Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Lack of Accountability Poses threat to State’s Stability


Lack of Accountability Poses threat to State’s Stability

The absence of good and accountable governance is seemingly disappointing the nation. Despite billions of dollars being poured in the last ten years by U.S and its allies in reconstruction process and many other sectors, the government persistently failed to affectively spend the specific amount on the intended sectors. This has caused the nation to lose hope for stable, progressive and developing state while at the same time raised many complaints which are not covered by media.

Due to insufficient incomes, the international assistance continuously constituted around 90 percent of all public expenditure in the last couple of years. But there seems no visible achievement on the ground as expected. Only talks and promises don't seem to be working and bring changes in the lives of Afghan citizens and determine no success of reconstructions and development.

Since 2001, following the fall of the Taliban regime from Kabul, around $25 billion has been raised on security-related assistance to Afghanistan, such as building Afghan security forces but didn't respond to the dire need of the nation as it was promised by the President Karzai and the government also didn't much bother about a proper monitoring and evaluation. It all went to the pockets of big bosses who built big buildings in foreign countries, particularly in best part of Kabul.

The nation has just begun to realize the causes of backwardness as a result of government's unaccountability and incredibility; therefore they are raising their voices for a change, in which there should be accountability with commitments for stability, peace and dedication for the good causes for the nation.

The people say that what we all hear from President is only talks. The nation is fed-up with his false promises, ongoing corruption and everyday bloodshed in which only civilians are the victims. All these disappointing promises, backwardness instead of progress have not only disappointed the Afghan citizens, but the world at large.

As per the recent media reports, the world is also going to give up on Afghanistan if the corruption persists or if the government doesn't become accountable in its duty. The point indicates that the country would likely return to a safe haven for the terrorist and alike groups or there will be another civil war, but this time with worst ever consequences. Or there will be another Taliban age that will cause severe miseries which will rewrite the history of this nation if the world gives up on this nation. We all most seriously keep this point in mind that if the government goes on in the same way, we would lose everything we gained in the last couple of years with the support of U.S and its allies.

President Karzai has been consistently calling the Taliban as his ex-brothers while they have continued taking the lives of innocent civilians in various parts of the country as of today in Qargha. There are daily dozens of the deaths as a result of extremist groups, but the blame is upon the NATO and U.S forces or it is not even covered by media.

Witnessing their wild act of inhumanity, President Karzai has always kept quiet and tried to protect them. On the other hand, he persists to enter into a political settlement while they have no concept for peace talks and every time the talks on reconciliation process starts, they take other ways of killing.

Perhaps, now the people have also realized that President Karzai is not capable and does not have accountability and dedication for stability, progress and peace, including his all closed administrative members. In fact, he has forgotten that the country won't be run through favoritism, recommendation or personal relationships. He has also forgotten that today Afghanistan needs capable personnel with talents, honesty and with devotion to meet ground challenges.

As a result of his favoritism or personal relationships in government departments, insecurity rises and corruption is getting wider than ever while criminality is becoming the basic norm of the people in south and western parts of the country because those who are dedicated to serve the nation can't take any reaction as they belong to a so-called particular family.

Keeping in mind the current political situation, it is suggested that President Karzai's intention doesn't seem reliable for the good of this nation and that he is not accountable to his people. His unaccountability has only raised the level of domestic problems and created tension among the people.

What we all observe from the ground political situation, President Karazai is in fact making another civil war, "a psychological civil war" between the nation and political leaders. This has increased in a large level of tension between the political leaders who are trying to unmask realities about the lack of government's failure and the recent attacks on Mohaqeq in Bamyan province was the best example of all.

Since the fall of the Taliban, the country achieved little progress but not to the extent as it was expected; instead corruption, insecurity and violation of human rights and rule of the law have increased to full extent.
It has been calling over tackling corruption from the root in the last 9 years and promised to work close with international community and U.S government to improve the security situation, yet in practice everything turns opposite and further worsens the ground. President Karzai has just recently, in a press conference, called upon a serious action against corruption, as he gets closer to the next presidential election!

In this regard, the world's top listed analysts are with strong believe that lack of accountability and transparency in Karzai's administration would further worsen the future of this nation and that a dismal future awaits this notion if there comes no changes in government leadership with strong and practical sacrifices in the fight for peace and stability.

As President Karzai in his every speech calls upon the withdrawal of U.S and its allies from the ground, the daily analysts recommend that this would not be the right time for the Afghan people that the U.S and its allies leave Afghanistan as Afghans are not yet skillful enough or capable to take the lead.

The point indicates that the withdrawal of U.S and its allies from Afghanistan will bring further miseries to the nation with worst ever consequences and that the progress, stability and development will all disappear with their departure. According to the current political situation, it seems that as soon as the U.S and its allies withdraw, there will be another civil war that will mostly affect the lower class and marginalized citizens.

Peace, stability and progress happen only when there is an accountable leader with credibility and dedication for the good causes. For this to happen, the international community must be fully in-charged in presidential election process so that all the stockholders can have the equal opportunity to vote for their men in order to see true changes in the country.

A responsive answer to the ground challenges, calls for new initiatives about the structure of government, better mapping of power structures that should seek ways to include all the stakeholders and political leaders would be the fundamental step for a better government.

Abdul Samad Haidari is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at abdulsamad.haidari96@gmail.com

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