Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

A Letter to All


A Letter to All

You might fall into the dark valleys of disappointment if you assumed that everything in the world would be perfect. Once fallen into this dark valley, the hope and possibility of seeing any light to lead us out might be lost and thus we might be among those unlucky ones who remained in the middle of their journey, in the land of no place to go.

In this world, there would be good people who would deal with us in the most suitable way, but there would definitely be those who would try to steal from us all our assets, both physical and spiritual. There would be friends who would be assisting and making us firm like a wall but there would be those who would act like bitter winds to pluck us out from our roots. But important thing is this that; for every bad person in the world there would be a good person and for every enemy there would be a friend. This belief should never let the candle of your hopes be turned off and you should try to become like those who act as a pillar in sustaining the building of goodness.

You should know that anger and short-temper would do no more harm to others than to yourself. You would lose your friends and it would act like a machine that would be producing enemies and trouble-makers on your every step. The abilities bestowed to you to exhibit the calmness of your personality would be buried somewhere down this anger and you would never come to know when it has burnt down all your valuable belongings; be it inside or outside your physical being.

Happy are those who know how to remain happy in the silence of their inner smiles and laughter. Happiness is not the one that needs a company to be realized and acclaimed rather it is what that lies deep in your heart that keeps your inner world of heart enlightened. Once you got accustomed with this pleasure, you would no more be a parasite living on the joys provided by any external factor.

Be sure that bullies are the weakest to be defeated in the world. Their loud voices and rash behaviors just depict one reality; they are trying to conceal the sounds of their inner breakdown with these external distractions. Grand oceans never make any voice and remain calm and still while a weak stream of water declares and admits its meagerness with the useless noise. Bullies want to defeat the powers of logic and justification with their violent powers but be absolutely sure that these attacks are no more than a wave that appears big but when resisted firmly, soon disperses and dies away. When the air carrying these waves stops blowing, the wave is left with nothing behind.

Learn to extract the hidden joys from the books, the joy that comes from the understanding which is rooted deep into the realms of your heart and logic. But don't become handicapped to the books as well. At times come out and try to learn the lessons that are offered to you by the nature. You must develop the habit of pondering in the secrets of nature that might be very clear and simple for all but there might be many messages that would be disclosed only to those who seek them with all their senses. The joys offered to you by the birds in the sky, bees in the sun and the flowers on a hillside might be a feast for your eyes; both for the external and the eyes of the heart. There would be many visible joys and many hidden pleasures that might come only from the deep contemplation done with utter respect and interest in the nature.

Don't forget that your self-respect is the most precious asset that protects many of your assets. Your self-respect would be dwarfed if you tried to attain any success with cheating. It is far honorable and a greater success if you accept your defeat but don't resort to any cheating to turn it into a success. Your defeat might appear as a defeat at present but in long run, it would open numerous doors into the kingdom of contentment and spiritual riches.

If you think that you are right, then stay firm on your decision even if everyone assures you that you are wrong. You would thus be establishing a path to be followed by all those who believe in goodness but who are criticized by those who are short-sighted and whose souls have been intimidated by their limited scope and carnal desires.

Learn to be gentle and nice with those who are gentle and nice to you. But more importantly, never bend yourself unnecessarily in front of bullies who are not gentle to you. If you became gentle to them, they would develop more belief in the powers of evil and thus you would also be responsible in its enhancement.

You are advised not to be a follower of crowd. In the presence of a crowd, there would be less logic and more sentimentalism that would hijack and paralyze the truth and justice and thus you need to be the one who would stand firm on the side of truth, even if you are alone on the side and being confronted with a huge crowd.

When you are making a decision listen to all but never let your decision be shaped by the others as it will no more remain your decision or rather it will not be the decision of anyone. However good ideas people might give to you, accept them only if they pass through a filter of righteousness. Even if your idea doesn't pass this test, don't give your consent to it.

Learn how to smile when there would be tears in your eyes but also be sure that there is no shame in shedding tears. Learn how to shout on those who are guilty and harsh to others and also be gentle and sweet on occasions but you should know how to follow the middle path as too much harsh behavior would alienate you and if you became too sweet, you would be eaten away.

Learn not to keep a small price of your skills and abilities. But be careful not to sell your soul or heart at any price. These irreplaceable assets cannot be sold, however high the price may be.
Learn how to shout when there is need of it and everyone is silent and lack the courage. Also learn to have the courage to be patient and show tolerance. It needs the best of bravery.

All the above points were taken from a famous letter written to his son's teacher by Abraham Lincoln, a visionary president of America who stood firm to bring an end to the slavery in his country and made all its states united to form a big and strong country to lead the world for many centuries to come. This letter has lessons to all of us and the dust of time has failed to fade the enthusiastic messages it contains.

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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