Review of Counter terrorism and Security Powers January 2011, Terrorism Act 2000 (Remedial) Order 2011 and Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Bill 2011.

In view of the sensitivity of the situation and new wave of extremism, security mechanism expended in order to effectively deal with the looming threat. Police and security agencies spent billions in maintaining security and law and order in the country but they still need to penetrate into the networks of terror and extremist groups.

In the last ten years, Britain increased counter terrorism expenditures 250 percent from £1 billion in 2001 to £3.5 billion in 2010. These huge amount shows the fight against terrorism in the country has entered in crucial phase. Since 2001, the structure of Counter Terrorism policing has undergone considerable changes, which resulted in significant improvement. British Muslims need to tackle extremism and militancy, to uphold and assist the promotion of public safety.

On the issue of political and intellectual weakness of Britain Muslims, YahyaBirt understands that: "The marked weakness of the intellectual contribution of British Muslims to subsidiary debates around multiculturalism, citizenship, foreign policy objectives, civil liberties and security issues has become a critical problem……………This shortfall will prove all the more telling as the national discussion oscillates between culturalist and chauvinist explanation from the right, namely that Islam itself is a problem, and the reflex of the left, that disaffection is explained by disadvantage."

The issue of Muslims Christians and their social relations recently received considerable attention in various forums. From the controversy ranging in Paris over Hijab to the wave of violent extremism in Britain, Muslims in some European states feel isolated and estranged from society.Muslims in Europe feel some difficulties. Their young childrenexperience discrimination in social, religious and political sphere of life.

Author YahyaBirt, in his recent book suggested that: "In Britain context, however, the condemnation of terrorism, and indeed the constructive criticism of anti terrorism measures, should not be allowed to halt the serious working-through of issues around identity, belonging and citizenship by cosmopolitan Muslim Britons aware too of their religious solidarity."

In France, Germany and Netherland there are some laws that badly affected social relations between Muslim and Christian communities. In 2010, according to an estimate, there were 44 million Muslims living in various European states. Thus, Muslim made up less than 10 percent of population in any Western and Northern European country.

Erik Bleich, in his recent report is of the opinion that French Muslim view of the state is complicated. Mr. Erik has quoted Bowen and Juppke's survey report which reveals the relatively positive views of French Muslims towards their state and society as compared to the relatively negative ones of British Muslims. Recent opinion surveys demonstrate that majority of European public is making a link between Muslim and violence. They complain that Muslims are not willing to integrate into European society.

The issue of integration, cultural and religious cooperation between Muslim and Christian communities across Europe has become more complicated. Muslims see Europe from their own glasses. In their intellectual analysis, French experts, Gilles Kepel and Oliver Roy understand that most Western liberals under estimate the nature and purpose of political Islam in the West. Moreover, most researchers have analyzed the cultural tension between Muslim and European societies as Muslim don't share their cultural and social events with their Christian partners.

Recent studies show Muslims in some European states face discrimination in several areas of life due to their color and religious background. This wave of discrimination left negative impacts on French, Sweden, Netherland and German societies. We understand Muslims are not angels, but there are some complaints in international press which raised some question.

The writer is author of Policing in Multicultural Britain, can be reached at: zai.musakhan222@gmail.com.

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