Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

A Child’s Matter!


A Child’s Matter!

This true story has been taken from a book of one of the famous writers of the world. He narrates that once he went to Italy where he was invited for a dinner by one of the most famous actors of his time. When he went there, he was very much impressed by his grand villa and other unique arrangements of the house. He was received warmly and was escorted to a room. When dinner was served, the actor and his wife along with their two sons who were at the ages of 8 and 10 respectively, also joined the dinner. The children were very active, busy in their naughty acts and neglecting the presence of parents and the guest.

The silent and hesitant guest became an object of much interest to them. However, none of the parents said anything to them or stopped them. When the dinner was in progress, one of the children spilled some soup on the shirt of the guest. Parents apologized to the guest and hurried to clean it but said nothing to the child.

After some time, the second child did similar mischievous act with the guest and again parents extended their apology but neglected the act of the child. They told the guest that they were treating the children according to the guidelines of latest psychological lessons that forbade any kind of shouting at the children as it might damage their emotional personality and may have harmful effects on their emotional growth and development. The guest was very angry but he was not in position to do anything so he sat patiently while the children were busy in laughing at him.

After some time, the actor went out of the room to listen to a phone call and soon after him his wife also left the room to give some directions to the servants. Now the guest was alone with the children on the dining table. He shouted very furiously at them and scolded them for whatever they had done. The children, who had never seen anyone shouting in their whole life, got shocked and for the rest of the time, could not come out of the silence. After a moment, both the parents came and resumed the dinner.

When the dinner was over, children left the room quietly. Then the lady smiled and said, "Sir, as you saw, if we don't say anything to them, they themselves calm down and as you observed, they finished their meal very quietly". The guest smiled and nodded his head in agreement.

This humorous story depicts the importance of following a middle path while bringing up the children. It is necessary that the freedom and privacy of children be assured and sustained but at the same time, it must not be forgotten that without proper and effective control, the heedless freedom might disturb the characters of children and harmony of the people living with them.

Some illiterate parents think that freedom of children to do whatever they wish is very essential for their psychological and emotional well-being and thus adopt this useful tool to such an extent that it becomes harmful. Without proper understanding the application and control of the freedom and other relevant psychological traits regarding children, practicing them might not give the desired results.

Once I was busy in checking a notebook of a student that I noticed some of the poems of famous Jalal-ud-din Balkhi and Saadi Shirazi. This was rather astonishing to be found in a notebook of a high school student as in our society, people are not much in habit of reading and reading such poetry is rather very rare. On my inquiry, the student told me that his father used to teach him the classic Persian poetry at home after he finished his school work.

Our rich literature and history has a lot to offer to us. Especially the poems of world-renowned mystic poets like Saadi, Balkhi, Shirazi, Rehman Baba, Iqbal Lahori and many more can teach us numerous valuable lessons with their universally accepted moral guidelines.

This is also a good remedy for all those children and even adults who all the time remain busy with Facebook, Youtube, Chatting, Video games and many other useless but time consuming activities. I am in favor of using the latest technology of communication to acquire knowledge and get connected to others conveniently and to some extent to use them for entertainment but their excessive usage has snatched the human values from our children and day by day, they are getting alienated in the crowded and populous world.

It also thus becomes the responsibility of parents to introduce the joys of book reading and especially the poetry and literature related to our language, culture, history and traditions so that they should not only protect and promote their valuable assets but also build up consistent and healthy personalities based on their universal teachings and guidelines.

Children are said to born on nature. They like those things that are good in nature and automatically hate those things that are bad according to the nature. Universal good qualities of truthfulness, helpfulness, cooperation, kindness, love and affection and many more are already installed in their minds and memory.

Parents are then lucky that they have to just preserve these qualities and save them from being lost or destroyed with the intervention of time and external forces.

When you do something that is according to the natural program being fixed in the minds of children, they naturally like and appreciate it. For instance, when you be kind to them and help them, they exhibit their happiness by smiling and thanking you. Contrary to this, if we do something that is against the natural qualities inherent in the children, then we can notice their frustration as their reaction. When a person shouts on a child, the reaction comes in the form of dislike.

The hidden factor for parents in this case is the utilization of these natural qualities of children in bringing them up and building their personalities. When you speak the truth to your child and as truthfulness is one of the inherent natural qualities present in the nature of the child, your act of truthfulness is liked by the child and the image of you and the truth rises in his eyes. Contrary to this, when you tell a lie to him or her and your lie is revealed, automatically he or she would hate both you and your lie.

It means, parents can come up with a planned series of activities in order to strengthen the good qualities of children so that they should preserve it for the years to come and become a useful member of the society.

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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