Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

A Month of Blessings


A Month of Blessings

Such inspirational and impressive scenes could have been only witnessed in the blessed and holy month of Ramadan. I had such a job that I used to get free very late and could hardly reach home for Iftaar (fast-breaking). Like so many others, I used to pedal my bicycle as quick as possible but when there remained a distance of 5-6 minutes to home, Azans started calling from the mosques and I had to break my fast on the way.

I always preferred that I should reach home early and wait with the whole family for the Azan and when it called, you would love to pass dates to your elders and wait till they said the prayers and every one broke the fast after saying 'Amen' to it.

Just before Azan, the roads and streets used to get deserted and there passed one or two others who hurried to their houses. But then there were two points that always attracted me on the way. In one point, a middle-aged man used to hold a glass of cold and sweet juice in his hand and with all the love and honesty offered a glass to the passerby.

He would always do it with a smile on his face and with a deep humility in his action. It looked as if he was grateful to the people who drank his juice. When you finished your glass, he would go running to a side where he had left a jug and would come to you to have one more glass of it. It was almost impossible for you to deny his offer as he did it with extreme love and emphasis.

On the second point, there used to stand two brothers who were hardly more than 12 but hail to their parents that they were brought up with all the good manners. Mostly it happened that I used to drink two glasses from the uncle and was not able to drink anymore but as you reached to these kids, they would stop you with holding glasses of juice in their hands, would say Salaam to you and would request you to have a glass of juice from them as well. At times, they offered you with fresh and ripe dates along with the juice.

With a smile on their faces, with sincerity in their voices and with a plea in their eyes, no one was able to refuse to them. Being thirsty for the whole day and then immediately drinking two glasses of juice with the uncle, I never felt the need to drink anymore but those boys made you to drink.

Such scenes can be seen on many different streets or points as well but what made these two points distinct was the presence and exhibition of love and sincere service. It is the month of Ramadan that still offers to us to earn others hearts and Allah's favors by doing such service. It is one of those rituals or festivals where the blessings of Allah shower on all; both the provider and receiver of service.

Similarly, I have seen people who do special arrangement to be blessed with all the blessings of the month. A big transporter used to arrange a big space where poor beggars and taxi drivers used to eat meal on Iftaar. Good thing was that, he was himself found to be busy in working on the spot and providing the people with food and water. Usually, I noticed his small sons who used to help him there and it was a training that could have hardly been achieved from any other means.

Although ignorance and illiteracy has almost faded away the spirit of worship in the month, yet there are some wise men who know how to achieve the true spirit of the worship in this holy month. They bring their small children to the mosque so that they should witness the grand and powerful unity of Muslims who assemble at one place leaving aside all the differences.

Then they provide them with a chance to enjoy the worship that is done is with all the sincerity and adherence to the ways of the Prophet (PBUH). When hundreds of people stand in honor of the Holy book and listen to it attentively, when they all bend and bow to the Lord of both the worlds and when they relate all their demands to the Supreme Power.

Best of the honesty and sincerity can be experienced in this month. When it is late at night and you are having a very good and sweet sleep, then you wake up and leave your warm and pleasing bed. In winter, when it is too cold and the chilling air frightens you a lot and persuades you to keep sleeping, you leave your bed and show your availability in the service of Allah.

When it is hot and short nights always make you feel less of sleeping and when you cannot open your eyes easily, you just get up to obey an order. Some people rely on just taking a cup of tea and have some bread when they wake up for Sehar (eating in late night) but there are many who make preparations and cook special meals and make salad just to give more importance to this occasion. In my childhood, our elders never let us start the food without waking up properly.

For this, they directed us to wash our faces properly and then have a cup or two of green tea before starting the meal and made us wait for the meal for at least 10 minutes. They had a unique philosophy for that. They were of the view that we don't get up for eating with the eyes shut and then immediately running to the bed, rather we get up just to show that we are willingly ready to sacrifice our sleeps and comfort and show extreme importance to the order given to us in this regard.

Similarly, when we used to sit for Iftaar, again our elders reminded us of giving importance to it as well. This could have been done by preparing for the Iftaar with all the best things available to you. Some moments earlier, all the available things were made ready and all the mem

ers used to assemble at a place and waited for the Azaan. As the Azaan started, it was not permitted to us to attack the food at once, rather we waited for our elders to start and they always started by giving a date to the youngest member in the gathering. In this way, messages of love and affection were exchanged and self-denial was learnt.
Such continuous showers of blessings continued the whole month and it was and is a month waited eagerly by all the honest Muslims.

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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